3. Double Sharps & Flats, Minor and Enharmonic Scales Flashcards
What does each Major Key have?
A relative minor key.
What does an accidental in front of a note do?
Raises or lowers the pitch of a note.
To what notes do accidentals apply?
Only to the notes on that specific line or in that specific space in that specific measure.
What cancels an accidental?
A natural accidental or a bar line.
What does a double sharp sign do?
Raises a sharp one chromatic semitone (half step) and raises a natural note one chromatic whole tone (whole step or two half steps). Equivalent to 2 sharps)
What does a sharp sign do?
Raises a natural note one chromatic semitone (half step)
What does a natural sign do?
Cancels an accidental and is always a white key.
What does a flat sign do?
Lowers a natural note one chromatic semitone (half step)
What does a double flat sign do?
Lowers a flat one chromatic semitone (half step) and lowers a natural note one chromatic whole tone (whole step or two half steps). Equivalent to 2 flats)
What is the symbol for a double sharp?
Similar to a small x with diamonds on the ends
What is the symbol for a double flat?
Two flat symbols
What is a chromatic whole step?
A whole step with the same letter name - C to Cx
What is a chromatic half step?
A half step with the same letter name - C to C#
What is a diatonic whole step?
A whole step with a different letter name - C to D
What is a diatonic half step?
A half step with different letter names - C to Bb
When does an Interval use a double flat?
When a Major interval with the top note as a flat becomes a minor interval by lowering the top note one chromatic semitone. A flat is lowered to a double flat.
What are the guidelines to naming an interval?
The bottom note of the interval names the Major key. Determine the Major interval first. Lower the top note one chromatic semitone (half step) to change a Major interval into a minor interval. If the top note is a flat, lower it to a double flat.
How are accidentals written for harmonic intervals of a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 when both notes have accidentals?
The accidental is written closest to the top note and further away from the bottom note.
How are accidentals written for harmonic intervals of a 7 or 8 when both notes have accidentals?
The accidentals are written lined up vertically (above each other).
What is acceptable when writing a harmonic interval and there is no room for correct placement of accidentals?
It is acceptable to place the accidental further away from the top note.
What does a Major key and its relative minor key have in common?
The same Key Signature.
Where and how are Major keys written on the Circle of Fifths?
On the outside in upper case letters.
Where and how are minor keys written on the Circle of Fifths?
On the inside of the circle in lower case letters.
What letter (Major key) is the landmark and starting position for adding the relative minor keys to the Circle of Fifths?
The first letter of the alphabet “A” on the flat and sharp sides.
What is the first minor key added to the Circle of Fifths?
f minor on the flat side.
A) What is the minor key sentence starting on the flat side of the Circle of Fifths?
B) What is the minor key sentence starting on the sharp side of the Circle of Fifths?
A) “father charles goes down and ends battle”
B) using sharps - “father charles goes down and” - change to flats - “and ends battle”
What is the distance between a Major key and its relative minor key?
3 semitones (3 letter names)
How many and what minor scales contain a double sharp?
Six. The harmonic and melodic minor scales of g sharp minor, a sharp minor and d sharp minor.
What creates a harmonic minor scale?
Raising the 7th note one chromatic semitone ascending and descending.
What creates a melodic minor scale?
Raising the 6th and 7th notes one chromatic semitone ascending and lowering the 6th and 7th notes one chromatic semitone descending.
What happens to a sharp when it is raised one chromatic semitone (half step)?
It becomes a double sharp.
How may minor scales be written?
Using accidentals or a Key Signature and with or without a centre bar line.
If a minor scale is written using a centre bar line, what happens to the accidentals?
They are cancelled by the centre bar line and have to be written in the ascending and descending scales.
If a minor scale is written without a centre bar line, what happens to the accidentals?
The accidentals are written in the ascending scale; only the accidentals for the lowered 6th and 7th are repeated in the descending scale.
What does a double sharp lowered one chromatic semitone become?
A sharp.
What is the same between tonic major and tonic minor (harmonic or melodic) scales?
They both have the same Tonic (first) note.
What is different between tonic major and tonic (harmonic or melodic) minor keys?
They are not related keys. They do not use the same Key Signature. The tonic minor key will have the same Key Signature as its relative Major Key.
