4: Theories and Models of MIL Flashcards
Who formulated the two-step flow model of communication?
Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet
States that interpersonal connection has a considerably greater influence on public opinion than mass media outlets.
Two-step Flow Model of Communication
Describes media as the primary source of information. However, the mass’ perspective and the spread of these information is lead by opinion leaders
Two-step Flow Model of Communication
Described as the decision-makers who are considered to be people of expertise and influence.
Opinion Leaders
Manipulators of information that have the ability to bend the information released by the media
Opinion Leaders
Who proposed the Information Integration Theory?
Norman H. Anderson
Primarily concerned with how an individual integrates information depending of various factors and stimuli
Information Integration Theory (IIT)
3 factors to consider in IIT
Existing beliefs
New reaction
Weight or importance (of new information)
Explores how attitudes, behaviors, and/or beliefs are changed and conformed by the integration of new information with the existing knowledge of a person
Information Integration Theory
The evaluation of whether the new information is favorable or not
The perceived importance of the information
Who suggested the conversational maxims that served as the outline for the Information Manipulation Theory?
Paul Grice
Theory providing the conversational maxims in IMT
Theory of Conversational Implicature
4 conversational maxims
Quantity - informative contribution
Quality - information contributed must be factual
Manner - be clear
Relation - relevancy of contributed information
Theory that states how people “manipulate” or play with information during discourse
Information Manipulation Theory
States that the spread of false message works by the violation of conversational structure in attempts to distort information
Information Manipulation Theory
Who proposed the Information Manipulation Theory?
Steven McCornack
Statements intended to be accurate
Fabricated incorrect facts
Unintended release of accurate information
Unintentional Reveal
Unintended inaccuracy
Who proposed the Medium Theory?
Herbert Marshall McLuhan
Father of Media
Herbert Marshall McLuhan
Described as the return to a more universal form of communication
Medium Theory
Theory stating that the medium is the message
Medium Theory
The nature of the medium that was being used was more important and impactful than the actual content of the message itself
Medium Theory
Other term for Media Dependency Theory
Media Systems Dependency Theory
Who proposed the Media Dependency Theory?
Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur.
Systematic and scientific approach to the study of the effects of mass media
Media Dependency Theory
States: The individual tends to develop dependency on the media to satisfy their needs
Media Dependency Theory
The more dependent a person is to media, the more important and influential media becomes to that person
Media Dependency Theory
3 degrees of dependence in media
Social Stability
Active Audience
3 types of effects in Media Dependency Theory
Cognitive Effects - beliefs, values, etc.
Affective Effects - emotions
Behavioral Effects - behavior, actions
Theory discussing how people use media to satisfy their own needs
User and Gratification Theory
Argues what people do with media, rather than what media does to peopl
User and Gratification Theory
5 need and gratification of humans
Cognitive Needs Affective Need Personal Integrative Needs Social Integrative Needs Tension Free Needs
Need to acquire information through media
Cognitive Needs
To purposely influence their moods and emotions
Affective Needs
To boost/satisfy self-esteem and reassure stability and status in society
Personal Integrative Needs
Need to socialize and build relationships
Social Integrative Needs
Need for escapism and stress relief
Tension Free Needs
Who developed the New Media Theory?
Mark Poster
Derived from the medium theory stating that the internet can transform society with the transition from broadcast communication (one-way) to network communication (interactive)
New Media Theory
Studies the implication of digital technology and relevance of digital culture
New Media Theory
Explains how mass communication affects society
New Media Theory
Collection of objects connected to each other
Individual actors in a network performing functions to create, receive, and transmit
Relationships or direct links between the individual components in a network
Edges (Ties)
Study of the way elements in a network interact and connect with each other
Network Theory
Described how much the various nodes are interconnected with each other
Clustering Co-efficient
2 types of clustering
Unclustered Network - no interconnection of links
Clustered Network - multiple interconnected nodes
Follows reporting relationship inside a network
Formal Communication
2 types of formal communication
Upward Communication
Downward Communication
Direct communication between two nodes
Communication among 3 objects
Communication within a group/organization sharing a commonality
Communicational in the largest scale (international; multi-stakeholders)
Global Network
Multiple functions that the same links within a network can fulfill
2 concepts of centrality
Centralized - a single object/group has control
Decentralized - no single entity has the control