31 Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection Flashcards
According to FMCSA Sections ____ and ____, prior to beginning a driving shift or every time a CMV driver changes equipment during a shift
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According to FMCSA Sections 392.7 and 396.13, prior to beginning a driving shift or every time a CMV driver changes equipment during a shift
(a) be satisfied that the motor vehicle is in safe _____ ______
operating condition
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According to FMCSA Sections 392.7 and 396.13, prior to beginning a driving shift or every time a CMV driver changes equipment during a shift
(B) review the last driver vehicle inspection report if required by Section ______ ()()()
396.11 (a)(2)(i)
According to FMCSA Sections 392.7 and 396.13, prior to beginning a driving shift or every time a CMV driver changes equipment during a shift
(c) sign the report only if defects or deficienies were noted by the driver who prepared the report, to acknowledge that the driver has reviewed it and that there is a ____ that the required repairs have been performed
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What should a pretrip inspection must cover
service brake,
parking brakes steering
lighting, tires, wheels, rims, horn,
windshield wipers, mirrors, coupling devices
emergency equipment
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FMCSA Part ____ requires a post-trip inspection and report.
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Every ____ ____ shall require its drivers to report, and every driver shall prepare a report in writing at the completion of each day’s work on each vehicle operated
motor carrier
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Every motor carrier shall require its drivers to report, and every driver shall prepare a report in writing at the completion of each day’s work on each vehicle operated, expect for intermodal equipment tendered by an _____ _____ _____
intermodal equipment provider
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There is an exception that states a driver does not have to submit a _____ When the driver has either found, or not been made aware of any vehicle defects
4/1/24 Practice Test
Which FMCSR Section requires a post-trip inspection?
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