3. Exceptions to pass fixed signals at ABS and ATC systems Flashcards
Under the ABS system, what must you do if you are detained at a Home Signal at Stop? (3)
- Sound one long whistle
- Contact the controlling signaller
(Provide TDN, Signal Post No., Position of Train) - Provide a PA announcement
Under the ABS system, if you contact a Controlling Signaller when detained at a Home Signal, what information must the Controlling Signaller provide? (3)
- Expected duration of delay
- The reason for delay
- If Blocking Facilities have been applied
Under the ABS, when detained at a Home Signal when should the driver contact the Train Controller at Metrol? (3)
- If Controlling Signaller can’t be contacted OR
- If driver is not satisfied with response of Controlling Signaller OR
- Signaller has informed the delay will exceed five minutes
Under ABS, what must a driver do if they encounter an automatic signal at stop? (3)
- Stop train prior to signal
- Not pass signal if line ahead is known/seen to be obstructed
- Assume track ahead is occupied, obstructed or damaged
Under ABS, what train-related safety issues must a driver consider before passing an automatic signal at stop? (4)
- Braking ability of the train when considered against the gradient of track
- Defective or isolated equipment
- Bad weather conditions
- Restricted visibility (e.g. graffiti on windscreen, sunglare etc)
What phone call must a driver make before passing an automatic signal at stop and what details must they provide?
- They must call the Rule 1 Section 3 recorded message number and provide their name, motor number, signal number and TDN
Briefly describe the process a driver must undertake when performing Rule 1 Section 3 at an Automatic Signal:
- Stop at Red/defective aspect
- Assume track ahead is occupied, obstructed or defective
- If train has safe operation faults, driver can refuse to enter track section and call Train Controller at Metrol
- Leave message with Recorded Radio number and give name, signal no, motor no and TDN
- Make a PA and sound long whistle
- Proceed at extreme caution until whole train has cleared the next fixed signal
- Stop the train if another train is seen to ascertain direction
- Submit incident report
Extreme Caution is defined as:
- Being able to stop the train in half the distance that can be seen ahead
- Not exceeding 25km/h or posted track speed if lesser, until the whole train has passed the next fixed signal
- Always being prepared to find the section ahead occupied, obstructed or damaged
If there has been an equipment failure and a level crossing mechanism has not been triggered (boom arms still raised), how might a driver apply Rule 1 Section 3?
Driver is to move with extreme caution past the signal at stop until the boom barriers/flashing lights are triggered by circuitry.
Train must not enter level crossing until equipment is operating or until railway personnel are protecting the crossing.
What are the exceptions to pass a Home Signal at Stop?
- Defective
- Single line working
- Track circuited where no low-speed caution or calling-on is provided.
What are the exceptions to passing a Disc or Dwarf signal at Stop?
- Defective
- Single Line Working
What are the exceptions are there to passing an Automatic signal at Stop?
- Rule 1 Section 3
- Assisting a disabled train
- Defective
What authority does a driver need to pass a defective Home Signal at Stop?
Signaller’s Caution Order if the signal is protecting points/crossover/tramway, Verbal authority if the signal is not
What authority does a driver need to pass a Home, Disc or Dwarf signal under Single Line Working conditions?
Pilot’s authority – pilot will have appropriate paperwork and be wearing an identifiable red armband.
What authority does a driver need to pass a Home Signal that is Track Circuited where no low-speed caution or calling-on signal is provided?
Verbal permission and/or a green signal from controlling signaller.
Competent Worker is also needed to pilot train towards the train in advance
What authority does a driver need to pass a defective Disc or Dwarf signal?
Verbal instruction from the controlling signaller
How are Signallers Caution Orders delivered to the driver?
- Handed
- Transmitted
- Dictated
Can a pilot authorise the driver to pass a signal protecting the exit of the section?
What must a driver do if detained at the Dwarf or Disc signal at Stop?
- Sound long whistle
- Contact controlling signaller
Under ABS rules, can a driver receive a Signallers Caution Order instead of a Low-Speed Caution aspect?
No, if a signal can be used it must be used.
The driver receiving a Signaller’s Caution Order must observe the following details are provided and correct: (7)
- Name of Signal Box
- Date
- Time
- Destination to and from
- Signal Post No
- Signaller’s signature
What locations will a driver be directly handed Signallers Caution Orders?
Handed from non-recorded Local Boxes
What locations will a driver be dictated a Signallers Caution Order?
What is the process?
Dictated from non-recorded remote controlled signal boxes
It will be read to the driver over the signal post telephone – driver must complete and retain.
What locations will a driver be transmitted a Signallers Caution Order?
What is the process?
Transmitted from recorded locations.
