30 Load Securement Flashcards
In ____, FMCSA published updated cargo securement rules in Subpart 1 to Part 393, which became effective January 1, 2004, for motor carriers operating in interstate commerce.
Book page 38
In 2002 FMCSA published updated cargo securement rules in Subpart 1 to Part 393, which became effective (M)(D)(Y), for motor carriers operating in interstate commerce.
January 1, 2004
Book page 38
The load securement rules set forth how a ____ ___ and ____ should use cargo securement devices to prevent articles from shifting on or within, or falling from CMVs
motor carrier and driver
Book page 38
_____ must be firmly immobilized or secured on or within the vehicle by structures of adequate strength,dunnage or dunnage bags, shoring bars, tietowns or a combination of these
Book page 38
What rule cover all types of cargo expect commodities in bulk that lack structure or fixed shape and are transported in a tank, hopper, box or similar device that is part of the truck
Load securement
Book page 38
Another cargo securement rule was published in (M)(Y) for clarity and uniformity of enforcement of load securement
July 2006
Book page 38
Which year did FMCSA publish updated cargo securement rules in Subpart I to Part 393?
What rule establish securement device performance criteria and requirements covering those commodities considered to be the most difficult determine the appropriate means of securement, such as logs; dressed lumber; metal coils;paper rolls;concrete pipe; intermodal containers; automobiles, light trucks and vans, heavy vehicles, equipment and machinery; flattened or crushed vehicles; roll-on/roll-off containers; and large boulders
Load securement
Book page 40
Requirements concerning securement, working load limits, and blocking and bracing are applicable to all commodities being transported except ____
Book page 38
4/1/24 Practice Test
Which year did FMCSA publish updated cargo securement rules in Subpart I to Part 393?
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