15 Verbs 9 SE Flashcards
resumir (3041)
to summarize
burlar (3047)
to mock
encajar (3049)
to insert, fit well
nadar (3050)
to swim
nadar en (3050)
to be rolling in
acelerar (3053)
to accelerate, speed up
desplegar (e-ie) (3058)
to unfold, deploy
desembocar (3059)
to flow into, discharge
aliviar (3063)
to lighten, relieve, comfort
cazar (3066)
to hunt
aplaudir (3068)
to clap, applaud
motivar (3071)
to motivate, cause
descuidar (3072)
to neglect
acostar (o-ue) (3077)
to lay something down; to put to bed
acostarse (o-ue) (3077)
to lie down; to go to bed
conectar (3084)
to connect, plug in
arder (3087)
to burn, glow
localizar (3102)
to locate, find, localize
herir (e-ie) (3109)
to wound, hurt
poner de manifiesto (3111)
to make something clear, to reveal something
precipitar (3119)
to plunge, hurl, rush
excluir (3121)
to exclude, reject
adorar (3124)
to adore, worship
beneficiar (3129)
to benefit
despreciar (3141)
to despise, scorn
improvisar (3144)
to improvise
emerger (3145)
to emerge, surface
clavar (3146)
to nail
volcar (o-ue) (3153)
to knock over, pour out, spill
barrer (3156)
sweep, clean out
rogar (o-ue) (3160)
to implore, pray, ask
programar (3162)
to program; to schedule, plan
ensayar (3166)
to test
votar (3172)
to vote
aislar (3174)
to isolate, insulate
rodar (o-ue) (3179)
to roll
arriesgar (3183)
to risk, venture
arriesgarse (3183)
to take a chance
bautizar (3186)
to baptize, christen
desatar (3188)
to untie, unleash; to precipitate
desatarse (3188)
to break out, erupt
alentar (3189)
to encourage
descargar (3190)
to unleash, unload
enamorar (3193)
to fall in love
reemplazar (3198)
to replace, substitute
soplar (3201)
to blow the wind
regir (e-i) (3222)
to rule, govern, manage
bañar (3224)
to bathe
bañarse (3224)
to take a bath
rozar (3226)
to chafe, rub against
remitir (3234)
to remit; to subside, let up
remitir a (3234)
to refer to, direct to
disolver (o-ue) (3240)
to dissolve
velar por (3243)
to watch over, look after
persistir (3254)
to persist
temblar (e-ie) (3255)
to shiver, tremble, shudder
cenar (3261)
to dine
tornar (3263)
to return, give back; to make, render; to go back
tornarse (3263)
to turn into or become
perjudicar (-qué) (3267)
to harm, damage, be detrimental to
prevenir (e-ie) (3270)
to avoid, prevent
culminar (3276)
to culminate, accomplish
preceder (3288)
to precede
alternar (3303)
to alternate
acertar (e-ie) (3308)
to hit the target or mark, to get right
acertar a infinitivo (e-ie) (3308)
to manage to do something
batir (3313)
to beat an object
demorar (3320)
to delay, take time
calmar (3331)
to calm, soothe, relieve
presumir (3340)
to boast, show off, suppose
fluir (3350)
to flow
asesinar (3352)
to murder, assassinate
preservar (3361)
to preserve
disimular (3364)
to conceal, hide, disguise
perfeccionar (3366)
to perfect
cocinar (3372)
to cook
navegar (3375)
to sail, navigate, browse the internet
aplastar (3391)
to flatten, crush, smash
subrayar (3396)
to underline, underscore; to highlight, emphasize
apoderarse (3421)
to take power
debatir (3422)
to debate, discuss
reponer (-go) (3423)
to replace, restore
disputar (3425)
to dispute, contest; to debate
arrebatar (3439)
to snatch, seize; to grab one’s attention
arrebatarse (3439)
to get carried away with emotion
odiar (3444)
to hate
insinuar (3453)
to insinuate, hint
fallecer (3456)
to pass away; to die
eludir (3460)
to avoid, escape, elude
ocasionar (3464)
to occasion, bring about
retomar (3489)
to retake, restart
asentar (e-ie) (3494)
to settle, establish, locate
estrechar (3501)
to tighten, make closer
traspasar (3502)
to run, go, or soak through an object; to move, pass, transfer an object
consumar (3516)
to consummate, complete; to commit, carry out
asaltar (3517)
to assault
poner de relieve (3521)
to emphasize
arrepentirse (e-ie) (3528)
to regret or repent
felicitar (3532)
to congratulate
presenciar (3538)
to be present at, witness