1. Signals (Two and Three Position Signals) Flashcards
The two basic aspects that two-position Home, Dwarf and Disc signals will display?
- Stop
- Proceed
What aspects can Siding Dwarf and Calling On signals display?
- Normal
- Proceed
What are the two types of Two Position Signals?
- Light Type
- Disc Type
What are different classes of Two Position Signals? (5)
- Disc
- Dwarf
- Distant
- Home
- Calling On
In regards to a Two Position Signal, what does the ‘Type’ describe?
The physical construction of the signal
Two Position Home Signals are fixed at and protect:
- Stations
- Signal Boxes
- Sidings
- Level Crossings
- Junctions
All Two Position Home Signals are what ‘type’ of signal?
Light type
What colours can a Two Position Home Signal display and what do they mean?
- Green = proceed
- Red, purple and blue = stop
What can a position at Stop also be referred to?
Position at Danger
If a Two Position Home Signal is at Stop, what four pieces of information can be extrapolated?
- The laying of points is unknown
- The track ahead may be occupied
- The driver may not proceed past the signal unless authorised
- The driver won’t know the aspect of the next signal
What information is being conveyed if a Two Position Home Signal is at ‘Proceed’? (4)
- The points, if any, are set for the next move
- The track ahead is clear to the next fixed signal
- Proceed at track speed as required
- Signal aspect ahead is unknown and driver must be prepared to stop if required
Does a Two Positron Home Signal indicate what the next signal aspect will be?
Are Distant Signals considered Two Position or Three Position signals?
Two Position signals
Where are Calling On Signals located
On the Up line from Stoney Point to Frankston
What is the point of a Calling On Signal?
It allows a train to enter an occupied section of track, where normal signals would inhibit the manoeuvre
True or false: A single Calling On signal can apply to multiple tracks.
False – a Calling On signal will only apply to the same track as the Home Signal above it
What does a Calling On Signal at Normal indicate?
You cannot proceed
What does a Calling On Signal at Proceed indicate?
You can proceed cautiously past the signal being able to stop short of any obstruction
What to do if both Home and Calling On signals are displaying Proceed at the same time?
It must be treated as irregular – treat both signals at their safest aspect (i.e. stop)
Describe a Disc Signal
A red, circular target that can be turned to the side
Where are Disc Signals used to control movements? (4)
- Running line to running line
- Running line to siding
- Siding to siging
- Siding to running line
Where can a Disc Signal be placed? (3)
- On the ground
- On a post with other discs
- On a post with other classes of signal
Can a two-position signal be on a post with other classes of signals?
What two aspects may a Disc Signal display?
- Stop
- Proceed
What is being communicated if a Disc Signal is at the Stop (or Danger) position? (4)
- Points may not be set for next move
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Driver must not proceed unless authorised
- Driver will not know upcoming aspects, if applicable.
What is being communicated if a Disc Signal is at the Proceed position? (4)
- Points are set for the move
- Track may be occupied
- Proceed at “reduced speed cautiously” being prepared to stop short of any obstruction
- The next signal aspect is unknown, driver must be prepared to stop
What must we be cautious of when passing a Disc Signal at proceed?
The line we are entering may be occupied or obstructed
What is the defined speed for a Disc Signal at proceed?
There is none, though sidings are a maximum of 15km/h
Two Position Dwarf Signals control train movements from: (4)
- Running line to running line
- Running line to siding
- Siding to siding
- Siding to running line
What colour indicated STOP on a Dwarf Signal?
Red, Blue or Purple
What two aspects can a Siding Dwarf indicate, and how are they indicated?
- Normal (do not proceed) – light is extinguished
- Proceed – light is yellow
What colours can a Two-Position Dwarf signal display?
Red, Blue, Purple, Green and Yellow
What is being communicated if a Light-Type Dwarf is at Stop (Danger)? (4)
- Points for next move may not be set
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Driver must not proceed unless authorised
- Driver will not know aspect of next signal
What is being communicated if a 2-position Light-Type Dwarf Signal is at Proceed? (4)
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Proceed at “reduced speed cautiously”, being prepared to stop short of any obstruction
- The signal aspect in advance is unknown and the driver must be prepared to stop if necessary
What is indicated if there are four Two-Position Dwarf Signals on the same post?
That four routes are available from that post
Is there a defined speed for proceeding past a Two Position Dwarf Signal?
No, though driver must operate train in manner that will allow them to stop short of obstructions
How is a Two-Position Dwarf Signal identified when it is placed on the same post as a Home Signal?
With a sign clearly indicating the word SIDING beneath the dwarf
When a Two-Position Dwarf is placed on the same post as a Home Signal, what two aspects can the Dwarf signal show?
- Normal (do not proceed) – extiguished
- Proceed – yellow
What movement are Two-Position Dwarfs used for when placed on the same post as a Home Signal?
It can only be used for moves into a siding – never for the same movement as the Home Signal
Can both a Home Signal and the Siding Dwarf both display “Proceed” simultaneously?
