1. Basic - Review Flashcards
Where are the semi-tones in a major scale?
Between scale degrees three and four and seven and eight.
Where are the semi-tones in a natural minor scale?
Between scale degrees two and three and five and six.
Where are the semi-tones in a harmonic minor scale?
Between scale degrees two and three, five and six and seven and eight.
Where are the semi-tones in a melodic minor scale?
Between scale degrees two and three and seven and eight ascending and between six and five and three and two descending.
What is the key signature of C Major/a minor?
No sharps or flats.
Where are the semi-tones in a melodic minor scale?
Between scale degrees two and three and seven and eight ascending and between six and five and three and two descending.
What is the key signature of C Major/a minor?
No sharps or flats.
What does a sharp symbol do?
Raises the pitch of a natural note one half step.
What does a flat symbol do?
Lowers the pitch of a natural note one half step.
How many pitches are available in any octave?
How many pitches have their own line, space or note in any octave?
7 (A B C D E F G) - 7 notes are natural notes
When are two notes Enharmonic?
If the are the same pitch (they sound the same) but are named and written differently.
Where is the key signature placed?
After the clef and before the Time Signature.
What notes does the key signature affect and when is this not the case?
All the notes on the staff or ledger lines unless cancelled by an accidental.
Where are accidentals placed and what notes do they apply to?
In front of the note and apply only to the note on that specific line or space in the same measure.
What does a bar line cancel?
Any accidental but not the Key Signature.
What is a chromatic semitone?
A semitone that uses the same letter name.
What is a diatonic semitone?
A semitone that uses a different letter name.
What it’s an Enharmonic Equivalent?
A note of the same pitch with different letter names.
What is an interval?
The distance in pitch between two notes.
In an interval, what does the lowest note do?
Names the Major Key.
What intervals are Perfect?
1, 4, 5 and 8.
What intervals are Major or minor?
2, 3, 6 and 7.
How is an Harmonic Interval written?
One note above the other.
How is an Melodic Interval written?
One note beside each other.
What are technical degree name used for?
To identify each degree of the scale.
What are the technical degree names for the 1st, 4th and 5th notes in a scale?
Tonic, Subdominant and Dominant.
A. In relation to triads, what do Roman Numerals identify?
B. What do upper case and lower case Roman Numerals indicate?
A. The type/quality of a triad built on each degree of a scale.
B. Upper case - Major triads, lower case, minor triads.
What is special about the Dominant triad of a harmonic minor key?
It always contains the raised 7th note and is always Major.
What does each note and rest indicate?
A specific time value of sound and a specific time value of silence.
What is the time value of: A. A whole note or rest? B. A half note or rest? C. A Quarter note or rest? D. A eighth note or rest? E. A sixteenth note or rest? F. A thirty-second note or rest?
A. 4 beats B. 2 beats C. 1 beat D. 1/2 beat E. 1/4 beat F. 1/8 beat
Where is a whole rest placed on a staff?
In space 3, hanging from line 4.
Where is a half rest placed on a staff?
In space 3, sitting on line 3.
Where does an 1/8 and 1/16 rest start on the staff?
In space 3.
Where does a 1/32 rest start on the staff?
In space 4.
What are the 2 rules for flags on the 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 notes?
The flag goes to the right and the end of the flag does not touch the note head.
What is the rule for stems on beamed notes?
The note farthest away from the third line (middle line) determines the direction of all stems. Notes above the middle line, the stems go down on the left. Notes below the middle line, stems go up on the right. Notes on the middle line, stems can go either way.
What is transposing?
Writing a melody in a different octave in the same clef or an alternate clef or in the same pitch in a different octave
When transposing, what note do you look for first?
Middle C.
What are the top numbers in simple time and what does the top number indicate?
2, 3 or 4. The number of beats per measure.
What are the bottom numbers in simple time and what does the bottom number indicate?
2, 4, 8 or 16
The kind of note that equals one beat.
In reference to the Time Signature, what is a Basic Beat?
A single note for each equal group.
What is the basic beat in simple time signatures?
2 - half note
4 - quarter note
8 - eighth note
16 - sixteenth note.
What is a scoop? When are scoops joined together?
A visual aid in grouping notes and/or rests into one beat. Scoops are joined together when the note or rest values equal more than one basic beat.
What is the Pulse in relation to simple time signature?
A pulse is where the rhythmic emphasis falls.
2 - Strong, weak
3 - Strong, weak, weak
4 - Strong, weak, Medium, weak
What is the general rule with respect to whole rests?
A whole rest fills any measure with silence.
What are the 2 exceptions to the general rule with respect to whole rests?
- In 3/2 time, a whole rest receives 2 beats of silence for beats 1 and 2 (Strong + weak) when a half note value is on beat 3.
- In 4/2 time, a whole rest receives 2 beats of silence for beats 1 and 2 (Strong + weak = 2 half notes) or 2 beats of silence for beats 3 and 4 (Medium + weak = 2 half notes
In 4/2 time, how many beats of sound or silence does a breve note or rest receive?
Breve rest - receives 4 beats of silence and fills the whole measure.
Breve note- receives 4 beats of sound (4 half notes).
What does “articulation” mean?
The type of touch.