400-07 Vehicle Use and Assignment Flashcards
What are motor pool vehicles?
Dept vehicles available to be checked out temporarily while conducting city business
What are the requirements for a permanent take home vehicle?
Routinely called out beyond normal duty hours, report directly to various sites, required to carry specialized equipment
How long can a rotational vehicle be assigned without incurring the associated fee?
90 days or less
What will happen if an employee is assigned a rotational vehicle for more than 90 days?
They shall pay the take home vehicle fee for only the time OVER the 90 days in same year
Employees shall be disqualified from driving a city vehicle if:
TDL not current, convicted of felony while using a car, convicted of DWI within 36 months, 3 at fault crashes in last 36 months
If you are disqualified from driving a city vehicle is the department required to find or create a position to accommodate you?
Who may authorize the assignment of take home dept vehicles?
Whose responsibility is it to update the THVC when an address change, vehicle change occurs or the take home fee no longer applies?
The employee
Who can approve a larger than 30 mile radius residence for take home cars?
EAC of requesting employee
What is the MAX radius possible for a take home car with permission?
50 miles
Where are you excluded from driving city vehicles?
for non-city business outside Harris county and its surrounding counties
What shall an employee do with their city vehicles if they are to be absent for more than _____ days?
5, park on police property
What are the HPD Fleet unit and all command staff members responsible for in regards to motor pool cars?
Ensure motor pool is inspected regularly, maintain central location for storage of keys, maintain Motor Pool Records
What is the process for an employee checking out a motor pool vehicle?
Employee must have immediate need, check out for the duration of their duty hours, complete vehicle usage log/motor pool slip, inspect car and note mileage
Who may approve the overnight use of a motor pool vehicle?
Requesting employee’s LT or higher
Who can approve long term checkouts for motor pool vehicles not requiring take home priveleges?
Division commander
What is the check in process for motor pool vehicles?
park in authorized area, clean interior, inspect vehicle, return keys to proper place, record mileage, (Fleet Unit) sign motor pool slip
Who may make duplicates of motor pool keys?
Personnel from HPD Fleet Unit
Who may authorize out of town travel with a city vehicle?
COP with prior approval
What are restrictions for using electronic equipment while driving a city vehicle?
Earphones and non-emergency cellphone/electronic devices use are prohibited
What are the restrictions on bumper stickers, signs or insignia on city vehicles?
They cannot be affixed or placed anywhere without authority of COP
What must classified employee do while travelling in a city vehicle with regards to attention to duty?
Maintain radio contact, monitor radio channels and act as supplementary manpower to regular units
Who provides preventative maintenance forecasts and how often?
COH Fleet Management Division, bi-weekly
What must an employee do to refill a non-departmental vehicle?
Commander send written approval to Transportation Office thru COC on Appendix B travel form
What are the provided examples of vehicle abuse?
Racing a cold engine, continuing to operate vehicle while warning lights are on, overloading a vehicle, failing to ensure preventative maintenance is done