3 Flashcards
When did Darius come to power?
522 BC
Who was Darius to Cambyses?
A distant relative
Where did the first revolts against Darius happen?
Elam and Babylonia
When did the first rebellion by Babylonia break out?
October 522
Who led the first rebellion of Elam and Babylonia
When did the Persians beat the first wave of the rebellion in Babylonia?
December 522
The other alleged son of Nabonidus, who led the second rebellion in Babylonia?
Who defeated the Babylonians for the second time?
When were the Babylonians defeated for the second time?
November 521
Which were all the rebelling regions?
Persia, Elam, Babylonia, Media, Assyria, Egypt, Parthia, Margiana, Sattagydia and the Saka of Central Asia
How many advisors, including Nidintu-Bel were killed by Darius?
50, 49 + Nidintu. This also happened with Arakha the next year
How many battles did Darius fight against the rebellion in a single year?
How many revolting kings did he take prisoner?
Who was Ahuramazda?
The god of Zoroastrianism
What is ‘truth’ in Persian
What is ‘the lie’ in Persian
Drauga, which is what the kings were described as in the Bisitun inscription
How many Satrapies did Darius organise the empire into?
What were the two main duties of a Satrap?
Collect taxes and provide troops
What were the 4 royal cities at the time?
Susa, Ecbatana, Pasargadae, Persepolis
What were the 3 parts of Susa?
Apadana Mound, Royal City, Acropolis
What is the apadana?
Audience hall in Persian royal palace
What other city did Darius establish
When did construction of Persepolis begin?
What is the Persian name for the Greeks?
What is the name of Darius’ wife (the most influential one)
What is the name of Darius’ half-brother
When was Samos brought into the empire?
517 BC
When were Lesbos and Chios involved?
513 BC
Who was responsible for exploring the Indus Valley
Scylax, from the city of Caryanda in Caria
When did Darius invade Europe?
513 BC