No – it must be treated as irregular and driver must treat both signals at their safest aspect (i.e. stop the train)
What is being communicated if a Two-Position Light Type Dwarf Signal on the same post as a Home Signal (i.e. Siding Dwarf) is set to Normal? (4)
Stop, essentially, because:
- Points may not be set for next move
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Driver must not proceed unless they receive authority to do so (Home Signal is separate)
- You must obey aspect displayed on Home Signal
What is being communicated if a Two-Position Light Type Dwarf on the Same Post as a Home Signal (i.e. Siding Dwarf) is set to Proceed? (4)
- Points are set for the next move
- Track may be occupied
- Proceed at “reduced speed cautiously” being prepared to stop short of any obstruction
- The upcoming aspect is unknown, driver must be prepared to stop
In cases where multiple position signals of the same class are located on the same post, how are they to be read?
How do they correspond to the tracks before you?
Top to bottom, then left to right.
These correspond to the tracks before you left to right.
What must a driver do any time two or more signals on the same post are displaying ‘Proceed’?
Treat it as irregular signal - driver to treat all signals at their safest aspect (i.e. stop the train)
Give a brief description of how Track Circuits work.
When a train passes two signals, it shorts out a signalling circuit which causes signal behind the train to revert to Stop position. This (hopefully) prevents the following driver from entering the occupied track section
What is the newer technology used (in some places) to replace the traditional Track Circuit system, to ensure multiple trains do not enter the same section?
Axle Counter Technology
Three Position Signals: are they Disc Type or Light Type?
Light Type
How are the individual lights on Three-Position Signals labelled?
A = top light
B = bottom light
C = tiny light even lower, only on Home Signals
What are the three possible Classes of Three-Position Signals, and how do we tell them apart?
- Home – two lights placed vertically one above the other
- Automatic – two lights, staggered
- Dwarf - only displays one coloured light at a time
How are Home Signals usually controlled?
By signallers
Three-Position Home Signals are fixed at and protect: (5)
- Stations
- Signal Boxes
- Sidings
- Level Crossings
- Junctions
Where are Uncontrolled Home Signals found?
All Home Signals in the MURL, except for the ones at the departure ends of platforms
How are Automatic Signals operated?
What is the primary purpose of Automatic Signals?
To expedite the safe passage of trains by dividing long sections of track into shorter sections
When may an automatic signal be passed at stop without the authority of a signaller?
When following Rule 1, Section 3
How are Dwarf signals controlled?
Through a signaller
What is an “Absolute Signal” and what class of signals are they (3)?
They are signals that require the permission of a signaller to pass – drivers cannot authorise themselves past.
Class = home, dwarf and disc signals
What are “Permissive Signals”, and what class of signals are they?
Permissive signals do not require permission from a signaller to pass, provided Rule 1 Section 3 is followed.
Class = Automatic signals
What is the only class of signal to display Low Speed Caution?
Home Signals
In Three Position signals, what speeds can be displayed if a marker light is fitted as the lower light?
Only Clear Normal Speed, Normal Speed Warning and Stop
In Three Position signals, what speeds can be displayed if a marker light is fitted as the upper light?
Only Clear Medium Speed, Medium Speed Warning and Stop
Three-Position Signal:
How is Clear Normal Speed displayed, and what is being communicated? (5)
Clear normal speed is Green over Red. It means:
- Points are set for the move
- Track ahead is clear to the next fixed signal
- Speed for the section is track speed
- The next signal will be displaying a Proceed aspect
- (The Proceed aspect could be another Clear Normal Speed, a Normal Speed Warning, or Reduce to Medium)
Three-Position Signal:
How is Normal Speed Warning displayed, and what is being communicated? (4)
Yellow light over Red
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to the next fixed signal
- The next fixed signal will be at Stop
- Normal track speed applies – however, you must reduce speed to allow for safe stopping before next fixed signal
If you receive a Normal Speed Warning aspect, what can you utilise to remember that your next signal is at stop?
Memory Aide Device
Three-Position Signal:
How is Reduce to Medium displayed, and what is being communicated? (5)
Yellow over Green
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to next fixed signal
- Next fixed signal will likely be a Medium Speed Warning or Clear Medium Speed (40km/h)
- Speed is normal track speed, however you must reduce to 40km before next fixed signal
- After passing aspect, driver must pay attention in case aspects improve (e.g. Clear Normal Speed)
What is a driver’s priority when encountering a Reduce to Medium aspect?
To reduce your train to 40km/h
Three-Position Signal:
How is Clear Medium Speed displayed, and what is being communicated? (Including ATC-specific info) (5)
Red over Green
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to next fixed signal
- Speed until next fixed section is 40km/h
- Next fixed signal will be displaying a Proceed signal
- On the ATC system, restriction only applies until whole train has cleared points
Three-Position Signal:
How is Medium Speed Warning displayed, and what is being communicated? (4)
Red above Yellow
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to next fixed signal
- The next fixed signal will be at Stop
- Track speed is 40k/h, however driver must reduce speed to ensure stopping before next fixed aspect
What is a driver’s priority when receiving a Medium Speed Warning?