Can be transmitted via DTRS or Signal Post Phone. Driver does not need to write details, but must keep record of signallers name.
What are the three steps a driver must perform when passing a Home Signal at Stop where there is no Calling-on/Low-Speed Caution signal?
- Stop before signal
- Receive verbal instruction and/or green hand signal from controlling signaller
- Competent worker to pilot train into section
What Safe Working System does the MURL operate under?
The bi-directional ABS Safeworking System
What is the only type of signal found within the MURL?
3-Position Light-Type Home Signals
What signals within the MURL require a Signallers Caution Order to pass at stop? Who sends the order and how is it received?
Only signals protecting points require a Signallers Caution Order.
It is transmitted by the Area Controller (authorised by senior network controller) via the DTRS or Signal Post Phone (or handed)
What additional task must a driver do in the MURL if the route line is not displayed?
The driver must manually check/lock the points
What authority does a driver need when passing Intermediate Home Signals in the MURL that are not protecting points?
Verbal authority from Area Controller
What will happen if a Disc/Dwarf Signal is defective at Proceed? (5)
- Signal light to be extinguished
- Hand Signaller will be appointed to location
- Hand Signaller will display red signal to stop any approaching train
- Verbal instruction issued from Controlling Signaller
- Drivers approaching defective signal will be informed prior
Do we ever move a train into a siding without talking to the Controlling Signaller first?
An Automatic Signal must not be passed at the Stop position except: (3)
- When performing Rule 1 Section 3
- When authorised by driver of disabled train who is acting as Pilot
- Where special instructions apply to the contrary
When passing an Automatic Signal at Stop we must consider the section to be: (3)
- Occupied
- Obstructed
- Damaged
What are the exceptions for passing a Departure Signal at Stop?
- Defective
- Render assistance
What types of light can an ATC Departure signal be?
3-position light type
3-position dwarf
What authority must a driver receive to pass an ATC departure signal at Stop?
An ATC System Caution Order, regardless of whether the signal protects points or not
What is the defined speed when following an ATC System Caution Order?
Undefined, but driver must Proceed cautiously and act in accordance with Rule 1 Section 3 as far as the next fixed signal
How can an ATC Systems Caution Order be given to a driver?
Handed (locally controlled crossing loop)
Transmitted or dictated (remotely controlled crossing loop)
What kind of form can an ATC Systems Caution Order be written on?
Any piece of paper
Before issuing an ATC Systems Caution Order, must happen if positive detection on points isn’t available?
Driver or Competent Employee must inspect points and manually operate them if necessary
What exception would allow a Controlling Signaller to give an ATC Systems Caution Order before the points have been inspected?
If the departure signal is in excess of 100m from the points and positive detection is not available
Under ATC, what authority must a driver receive before departing a train from a non-signalled track towards the single line section? And what is the extra little bonus thing you have to know?
An ATC Systems Caution Order AND reference to the passing of the Home Departure Signal must be deleted
What authority is required under the ATC system if a driver is required to pass a Home Departure Signal at Danger to assist a disabled train?
Train Authority Form
How can a Train Authority Form be given?
Under what circumstances is each method given?
Handed or Dictated (never transmitted)
Local = handed
Remote = dictated
What scenarios can a Train Authority form be used?
Only one – passing a Home Departure signal at Danger to rescue a disabled train
noooo this question is not true I don’t know where I pulled it from
Under ATC, what authority must a driver have to pass a Dwarf when its is controlling the entrance to a single-line section?
ATC System Caution (or Train Authority as required)
(This is because the Dwarf is acting like a Home Departure signal)
Under ATC, what exceptions do we have for passing a Home Arrival signal at Stop?
- Defective
Under ATC, what authority must a driver have to pass a Home Arrival at Stop, and how is it received?
If the signal protects points, the driver will receive a Signaller’s Caution Order.
At locally controlled crossing loops, Caution order will be handed if appropriate.
At remote crossing loops, Caution Order will be transmitted or dictated.
If the signal is not protecting points, the driver will receive verbal instruction.
Under ATC, when might the driver be required to manually operate the Dual Control Crossing Point Machine?
At remotely-controlled crossing loops where there has been a point failure
Under ATC, what are the exceptions for passing a Home Signal at an Intermediate location?
Defective – either verbal or caution order depending on points etc.
Under ATC, what exception does a driver need for passing a Dwarf signal within station limits?
Defective – verbal instruction from signaller
How does a driver indicate their Caution Order has been cancelled? What happens to a cancelled Caution Order?
They write cancelled between two lines, with time, date and signature. Cancelled order is to be handed in with incident report.
How are Train Authority forms cancelled locally and remotely?
Locally – form is handed back to Signaller
Remotely – cross form with word Cancelled, along with time, date and signature