3.2.2 Assessing potential of different economies Flashcards
Ease of doing business index
Factors that make a business easier or harder to run
Transport and communication facilities
Raw materials traded in bulk (iron ore, wheat, oil)
levels of growth of disposable income
- Economic growth in economy as a whole suggests that income is rising → if demand is income elastic, demand may increase
- Which consumers have income growth → richer people = more profitable for luxury goods
ease of doing business
- Time, cost, and minimal capital required to open new business
- Dealing with permits and regulations
- Ease with hiring/firing employees
- Tax payable as a share of gross profit
- Cost and time needed to export and import
Countries that make business conditions easier have seen real benefits to their countries → FDI
- Trade needs transport to transport G/S and employees
- Communication line between buyers and sellers
- Basic utilities for developments
- Business that want trading relationships will not establish where infrastructure is lacking
- weak/unreliable infrastructure increases costs of production
political stability
Businesses need stable political situation → high risk
- Corruption, political unrest → high in developing countries
- Problem with ethically motivated countries
- Hinder development of these countries → lack of FDI
exchange rate
- Flexible and vary over time → uncertainty
- Cheaper domestic competition with foreign market with low exchange rate (imports dear with weak pound)
- Eg china and low price of YUAN → higher exports harder for imports to penetrate market
- Producing in country with low exchange rate can cut costs and open market
- Inflation rates?
costs of production
- Firms do not care about selling in local markets if they want to offshore to reduce labour costs
- Tradeoff between need for cheap laboru and laboru with the right technical skills
- Labour or capital intensive? (need skilled labour)
skills and availability of workforce
Availability, costs and qualities
- Skills and education of labour force
- Experience with tech
- Language skills?
- Wage costs → china low cost labour force
- Training costs
- Ease of hiring labour → easier to make people redundant
- Labour markets less regulated in developing countries → more attractive to labour intensive firms
infrastructure importance
- Need to access supplies, goods, communicate with stakeholders
- Weak infrastructure limits economic development
- Slows transport and raises cosyts
- Communication uncertain and hard
- Harder to maintain supply chains and production techniques
- Prevents efficient distribution of goods and services
location in trade bloc
- UK firms rely on exports to EU
- Firms may locate production in countries within a trading bloc to access countries without trade barriers
government incentives
- Governments encourage sources of FDI
- Reduces business tax rates to attract FDI
political stability
- Want to establish where law is reliable, reduces risk
- If law enforcement is corrupt, cannot protect foreign investors interest
- Firms can have contracts and payments
- Firms want intellectual property rights protected
natural resources
- Mining and oil: production in their natural reserves and export to high demand places
- China and commodity markets → belt road initiative
- Firms may not need to be near their raw materials due to transportation