350 - Topic 9 (H&E and Coverslipping) Flashcards
the dye responsible for characteristic purple colour associated with hematoxylin
- via oxidation
natural oxidation of hematoxylin
light/sunlught and air to oxidize hematoxylin to hematein
- may take 2-4 mos
- solution will stay stable for years
- Ehrlich’s and Delafield’s
chemical oxidation of hematoxylin
uses sodium iodate (or another oxidizer)
- converts hematoxylin to hematein instantly
- can be used immediately
- but shorter shelf life
( maybe bc continue to oxidize beyond hematein to colourless compounds )
- Gill’s, Harris’, Mayer’s
what is a mordant?
a chemical that serves as a link between the dye and the substrate. The result is an insoluble compound that helps adhere the dye to the cells.
the choice of mordant will influence…
- which tissue components are stained
- what the resulting colour will be
T or F. All hematoxylin formulations are used at a high pH
F! low pH to suppress non-nuclear staining
which hematoxylin resists differentiation?
iron! strong covalent bonding
therefore only alum hematoxylins may be used progressively or regressively
most routine hematoxylin solutions are …
- potash or ammonium
- stains brick red then converted blue-purple by bluing agent
exmples of bluing agents
lithium carbonate
dilute ammonia
Scott’s tap water sub (mag sulfate, sod bicarb, water)
T or F. Alum hematoxylin may be used progressively or regressively
Progressive vs. Regressive staining
Progressive: no diff step’ section stained for a pre-determined amount of time in order to stain nucleus without staining other tissue components
Regressive: over-staining; followed by diff step with acid alc which removes stain from less desirable tissue elements
what is stainig time depdent on ?
- age of solution
- formulation
- prog vs regressive
- whether tissue is fresh-frozen or fixed
one major disadvantage of alum hematoxylins:
they are decolourized by acidic staining solutions
so unsuitable for special staining techniques using acidified stains, such as MT
T or F. Hematoxylin is cationic
T! it is a basic dye; positively charged
stains neg charged tissue elements (nucleus)
most frequently used iron hematoxylin
Weigert’s hematoxylin
(sol’n A = hematoxylin dye + 95% alc solvent; sol’n B = aq ferric chloride mordant/ox, HCl acidifier, distileld water solvent)