300-21 Communicable Disease Flashcards
All department vehicles (undercover vehicles may be exempt) shall be ________ with all communicable disease control supplies for the communicable disease kit.
continuously stocked
All __________ are responsible for the dissemination and replacement of the below items, which are part of the communicable disease kit.
a. Protective body gowns
b. Disposable gloves
c. Puncture resistant container
d. Red sealable biohazard waste bags
e. Barrier resuscitation equipment
f. Goggles
g. Disposable face masks
h. Disposable disinfectant towelettes
i. Waterproof bandages
j. Protective shoe covers
k. Biohazard labels
I. Body sheets
divisional vehicle coordinators
In order to minimize potential exposure to communicable diseases, employees shall assume that __________ and ____________of a communicable disease and employees shall take the following precautions:
all persons and animals are potential carriers
Employees who have been _____ and _______ shall not refuse to physically handle or administer first aid measures to any person just because that person may have a communicable disease.
properly equipped and trained
Individuals who are contaminated with body fluids or coughing uncontrollably shall ___________ be from other individuals.
transported in separate vehicles
Employees have an ________ relevant support personnel during a transfer of custody when the suspects have body fluids present on their person or have stated they have a communicable disease.
obligation to notify
Officers who are booking a prisoner into a City jailor police station lockup facility are responsible for _______ and _________ about any prisoner who is contaminated with body fluids.
notifying the medical personnel and jail attendants
Employees who are potentially exposed to a communicable disease (e.g., employee is bitten by a person or animal, employee has open skin and comes into physical contact with another person’s or animal’s body fluids) while in _______, _____, or __________ shall document the exposure as if it were an on-the-job injury, even if it is not immediately evident that it is an “injury” (e.g., contamination of an open wound by a suspect’s blood).
The nature of the exposure should be placed in the ________.
uniform, on duty, or working approved extra employment
incident report.
The employee shall contact a supervisor and advise of the exposure. The supervisor shall evaluate the injury and complete the _________ and ___________.
City of Houston Accident Report form and the COH On the Job Injury Reference Sheet
Additionally, the employee and supervisor shall follow injury and exposure procedures in accordance with _______and __________.
General Orders 200-10, Emergency Management and 300-05, Workers’ Compensation
The employee shall go to a hospital emergency room or urgent care facility to receive protective treatment at the ________.
earliest possible time.
An employee with a potential exposure shall notify _________ of the potential exposure within ______ following the incident.
the department’s Health and Safety Unit (HSU), 24 hours
Personnel with __________ in cooperation with the HSU, will evaluate each situation and determine if in their judgment the incident qualifies as an exposure.
Houston Health Department (HHD) Bureau of Epidemiology,
After documenting the potential exposure as if it were an on-the-job injury, an employee with a potential exposure shall _____________ to the HSU within _______.
fax all injured on duty (IOD) paperwork, including a notarized Affidavit of Exposure to a Communicable Disease form, 24 hours.
If the employee may have been exposed to a communicable disease during the course of delivering pre-hospital care to a suspect or other citizen who is transported to a hospital, the employee should follow the procedures above and notify the receiving hospital that a possible exposure has occurred.
Notification is done by __________ which should be provided by the hospital. Employees shall leave the completed form at the receiving hospital.
completing a Report of Possible Exposure of Transporter form,
Section 4 “Requesting Mandatory Testing of the Source”
An employee will not be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for a work-related exposure to a reportable disease unless the employee provides the employer (City of Houston) both of the following:
a. The employee’s sworn affidavit of the date and circumstances of the exposure.
b. A copy of the results of the employee’s test taken within _________and indicating the absence of the reportable disease.
Exposure criteria and testing protocol must conform to Texas Department of Health requirements.
ten calendar days after the exposure