1 Verbs 1 R Part Expanded Few E-S Flashcards
to be . . . when dealing with an essential characteristic
ser (8)
to have . . . when used as a helping verb
haber (11) he has ha hemos habéis han hube hubiste hubo hubimos hubísteis hubieron habré habrás habrá habremos habréis habrán
to be able to 1. (having capability) a. can My girlfriend can dance salsa. b. to be able to I need my glasses to be able to see.
- (asking for something or permission)
a. can
Can you pass me that pencil?
Could I see a menu, please?
b. may
?May I use the bathroom?
c. to be allowed to
Are we allowed to bring alcohol to the concert?
poder (o-ue)
Mi novia puede bailar salsa.
(I need my glasses to be able to see. Necesito mis gafas para poder ver)
¿Me puedes pasar ese lápiz?
¿Podría ver un menú, por favor?
¿Puedo usar el baño
¿Podemos traer alcohol al concierto?
to tell, say
decir (e-i)
digo dices dice decimos decís dicen
to go
to be going to do something
- (to go to a place)
a. to go to
Are you going to go to the party on Saturday?
You should go to school before it gets any later.
2. (expressing intentionality)
a. to go
Can you go and ask your brother if he wants to have dinner?
b. to be going to
I’m going to water the garden when the sun goes down.
ir a + infinitivo
¿Vas a ir a la fiesta el sábado?
Debes ir a la escuela antes de que se (haga (Subj )) más tarde.
¿Puedes ir a preguntarle a tu hermano si quiere cenar?
Voy a regar el jardín cuando baje (Subj 3rd P) el sol.
to leave
They want to leave.
Let her go!
Quieren irse.
¡Déjala irse!
to see; to understand; to investigate or look into something; to visit or see someone
**to find oneself; (to appear;/ tolook;) to meet up*
Men like to look masculine.
They were to meet here at seven.
It’s an advantage to be good looking.
He promised to meet him at the coffee shop.
A los hombres les gusta verse masculinos.
Tenían previsto verse aquí a las siete.
Es una ventaja el verse bien.
Prometió verse con él en la cafetería.
to give; to hand, hand over; to yield
to find something or someone
dar con algo o alguien
to decide to infinitive
dar por + infinitivo, dar en + infinitivo
to look over a place
dar a lugar, dar sobre lugar
to give birth
dar luz, dar a luz
to turn (around)
darse vuelta
to make no difference
dar lo mismo (39)
to give or devote oneself to something
darse a algo (39)
to assume or consider someone or something to be - adjective or participle
You’re not giving up,
dar por + adjectivo, dar por + participio
No te vas a dar por vencido,
to realize
It took him only a few minutes to realize his mistakes.
It didn’t take Tom long to realize he wasn’t welcome there.
darse cuenta de
Sólo le llevó unos minutos darse cuenta de sus errores.
No le tomó mucho a Tom darse cuenta de que no era bienvenido allí.
make known
- (to divulge)
a. to announce
The committee has announced the names of this year’s prize winners.
b. to make known
Juan made his disapproval known by voting against the bill.
c. to publish (results or analysis)
The scientists published the findings of their research yesterday.
darse a conocer
El comité ha dado a conocer los nombres de los ganadores del premio de este año.
Juan dio a conocer su desaprobación con un voto en contra del proyecto de ley.
Los científicos dieron a conocer las conclusiones de su investigación ayer.
darse a la fuga
meet, make a date, make an appointment
darse cita
sign up,
darse de alta
to fire
darse de baja,
darse de baja,
para disparar
darse de baja
to know . . . when dealing with information; to learn
to should, must; to owe
You should meet him.
You should sleep.
You should be sleeping.
Should I go?
We ought to win.
We should sit down.
We have to leave. We must go.
Deberías conocerlo.
Deberías dormir.
Deberías ser dormir.
¿Debería ir?
Deberíamos ganar.
Deberíamos sentarnos
Debemos irnos. Debemos ir.
to put, put on
poner (-go)
to put on oneself
ponerse (-go)
to start to do something
get down to work
To diet
Become safe
I need to go on a diet.
To catch up
You need to go on a diet.
Help me stand up.
Bring the water to a boil.
I’m going to set the table.
ponerse a + infinitivo (-go)
get down to work
ponerse a dieta
ponerse a salvo
Necesito ponerme a dieta.
Necesitas ponerte a dieta.
ponerse al corriente
Ayúdame (Imp + -me) a ponerme de pie.
Pon el agua a hervir.
Voy a poner la mesa.
to seem, look like
You look tired.
You sound tired.
You look like you’re tired.
You seem busy.
It looks like rain.
She looked lonely.
It looks fantastic. That sounds great.
It seems strange.
parecer (-zco)
Pareces cansado.
Pareces ocupado.
Parece lluvia.
Parecía sola.
Parece genial.
Parece extraño.
to stay, remain
to remain to do something
quedar por infinitivo
to believe
creer (-y-)
to talk
to take; to carry
to leave someone or something behind; to let, allow
dejar (94)
to follow
seguir (e-i)
sigo sigues sigue seguimos seguís siguen
to find
encontrar (o-ue)
encuentro encuentras encuentra encontramos encontráis encuentran
to call
llamar (104)
to come
venir (e-ie) (105)
to think
pensar (e-ie) (106)
to go out, come out, get out; to leave, depart; to come out or appear
salir (-go) (111)
to return, come or go back; to turn, turn over or inside out; to return, repay, restore
volver (o-ue) (112)
to do something again; to return to
volver a infinitivo (o-ue) (112)
to regain consciousness
volver en sí (o-ue) (112)
to take, drink
tomar (122)
to know . . . when dealing with people or places; to meet someone
conocer (-zco) (124)
to live
vivir (128)
to feel, regret
sentir (e-ie) (131)
to treat, handle
tratar (134)
to attempt or try; to concern or be about
tratar de (134)
to deal with or have contact with
Handle with care!
Tom is hard to deal with.
tratar con (134) Tratar con cuidado! Es difícil tratar con Tom
to concern or be about
tratar sobre (134)
to deal in
tratar en (134)
to look, watch
mirar (142)
to tell, count
contar (o-ue) (155)
to start
empezar (e-ie) (161)
to wait; to hope for, expect
esperar (163)
to search for
buscar (173)
to exist
existir (177)
to enter
entrar (179)
to work
trabajar (183)
to write
escribir (187)
to lose, miss
perder (e-ie) (190)
to produce, cause
producir (-zco) (195)
to occur, happen
ocurrir (200)
to understand
entender (e-ie) (203)
to request, ask for
pedir (e-i) (204)
to receive
recibir (205)
to recall, remember; to remind; to wake up
recordar (o-ue) (215)
to finish, end, terminate
terminar (219)
to permit, allow
permitir (220)
to appear
aparecer (221)
to get, acquire, obtain
conseguir (e-i) (222)
to start, commence
comenzar (e-ie) (223)
to be begin to do something
comenzar a infinitivo (e-ie) (223)
to serve
servir (e-i) (226)
to remove; to take out
sacar (228)
to need
necesitar (229)
to support, keep, maintain
mantener (e-ie) (234)
to result in, turn out
resultar (238)
to read
leer (244)
to fall, collapse
caer (245)
to fall down
caerse (245)
to change
cambiar (246)
to introduce
presentar (249)
to create
crear (251)
to open
abrir (252)
to consider
considerar (261)