3. Exceptions to pass fixed signals at ABS and ATC systems Flashcards
Under the ABS system, what must you do if you are detained at a Home Signal at Stop? (3)
- Sound one long whistle
- Contact the controlling signaller
(Provide TDN, Signal Post No., Position of Train) - Provide a PA announcement
Under the ABS system, if you contact a Controlling Signaller when detained at a Home Signal, what information must the Controlling Signaller provide? (3)
- Expected duration of delay
- The reason for delay
- If Blocking Facilities have been applied
Under the ABS, when detained at a Home Signal when should the driver contact the Train Controller at Metrol? (3)
- If Controlling Signaller can’t be contacted OR
- If driver is not satisfied with response of Controlling Signaller OR
- Signaller has informed the delay will exceed five minutes
Under ABS, what must a driver do if they encounter an automatic signal at stop? (3)
- Stop train prior to signal
- Not pass signal if line ahead is known/seen to be obstructed
- Assume track ahead is occupied, obstructed or damaged
Under ABS, what train-related safety issues must a driver consider before passing an automatic signal at stop? (4)
- Braking ability of the train when considered against the gradient of track
- Defective or isolated equipment
- Bad weather conditions
- Restricted visibility (e.g. graffiti on windscreen, sunglare etc)
What phone call must a driver make before passing an automatic signal at stop and what details must they provide?
- They must call the Rule 1 Section 3 recorded message number and provide their name, motor number, signal number and TDN
Briefly describe the process a driver must undertake when performing Rule 1 Section 3 at an Automatic Signal:
- Stop at Red/defective aspect
- Assume track ahead is occupied, obstructed or defective
- If train has safe operation faults, driver can refuse to enter track section and call Train Controller at Metrol
- Leave message with Recorded Radio number and give name, signal no, motor no and TDN
- Make a PA and sound long whistle
- Proceed at extreme caution until whole train has cleared the next fixed signal
- Stop the train if another train is seen to ascertain direction
- Submit incident report
Extreme Caution is defined as:
- Being able to stop the train in half the distance that can be seen ahead
- Not exceeding 25km/h or posted track speed if lesser, until the whole train has passed the next fixed signal
- Always being prepared to find the section ahead occupied, obstructed or damaged
If there has been an equipment failure and a level crossing mechanism has not been triggered (boom arms still raised), how might a driver apply Rule 1 Section 3?
Driver is to move with extreme caution past the signal at stop until the boom barriers/flashing lights are triggered by circuitry.
Train must not enter level crossing until equipment is operating or until railway personnel are protecting the crossing.
What are the exceptions to pass a Home Signal at Stop?
- Defective
- Single line working
- Track circuited where no low-speed caution or calling-on is provided.
What are the exceptions to passing a Disc or Dwarf signal at Stop?
- Defective
- Single Line Working
What are the exceptions are there to passing an Automatic signal at Stop?
- Rule 1 Section 3
- Assisting a disabled train
- Defective
What authority does a driver need to pass a defective Home Signal at Stop?
Signaller’s Caution Order if the signal is protecting points/crossover/tramway, Verbal authority if the signal is not
What authority does a driver need to pass a Home, Disc or Dwarf signal under Single Line Working conditions?
Pilot’s authority – pilot will have appropriate paperwork and be wearing an identifiable red armband.
What authority does a driver need to pass a Home Signal that is Track Circuited where no low-speed caution or calling-on signal is provided?
Verbal permission and/or a green signal from controlling signaller.
Competent Worker is also needed to pilot train towards the train in advance
What authority does a driver need to pass a defective Disc or Dwarf signal?
Verbal instruction from the controlling signaller
How are Signallers Caution Orders delivered to the driver?
- Handed
- Transmitted
- Dictated
Can a pilot authorise the driver to pass a signal protecting the exit of the section?
What must a driver do if detained at the Dwarf or Disc signal at Stop?
- Sound long whistle
- Contact controlling signaller
Under ABS rules, can a driver receive a Signallers Caution Order instead of a Low-Speed Caution aspect?
No, if a signal can be used it must be used.
The driver receiving a Signaller’s Caution Order must observe the following details are provided and correct: (7)
- Name of Signal Box
- Date
- Time
- Destination to and from
- Signal Post No
- Signaller’s signature