400-28 Body Worn Cameras Flashcards
What are the modes of a BWC?
Activate, Off, Standby
Where shall a BWC be mounted?
Above the horizontal mid-line of officer
When can a supervisor authorize an employee to report to duty WITHOUT a BWC?
Due to broken or missing BWC, there is no BWC available so supervisor can authorize employee to report to duty without one
Who shall review R2R incidents with BWCs?
Two levels of supervisors immediately above officer
If authorized to work assignment without a BWC what shall an officer do?
Notify Dispatch of the authorization and the authorizing SGTs unit number
If a prisoner is transported by a two man unit who shall be required to have a BWC?
Both officers
What shall an officer do if he has to activate his BWC late?
Notify their supervisor and notate reason in report or call slip.
When may the mute function be used?
Conferring with DA, talking to UC/CIs, consulting with Physician at Mental health facility, or when told by supervisor
What is the rule for traumatic events and BWCs recording?
When traumatized complainants are present officer may use discretion to turn it off to receive candid statements (does NOT include domestic violence)
Are officers required to review their BWC before completing an incident report on it?
If an officer is unable to upload the BWC after an R2R incident due to illness or etc, who shall ensure its uploaded?
The supervisor who was told about illness or inability to upload
What shall happen with on scene BWCs after an officer shooting, in custody death or other officer incidents that involve SBI/death?
A supervisor shall transfer them to Homicide or IAD. OR ensure all videos are uploaded
How long do officers have to upload EJ related BWC footage?
72 hours after event
How long do officers have to upload EJ related BWC footage where there was a class B+ arrest?
Before conclusion of EJ
What is the retention schedule of each BWC category?
B+ 10 years. C 2 years. Info 180 days
What happens when a video is associated with a case/incident number in VEMS?
Retention schedule is place in suspension
Whats the minimum time an Activation Audit for BWCs should be performed and by who?
every 6 months, Inspections Division
What is the Compliance Audit?
IPOB with Inspections will view 20 randomly selected videos selected by Tech Services
What audits do the Tech Services perform on BWCs?
Checking for quality control purposes twice a year
Who is the main unit in charge of maintaining and repairing the BWCs?
Office of Technology Services
Who does not have to request BWC footage thru the COP?
US Attorney, HCDAO, Montgomery Co, Fort Bend Co, COH Municipal