4.1 - Decolonisation in Africa and Asia Flashcards
What British possessions gained their independence in the immediate aftermath of WW2?
Indian, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, (Palestine)
These territories were primarily located in South Asia.
Why didn’t more colonies gain independence immediately after WW2?
- Britain wasn’t under pressure from the international community
- Less developed national/political consciousness
- Seen as key to Britain’s economic recovery
How did WW2 stir African nationalism?
- The Atlantic Charter inspired the African educated elite
- Economic revolution led to urbanisation and industrialisation
- Increased British control angered Africans
- Global shift in attitudes towards race post-1945
Which colonies gained independence in 1957?
- Gold Coast (renamed Ghana) in March 1957
- Malaya in 1957
What factors contributed to the decolonisation of the British Empire between 1957-1967?
- Nationalist Movements
- Changing Attitudes in Britain
- Changing priorities in Europe
- The Cold War
- Economic Concerns
True or False: The Cold War had no impact on the decolonisation process.
What was Britain’s approach to its African colonies after WW2?
- No immediate desire to grant independence
- Develop colonies economically through Colonial Development Cooperation
How did Andrew Cohen view the Gold Coast colony?
- Most advanced colony politically
- Likely to achieve independence
What did the British not envisage happening regarding decolonisation?
- Feasibility of independence for at least a generation
- Quicker decolonisation in West Africa due to lack of significant white settler population
What was the Burns Constitution (1946)?
- Established a Legislative Council of 12 British nominees and 18 elected African members
- Majority of elected Africans, but ultimate power remained with the British Governor
How did nationalists put pressure on British administrators?
- Wave of unrest and protests
- Formation of the Convention People’s Party (CPP)
- Campaign of non-cooperation known as ‘positive action’
Why was Nkrumah given the position of Prime Minister of the Gold Coast in 1952?
- CPP won two-thirds of the seats in the Legislative Assembly in 1951
- Need to bring CPP into government to control unrest
What events led to Ghana’s independence?
- Nkrumah’s government demonstrated responsible rule
- Togoland Plebiscite in 1956 favored unification with Gold Coast
- 1957 elections held on full adult suffrage showed majority support for independence
Fill in the blank: The Gold Coast gained independence on _______.
6 March 1957
What significant event occurred in Lagos in 1945?
A strike of railway and government workers involving 30,000 people
Who led the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons formed in 1944?
Nnamdi Azikiwe
What was the ultimate aim of the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons?
Self-governing for Nigeria
How many man-days were estimated to be lost to strike action between 1945-50?
Over 100,000
What did the Richards Constitution of 1946 allow for?
Greater African representation
Who retained ultimate power under the Richards Constitution?
The Governor-General and the Executive Council
Why were regional assemblies created in Nigeria?
To address ethnic tensions and debate local matters
How was Nigeria divided religiously and ethnically?
North region was 90% Muslim, West and East were largely Christian
What was a significant change in the Macpherson Constitution of 1951?
Extended the right to vote and created a National Council of Ministers
What was the effect of the Macpherson Constitution on regional governments?
It exacerbated tensions between different ethnicities
How did the Macpherson Constitution encourage nationalism?
It led to the growth of political parties competing for elections
What factors pushed Britain to grant independence to Nigeria in October 1960?
New political parties, concessions for reforms, and federal elections
What was the outcome of the constitutional reforms in Gambia post-WW2?
Independence achieved in February 1965
When did Sierra Leone achieve independence?
April 1961
What significant change occurred in Sierra Leone in 1922?
Division into a Colony and a Protectorate with different political systems
Who led the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)?
Sir Milton Margai
What was agreed upon in the talks in London in May 1961 regarding Sierra Leone?
Sierra Leone would be granted independence
What did British policy emphasize that contributed to nationalism in West Africa?
Economic development
True or False: British actions aimed to slow down independence in West Africa.
What was Britain’s hope for its East African colonies post-WWII?
Economic development and the creation of an East African Federation
What was the population trend in major urban centers of East Africa during this time?
Significant increases, with Nairobi’s population growing by half
How did nationalism manifest in East Africa compared to West Africa?
It was much more violent in parts of East Africa
Fill in the blank: The Tanganyika Groundnut Scheme was initiated in _______.
What was the Tanganyika Groundnut scheme?
A plan initiated in 1946 to grow large quantities of groundnuts for cooking oil due to a shortage in Britain
The scheme involved heavy investment in equipment and infrastructure but was abandoned in 1951 after costing £49m due to difficult terrain.
What was the outcome of the Tanganyika Groundnut scheme?
It was abandoned in 1951, leaving the land uncultivatable and turned into a dust bowl
The failure of the scheme led to increased support for nationalist movements among East African peasants.
How did the failure of the Tanganyika Groundnut scheme influence nationalism?
It provoked East African peasants to support nationalist movements
The economic failure and its consequences led to a rise in nationalist sentiments.
What was the name of the nationalist party in Tanganyika?
Tanganyikan African Nationalist Union
The party was led by Julius Nyerere and had significant support.
Who led the Tanganyikan African Nationalist Union?
Julius Nyerere
Nyerere was a key figure in the push for independence in Tanganyika.
How did nationalists put pressure on the colonial administration in Tanganyika?
Nyerere demanded self-government and threatened strikes and boycotts
This pressure contributed to the eventual acceptance of independence.
Why did Britain accept Tanganyika’s independence?
Tanganyika had little economic or strategic importance to Britain
Independence was granted in 1961, and it later joined with Zanzibar to become Tanzania.
What happened to Tanganyika after gaining independence?
It joined with Zanzibar to form Tanzania
This union marked a significant moment in East African history.
Why did independence seem unlikely in Uganda in 1959?
Serious tribal divisions within the colony raised concerns of a bloodbath if Britain withdrew too rapidly
These divisions complicated the political landscape in Uganda.
Why did Britain decide to grant independence to Uganda?
Uganda seemed on the verge of becoming ungovernable due to tribal differences
Independence was granted in October 1962 as Britain aimed to avoid repression.