What is the relative minor of C Major?
a minor
What is the relative minor of G Major?
e minor
What is the relative minor of D Major?
b minor
What is the relative minor of A Major?
f# minor
What is the relative minor of E Major?
c# minor
What is the relative minor of B Major?
g# minor
What is the relative minor of F# Major?
d# minor
What is the relative minor of C# Major?
a# minor
What is the relative minor of Cb Major?
ab minor
What is the relative minor of Gb Major?
eb minor
What is the relative minor of Db Major?
bb minor
What is the relative minor of Ab Major?
f minor
What is the relative minor of Eb Major?
c minor
What is the relative minor of Bb Major?
g minor
What is the relative minor of F Major?
d minor
What is the relative Major of a minor?
C Major
What is the relative Major of e minor?
G Major
What is the relative Major of b minor?
D Major
What is the relative Major of c minor?
Eb Major
What is the relative Major of f minor?
Ab Major
What is the relative Major of g minor?
Bb Major
What is the relative Major of d minor?
F Major
What is the relative Major of a# minor?
C# Major
What is the relative Major of ab minor?
Cb Major
What is the relative Major of bb minor?
Db Major
What is the relative Major of c# minor?
E Major
What is the relative Major of d# minor?
F# Major
What is the relative Major of eb minor?
Gb Major
What is the relative Major of f# minor?
A Major
What is the relative Major of g# minor?
B Major
What is the relative minor of C, C# and Cb Major scales?
What is the relative minor of D and Db Major scales?
What is the relative minor of E and Eb Major scales?
What is the relative minor of F and F# Major scales?
What is the relative minor of G and Gb Major scales?
What is the relative minor of A and Ab Major scales?
What is the relative minor of B and Bb Major scales?
What are the relative Majors of a, a# and ab minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of b and bb minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of c# and c minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of d and d# minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of e and eb minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of f and f# minor scales?
What are the relative Majors of g# and g minor scales?
What does a Major scale and its relative minor scale have in common?
The same Key Signature.
What does a Major scale and its Tonic minor scale have in common?
The same Tonic (first) note.
What are Enharmonic Tonic Minor Scales?
Scales that use the SAME pitches but are written with notes using different letter names (Enharmonic equivalents). Ex bb minor and a# minor scales
How many Enharmonic minor scales are there and what are they?
bb minor and a# minor
eb minor and d# minor
ab minor and g# minor
What is an Enharmonic equivalents?
Notes with the same pitch using different letter names.
Name six Enharmonic equivalents.
C# and Db D# and Eb F# and Gb G# and Ab A# and Bb B and Cb
Name the three Enharmonic Major Keys.
7 and 5 - C# and Db
6 and 6 - F# and Gb
5 and 7 - B and Cb
Name the three Enharmonic minor keys.
5 and 7 - bb and a#
6 and 6 - eb and d#
7 and 5 - ab and g#
What do Relative Major and minor scales have in common?
The same Key Signature - they are related
What do Tonic Major and minor scales have in common?
The same Tonic note. They are not related.
What is another name for Tonic Major and minor scales?
Parallel Major and minor scales.
How do Enharmonic Tonic Major and/or minor scales compare?
The begin on the same pitch as the given key but use different letter names. They are not related.
How do Enharmonic Relative Major and/or minor scales compare?
They begin on the same pitch as the relative Major or minor of the given key but use different letter names. They are not related.
What is the Relative minor of C Major?
What is the Relative Major of c minor?
a minor
Eb Major
What is the Tonic minor of C Major?
What is the Tonic Major of a minor?
c minor
A Major
What is the Enharmonic Major of Db Major?
What is the Enharmonic minor of Db Major (bb minor)?
C# Major
a# minor
What is the Enharmonic relative minor of Gb Major (eb minor)?
d# minor
Describe the two steps to determine the Enharmonic scale?
- Identify the name of the scale.
2. Change the name to its Enharmonic equivalent.
What Major Key and minor key have 7 sharps?
C# and a#
What Major Key and minor key have 6 sharps?
F# and d#
What Major Key and minor key have 5 sharps?
B and g#
What Major Key and minor key have 4 sharps?
E and c#
What Major Key and minor key have 3 sharps?
A and f#
What Major Key and minor key have 2 sharps?
D and b
What Major Key and minor key have 1 sharp?
G and e
What Major Key and minor key have no sharps?
C and a
What Major Key and minor key have 7 flats?
Cb and ab
What Major Key and minor key have 6 flats?
Gb and eb
What Major Key and minor key have 5 flats?
Db and bb
What Major Key and minor key have 4 flats?
Ab and f
What Major Key and minor key have 3 flats?
Eb and c
What Major Key and minor key have 2 flats?
Bb and g
What Major Key and minor key have 1 flat?
F and d
What Major Key and minor key have no flats?
C and a