300-35 Phase Down Program Flashcards
Phase Down Employee Compensation Request Form (PDECRF). A form available from the Employee Services Division that is used to verify, track, and ultimately compensate a PDP officer for time spent performing official duties related to the officer’s employment as a Houston police officer.
During the period of time officers are participating in PDP option A or B, officers are considered actively employed by the City of Houston Police Department as police officers. PDP options A and B officers are required to adhere to the same standards, rules, and regulations as any other active officer including adherence to all applicable General Orders and Circulars. Officers in PDP option A or B shall be subject to drug testing.
PDP options A and B are a precursor to retirement and at the time of entry into PDP, officers shall receive a date certain for the end of their PDP. Officers nearing the end of their PDP who have not transferred to option C or Deferred Cash-Out (DCO) are responsible for contacting the Employee Services Division to initiate the retirement phase 30 calendar days prior to the date certain.
Officers participating in PDP option C or DCO are considered retired.
Officers in PDP option A may elect at any time during their participation to retire and convert their participation to option DCO.
Officers in PDP option B may elect at any time during their participation to retire and convert their participation to option C or DCO.
If an officer in the PDP is injured in the course and scope of employment as a police officer and the officer suffers an incapacitating injury that endures for 60 calendar days or more, the officer’s election to participate in PDP may be voided and the officer may elect to receive a lump sum payment for the balance of the leave bank.
During the time an officer is participating in the PDP, the officer shall not accrue PTO leave or receive personal days (PO) hours.
Officers participating in PDP option A or B shall observe and be paid for City holidays, as designated by City Council, except for the floating holiday, according to the applicable PDP option in the Meet and Confer Agreement. Such holiday observation shall not cause a deduction in the officer’s phase down bank.
The PDP officer shall complete a Phase Down Employee Compensation Request Form (PDECRF) and forward the original to ARA’s Payroll Services Division and a copy to ESD’s Phase Down Unit. There is no minimum court compensation for a PDP officer. The PDP officer’s court compensation shall be paid at the hourly rate as defined herein.
Officers in PDP option A or B who are mandated to respond to department requirements for giving statements or attending hearings or meetings related to internal investigations or corrective actions shall be compensated at their hourly rate as defined herein.
Officers participating in the PDP are not allowed to work any HPD Strategic Officer Staffing Program (SOSP) hours without the prior written approval of the Chief of Police.
Workers’ Compensation issues for PDP officers injured or killed in the course and scope of their employment as a Houston police officer shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis according to the applicable laws and agreements in effect
Officers in PDP option A or B shall retain all HPD issued equipment.
Officers in PDP option C or DCO shall return all City-issued property on or before their processing day.
Officers in PDP option A or B are permitted to obtain extra employment of a police-related or nonpolice-related nature. Extra employment shall require approval of the department and shall be in accordance with the General Orders.
Officers in PDP option A are limited to a combined 40 hours of extra employment and SOSP hours during anyone-week period (the consecutive 168-hour period beginning with day shift Saturday). Officers in PDP option B are limited to a combined 60 hours of extra employment and SOSP hours during anyone-week period.