300-9 Absence from Duty Flashcards
Classified employees who have been absent for over 30 calendar days for any reason will be required to submit _______ immediately upon returning to work as outlined in General Order 300-17, Employee Drug Testing.
to a drug test
Benefit Year.
A period beginning September 1 and continuing through August 31 used for the purpose of awarding or calculating benefits payable to employees.
However, if the employee’s total balance exceeds 4,000 hours at the end of the benefit year, the amount of additional PTO hours that may be added to the balance is limited to ______. (of a maximum of 320 hours).
120 hours
If an employee is forced to leave employment with the city because of an illness, injury, or death, the employee or _______ the will be paid the full amount of the accrual at the rate it was accrued.
employee’s beneficiaries
Officers may schedule and take up to ______ of PTO within a benefit year.
320 hours
An officer may schedule and take up to 720 hours of PTO in a benefit year with the approval of the _____ .
Chief of Police
All nonexempt officers will receive ___ hours of PFT annually.
Exempt officers will receive ____ hours of PFT annually.
In order to avoid any forfeiture of hours, the officer must request its use at least _______ before the end of the benefit year in which the PFT hours were received
90 calendar days
The officer will be allowed to carry over the PFT hours the officer was not allowed to utilize, provided that the officer _______ and the department did not allow the officer to take the leave.
requested the PFT hours in a timely manner to prevent a loss of time
Under no circumstances will an officer be entitled to workers’ compensation coverage for injuries suffered while on PFT hours unless participating ______, or ______, ______, or ______, at a department approved authorized location.
physical fitness evaluation, firearms qualification, practice, or training,
Employees who have worked for the city for a total of ____ months (not necessarily consecutively) and who have been physically at work for at least _____ hours during the last twelve months are entitled to a maximum 12 weeks of FMLA leave during the benefit year.
12, 1,250
Section 3 FMLA
Officers required to perform military duty will be allowed up to ____ working days per ________ (October 1 through September 30). Absences will be reported on the Exceptions For Pay Report (absentee report).
15, federal fiscal year
Absences in excess of 15 working days military training will be charged to the officer’s PTO, PFT, or compensatory leave bank, provided the officer has ________.
not been granted a leave of absence.
When possible, officers will submit requests for military leave at ________ prior to the effective date of the leave. Two copies of the military orders will be forwarded through the chain of command to the appropriate assistant chief or civilian equivalent.
least two weeks
In the case of death in the immediate family of an officer, the division manager may excuse an officer from reporting for duty for as many as _______.
three working days
Funeral leave absences will be reported on the ______ (absentee report)
Exceptions For Pay Report
If officers are unable to report to their regular assignments because of adverse weather conditions, they will notify the appropriate supervisor of the specific weather conditions preventing them from reporting to work.
If the officer arrives to work within ____ of the officer’s normal starting time, no hours need to be made up.
two hours
If officers are unable to report to their regular assignments because of adverse weather conditions, they will notify the appropriate supervisor of the specific weather conditions preventing them from reporting to work.
The absent officer will be carried on the payroll as present and will make up the missed time as soon as possible by ________ or by _________.
working additional hours comparable in number to those missed, using any authorized leave.
A leave event is considered to be unscheduled if the leave is requested less than 24 hours prior to the start of the leave, unless _________.
approved by a supervisor as a scheduled leave event.
More than _____ unscheduled leave events in a benefit year may require a physician’s statement to be compensated as PTO.
Regardless of reasons for the first eight unscheduled leave events, any health-related absence in excess of the eighth unscheduled leave event will be documented with a physician’s statement, regardless of the length of each subsequent absence.
The physician’s statement will be submitted within ______ after returning to work.
If the officer fails to submit a physician’s statement, the supervisor responsible for the Exceptions For Pay Report (absentee report) will carry the officer as being absent without approved leave and the event will be processed as an unauthorized absence.
five working days
A supervisor may deny any request for unscheduled leave if that supervisor believes the reason given for the request does not justify unscheduled leave or ______________.
if the unscheduled leave would jeopardize the delivery of necessary police services during that day and shift.
If the request for unscheduled leave is for health related reasons, the supervisor will approve the leave, but may request a physician’s statement in any _______ even prior to the eighth unscheduled event.
instance of potential abuse
An officer is prohibited from working any extra employment or scheduled overtime if the officer has taken leave for his or her regular tour of duty because the officer is ill or the officer has taken _______ as a scheduled leave event.
This prohibition begins _______ for which the leave is taken and remains in effect for _____ .
leave not approved by a supervisor
at the start of the officer’s shift, 24 hours
If a single day of PTO is taken for any reason, the leave event is considered a single event.
Should the PTO requested extend beyond one day for any reason, including two or more consecutive days up to a maximum of _______ the total amount of time taken during that absence shall be considered a single event.
seven calendar days,
Officers who are absent without authorized leave for ________ are assumed to have resigned their position and appropriate actions will be taken by the department to initiate termination.
three working days without notifying their supervisor
Anyone who is absent without pay for as many as _____ consecutive calendar days may be placed on an administrative leave of absence.
_______ may grant leaves of absence without pay for officers. An employee requesting a leave of absence will make a written request to ________.
The Chief of Police
Unpaid leaves of absence in excess of 14 calendar days but less than or equal to 180 calendar days must be approved by ________ Unpaid leaves of absence in excess of 180 calendar days must be approved by ________.
the Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission.
City Council.
Officers absent without pay for 14 consecutive calendar days are required to make arrangements with the City of Houston Human Resources Department for continuation of _________.
medical and other insurance benefits.
Officers who have been absent without pay for 14 consecutive calendar days will contact the ________ when returning to work to ensure reinstatement of benefits and pay.
Police Department Personnel Division