4 (C) Brocas Lesions Flashcards
Which is thicker, primary cortex or the sensory cortex?
Primary Motor Cortex > Sensory cortex
Limbic system (3) in terms of gyri
Cingulate Gyri
Parahippocampal gyrus
Uncal Herniation involves what?
Uncus enters cerebellum via tentorium cerebelli
Tonsillar Herniation involves what?
Cerebellum enters through Foramen Magnum
Visual –> what cortical area
Either side of calcarine sulcus
Auditory –> what cortical area
Heschl’s gyrus (sup. temporal gyrus)
Olfactory –> what cortical area
Gustatory –> what cortical area
Inferior post-central gyrus
Secondary projection areas use what type of fibres
Association fibres
The association motor areas use what tracts?
Corticospinal + corticobulbar tracts
BA6 is involved with storing what?
Complex motor activities
BA 8 is involved with what
Voluntary scanning movements of eyes
Brocas area regulates what
Breathing + Volcalization
The VPL + VPM can be found where
The lateral VPL receives input from where?
Where does lateral VPL project to?
Midline region
Medial VPL receives input from where?
Where does medial VPL project to
Lateral region
VPM receives input from where?
Where does VPM project to?
Lateral Region
A lesion in the superior parietal lobe (Association somatosensory area) can lead to what
Tactile Agnosia
Primary auditory cortex gyrus =>
Heschl’s gyrus
What type of organisation is present in Heschl’s gyrus
Lesion around calcarine sulcus affecting the association pathway, could lead to what?
The insula is what?
Taste Cortex
What does the insula extend from?
Inferior margin of post central gyrus
For general association, the pre frontal cortex is involved with (3)
Regulating mood / feelings
Higher order cognitive functions
Conceptualization + planning
For general association, the parieto-temporal cortex does what (2)
Integrates info from different modalities
Involved in memory
What is lesioned in conduction aphasia?
Arcuate Fasciculus
What happens in conduction aphasia
Inability to repeat back words
What area (typically) is damaged
Inability to perform purposeful / learned skilled movements
Precentral Gyrus
What area (typically) is damaged?
Impaired ability to use language
Broca’s // Wernicks
what area (typically) is damaged?
Normal perception stripped of its meaning
Somatosensory association cortex
where are most cell bodies of trigeminal sensory fibres located
Bells Palsy
Paralysis of facial nerve = dropping of one side face
Stroke vs Bells Palsy
Stroke patients can close eyes tightly and wrinkle forehead
Speech areas in the brain are contralateral to what?
Dominant hand
Berry aneurysm leads to what type of haemorrhage