Who was Aristophanes?
Aristophanes was a Greek playwright known for his comedy plays.
During which century did Aristophanes live in Athens?
Aristophanes lived in Athens during the 5th century BC.
Pros of Aristophanes
Lived during the time of Pericles
Cons of Aristophanes
Wrote some-part fictional plays, so no real information
Who was Aristotle?
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher known for his works on rhetoric, politics, physics, and economics.
When did Aristotle live in Athens?
Aristotle lived in Athens during the 4th century BC.
What were the strengths of Aristotle’s writings?
Aristotle’s writings were detailed and intellectual, benefiting from his understanding of the context in Athens.
Who was Euripides?
Euripides was a Greek tragedy playwright at the time of Pericles
Who was Pausanias?
Pausanias was a Greek geographer who lived during the Roman Empire in 100s AD.
Who was Plato?
Plato was a Greek philosopher and a student of Socrates, living in Athens from the 5th-4th century BC
Who was Pliny?
Pliny was a Roman scholar known for his wide-ranging interests including plants, geology, maths, and geography. He lived in the 1st century AD
Who was Plutarch?
Plutarch was a Greek-born biographer and writer who lived during the Roman Empire.
When was Plutarch alive from?
c 100AD
What might be a limitation of Plutarch’s biographies?
Plutarch’s focus on character rather than precise historical details could limit the accuracy of his biographies.
Who was Quintilian?
Quintilian was a Roman teacher known for his expertise in rhetorical skills, particularly the art of public speaking, during the 1st century AD