2. Signals (ABS, ATC, Track Force Protection and Permanent Way Signs) Flashcards
What does ABS stand for?
Automatic Block Signalling
What are the two line variances within Automatic Block Signalling?
Double Line and Single Line
What is a Track Section?
The portion of line between two Automatic signals
What is a Block Section?
The portion of track from controlled location to controlled location.
Under ABS signalling, what is the main difference when it is being operated over double lines or single line?
Under single line, the departing Home signal at the opposite end of the line will not be able to give Proceed aspects (this is possible over double lines)
Under ABS, how does a signaller give authority to a driver to enter the upcoming block section?
Using a Proceed aspect on the departing Home signal (if a signal can be used it must be used)
What is the object of the ABS section? (2)
- To prevent more than one train moving in the same direction being in a track section at the same time (prevent one train bum-bumping another)
- On bi-directional lines, to precent trains simultaneously running in opposite directions on the same line (prevent kissing trains)
How are ABS objects achieved? (3) (According to courseware)
- When a train approaches another train travelling in the same direction, the approaching train’s signals will be fixed at Stop unless the track section ahead is clear
- On bi-directional lines, if a train is in the section and another is to proceed in the opposite directions, the track circuit for the second train will be held at stop until the entire line is clear
- A single line section is a train that is signalled for the train running in both directions operating under ABS rules (seems more like a definition than an explanation, but its in the courseware and we apparently have to know it)
What’s a simplified version of how ABS works?
When a train enters a track section, the train wheels activate the ABS circuits and changes the signal it just passed from Proceed to Danger
What does the term ‘Station Limits’ refer to?
The portion of line that operates under the direct control of a signaller and protected by Home signals
Where are the Station Limits on Automatic Block Signalling systems?
Between the Arriving Home signal and the first Automatic signal after the Departing Home signal.
If a departing home signal is not provided, it is the first Automatic signal after the Arriving Home signal.
When a train is within station limits, how are the home signals controlled?
By a signaller
What does ATC stand for?
Automatic and Track Control System
Can the ATC system be used on double lines?
No, it’s for bi-directional single lines only
What is the object of the ATC system if two or more trains are moving in the same direction?
To prevent more than one train being on a track section at the same time
How does the ATC system prevent two trains travelling in the same direction from entering the same track section?
By fixed signals being controlled by track circuits protecting the train in advance
What is the object of the ATC system when trains are to proceed in opposite directions of a Single Line Section?
To prevent more than one train entering the Single Line Section at a time.
How does the ATC system prevent opposing trains from entering a Single Line Section?
By placing the opposing Departure Signal (which controls the entrance to the line) at Stop until the occupying train has cleared the Single Line Section
Under ATC, when can a driver be asked by a signaller or train controller to operate Dual Control Point Machines?
At remote-controlled crossing loops during times of signal failure
What are ATC station limits?
The portion of line between the opposing Home Arrival signals.
On the ATC system, what is the what is the driver’s authority for a train to enter the Single Line Section?
A Proceed aspect on the Home Departure Signal (or Dwarf signal if entering from a siding)
On the ATC system, what is a crossing loop?
Where a single line track forms a loop (often at a platform) where trains can pass each other safely
Under ATC, can a Home Departure signal have a low-speed caution aspect?
Under ATC, what moves would a low-speed caution aspect on a Home Departure signal govern? (2) And what will it never allow?
Used for:
- Shunting into a siding
- Low-speed movement towards another line which is not worked under ATC rules
It can never allow a driver to enter a single-line section, as this would conflict with the object of the system
Under ATC, when given a Clear Medium Speed on a Home Departure signal, or a Clear Low Speed on a dwarf for a train to move from a siding into the running line, how is the speed restriction applied?
The medium/low speed aspects are only applied until the train has cleared the points protected by the signal. The train may proceed at track speed once cleared.
Under ATC, what are intermediate signals, and are they Home or Automatic?
Intermediate signals are Three-Position signals placed at intermediate locations between crossing loops. They are automatic signals.