300-17 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing Flashcards
All classified and civilian employees shall be subject to controlled substance and/or alcohol testing for any of the below listed categories as outlined in this General Order.
a. Absent over 30 calendar days
b. Assignment
c. Department of Transportation
d. For Cause
e. Promotional
f. Random
It is the responsibility of the notifying division commander, to ensure the employee is notified in a _____ and ______ manner and that the employee’s name is kept confidential
confidential and respectful
The procedures will ______ to demean, embarrass, or cause psychological discomfort to the employee being tested.
not be designed
The employee shall sign the forms in the presence of the _____ or ________.
After notification, the employee shall proceed ____and _____to a designated collection site with the proper forms and approved identification to complete all the requirements of the controlled substance testing process.
division commander or commander’s designee
immediately and directly
All actions an employee takes once he or she has been notified to test shall be ______ of the collection and testing process.
In no instance shall the period of time from notification to signing in at the collection site extend beyond _____.
toward completion
two hours
Approved identification includes only a Texas driver license or Houston Police Department identification.
Should the employee arrive without one of the above forms of identification, _________ shall report to the collection site, show his identification and identify the employee.
The ______ shall determine whether or not to initiate an investigation pursuant to departmental policies.
a divisional supervisor
If an employee is unable to provide a urine specimen at the time of collection, the employee shall be required to comply with alternate _______.
Should the _______ determine the employee does not have enough body hair to collect for testing, the employee shall be directed to remain at the facility until such time as a urine sample can be provided.
hair testing.
collection site technician
Up-to-date controlled substance testing forms can be obtained from the ________, Drug Testing Unit.
Inspections Division,
All classified employees and all civilian employees in safety impact positions, after an absence of over 30 calendar days, shall submit to a controlled substance test upon the employee’s ______ returning to duty.
first day
At the start of the shift on the ______ upon returning to duty, the employee shall notify a supervisor in the employee’s chain of command of the absence of over 30 calendar days.
first day
As a condition of transfer, any officer selected for transfer to the ____________division(s) shall be subject to a controlled substance test.
In addition, assignment testing is required for officers applying for a ________ assignment per General Order 300-02, Transfer of Classified Employees.
Vice Division, Narcotics Division, Criminal Intelligence Division, Gang Division, Major Offenders Division, or Tactical Operations Division
proactive investigative
The test shall be given AFTER the officer has been selected. However, prior to being selected, an officer may withdraw the application without being subject to a controlled substance test based on assignment. In these situations officers shall not be allowed to transfer to the new assignment.
An officer’s decision to withdraw the application shall ______ the basis for an Internal Affairs Division (lAD) investigation.
NOT be
All For Cause testing of department personnel shall be conducted under the direction of _____.
All employees shall be subject to a controlled substance or alcohol test when _______ possible alcohol or drug use as outlined below.
Notification shall be made by either an on-scene supervisor, an _______ or a supervisor in the employee’s chain of command.
reasonable suspicion indicates
lAD supervisor,
Reasonable suspicion means an articulable belief based on specific facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts that an employee has engaged in alcohol use while on duty, drug abuse, or illegal drug use. Circumstances that constitute a basis for determining reasonable suspicion may include, but are not limited to:
a. A pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior
b. Information provided by a reliable and credible source
c. Direct observations of drug possession or use
d. Presence of the physical symptoms of drug use (e.g., glassy or bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, poor coordination or reflexes)
e. Violent or threatening behavior
f. Absenteeism or tardiness
g. Unexplained loss of City property
h. Post-accident
Reasonable suspicion may be developed through _______ or a __________.
direct observation by a supervisor, confidential investigation by lAD.
Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The supervisor shall take immediate precautions to ensure that the employee does not ________.
injure himself or others.
Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The supervisor shall contact the _____ or ______ and relay all relevant information.
The information should be derived through articulable beliefs based on specific facts.
The supervisor shall document the basis for the reasonable suspicion and forward correspondence to the ______or ________.
Since time is of the essence, the applicable correspondence shall be submitted via email.
shift or division commander
shift or division commander.
Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The shift or division commander shall ______and _________ the affected employee. Should the employee relate that his condition is due to prescribed or over-the-counter medication, all relevant information regarding the drug shall be documented in writing.
The documentation shall include the name of the medication in question, dosage, strength of the drug, prescription number, pharmacy name and address, and name of the physician prescribing the drug.
assess all relevant information and interview
Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
After being apprised of the aforementioned, the division or shift commander shall immediately notify the ______.
Should the situation occur after normal business hours, the _________shall be notified through the Crime Analysis and Command Center Division.
Authorization to proceed with a For Cause drug or alcohol screening test shall be given after the ______ or _______ analyzes the information and determines that an alcohol or controlled substance test is warranted.
captain of lAD
lAD on-call lieutenant
captain of lAD or the on-call lAD lieutenant
Once the decision has been made that an employee shall be tested For Cause, _______ initiated.
The lAD supervisor and the assigned investigator shall take all responsibility for___________.
an lAD investigation shall be initiated.
ensuring the employee is escorted to the collection site and submits to testing.
The lAD supervisor shall advise the employee of the option of _____ or _______ to submit to a controlled substance or alcohol screening test.
If the employee refuses to submit to testing and/or refuses to sign the testing consent form, an investigation shall be pursued and the employee ________.
consenting or being ordered
shall be relieved of duty immediately.
lAD shall be notified of any candidate refusing promotional testing.
Any candidate refusing to test shall ______________ . The promotion shall ___________.
be immediately relieved of duty and subject to disciplinary action up to and including indefinite suspension or termination
be suspended until lAD completes the investigation.
All classified employees, regardless of rank or assignment, and civilian employees in safety impact positions, shall be subject _________.
The random selection process will be determined by ___________the Houston Police Department.
to random controlled substance testing.
a computer program developed by an independent contractor outside
Division commanders shall immediately notify the employee if the employee is on duty.
Employees selected for random testing, but who are absent due to vacation, training, sick leave, other leave, or City business approved by the department, shall _______ to test until the ______ after random selection, even if the first day back occurs in the subsequent month.
not be notified
first day they return to work
The MRO will notify the Drug Testing Unit of all test results within _______. No employee shall be promoted until the results have been reviewed by the MRO and forwarded as required.
30 calendar days
The Drug Testing Unit shall notify employees of negative test results via U. S. Postal Service to the employees’ home address within _______ of receiving the information.
30 calendar days
If the positive test is a result of illegal drug use or unauthorized prescription drug use, the MRO will advise the affected employee that he has ______ from such notification to request a referee test from a portion of the original sample.
three business days
The Drug Testing Unit shall forward all positive results and paperwork from the initial drug test to lAD. Positive results shall be subject to a ________ by lAD.
Class I investigation
If an employee refuses to comply with the direct order to submit to a drug test, a supervisor shall _______.
contact lAD.
lAD shall report to the location and relieve the employee of duty immediately and shall initiate a Class I investigation.