To slow train to ensure stopping can be completed before next fixed aspect
Three-Position Signal:
How is Stop displayed, and what is being communicated? (4)
Red over Red
- Points may not yet be set
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Driver should be stopped with reverser set to OFF or NEUTRAL
- Driver does not know aspect of next fixed signal
What is a driver’s priority when stopped at a STOP aspect?
That reverser is set to OFF or Neutral (with marker lights set to white)
Three-Position Signal:
How is Low Speed Caution displayed, and what is being communicated? (4)
Red over Red over Teeny Tiny Yellow (proceed)
Red over Red over Teeny Tiny Extinguished (stop)
- The points are set for the move
- The track may be occupied
- Track speed is maximum of 15km/h – must be able to stop short of obstruction
- Driver does not know aspect of next signal and should prepare to stop
When are Low Speed Caution signals often used? (3)
- Moving into sidings (running line to siding)
- Moving into occupied sections
- Running line to running line (e.g. coupling a train)
What safety mechanism is no longer available when moving past a Low Speed Caution signal?
Track circuit protection
How do Low-Speed Caution signals interact with bi-directional portions of track?
They don’t – a Low Speed Caution signal cannot be used for train movements into bi-directional portions of track
What are the signals that will indicate your next aspect will be at STOP?
Normal Speed Warning OR Medium Speed Warning
What is being communicated with a Clear Medium Speed aspect with an illuminated 65 or 80 beneath it? (4)
- The points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to next signal
- You may travel at the speed illuminated until the next fixed signal
- Next fixed signal will be at proceed
What is a common danger for drivers passing areas where illuminated 65 and 80 signals are frequently displayed?
The driver may incorrectly assume the sign is illuminated – a driver must check these signals carefully each time they pass through
What signals can sometimes display an illuminated letter “A”?
Home signals only
How does the presence of an illuminated letter “A” change how a driver interacts with a home signal?
It has the same rules of passing as an automatic signal – they may apply Rule 1 Section 3 if necessary
What does the presence of an illuminated “A” signify about the way a Home Signal is operated?
The signaller has gone home for the night, it is now being operated automatically
Can a driver detained at a Home Signal without the illuminated letter “A” apply Rule 1 Section 3 if necessary?
No. Absolutely not. You must contact Area Controller and remain on your train.
What does the term “Switched In” indicate?
That a signaller is inside the signal box and is operating the points and signals
What does the term “Switched Out” indicate?
That the signaller is off-duty and the signal box is unattended
What does the term “Fleeting Mode” indicate?
That the signal box is switched out and signals are being operated automatically
What physical (non-signal) indicator is used to indicate that the signal box is closed and the signaller is off-duty?
A Signal Box Closed Sign.
Can signal boxes be remotely operated?
What aspects can be displayed by Three-Position Dwarf Signals? (3)
- Stop
- Low Speed Caution
- Clear Low Speed
Three-Position Dwarf Signals:
How is a STOP aspect indicated, and what is being communicated? (4)
Indicated with single Red, Purple or Blue light.
- Points may not be set for next move
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Driver should have reverser placed in OFF or Neutral
- Driver will not know aspect of next signal
Three-Position Dwarf Signals:
How is a Low Speed Caution aspect indicated, and what is being communicated? (4)
Indicated with single yellow light
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead may be occupied
- Track speed is max. 15km/h – must be able to stop short of obstructions
- Driver does not know aspect of upcoming signal
Three-Position Dwarf Signals:
How is a Clear Low Speed aspect indicated, and what is being communicated? (4)
Indicated with single green light
- Points are set for next move
- Track ahead is clear to next fixed signal
- Next fixed signal will be at Proceed
- Maximum speed of 15km/h
Is a Banner Indicator a signal?
What must you do if a Banner Indicator is defective?
Report to Train Controller at Metrol and treat next fixed signal at stop
What is the primary purpose of a Banner Indicator?
To indicate the aspect of signal ahead where clear view cannot be obtained
How does a Banner Indicator light indicate a green?
The line will be vertical
How does a Banner Indicator Light indicate a red?
The line will be horizontal
How does a Banner Indicator Light indicate a yellow?
The line will be at a 45-degree angle
When performing Rule 1 Section 3, can Banner Indicators be considered the signal in advance?
No way, pal, you can’t even do that under normal conditions
Now is a great time to have a little look through pages 44 to 52, at the diagrams of how Banner Indicators translate to each of the Fixed Signals
That sounds dull but probably useful. It would actually be more fun if I made myself cute little flash cards instead, but this looking at the book is a good bare minimum
What’s the only bit of information we really need to know about Repeating Signals?
They exist, on the Down from Frankston going to Stoney Point
What do w