When did Caesar come to Egypt?
October 48 BC
When was Caesar murdered?
March 15 44BC
What was the patron-client relationship?
Relationships in Roman society where one Roman helps out a less influential or wealthy Roman
What is a client-king
Kings of non-Roman provinces, who were aided by Roman favour in return for their support of Rome
Why was Egypt important to Rome?
Natural resources- fertile land next to the Nile, which Egyptians farmed
Wealth- thriving economy due to their natural resources and location
Political Potential
Location- provided excellent trade options and resources for Rome
How much money did Ptolemy XII pay to become the ‘friend and ally of the Roman people’
6,000 talents, over half of Egypt’s annual revenue
How did Cleopatra arrive in Caesar’s room during their first meeting?
She made her way to Alexandria in a small fishing boat with a Sicilian friend, Apollodorus. She needed to find a safe way into the presence of Caesar, and so the two waited until nightfall before Cleopatra his herself in a bed-sack, which Apollodorus carried into the palace.
How old were Cleopatra and Caesar when they met
21 and 52
Why did Caesar support Cleopatra?
Physical attraction
Political sense- Caesar needed the resources of Egypt to ensure his own success in Rome
Dislike for Ptolemy and his advisors- Caesar had a poor relationship with Ptolemy ever since he had cut off Pompey’s head
How did Ptolemy die?
During the battle of the Nile in February 47 BC, he drowned in said river, leaving Caesar full control of Egypt under Cleopatra
When did Cleopatra become close to Caesar?
During Ptolemy’s siege of Alexandria (4 months long)
How does Dio suggest Caesar restored peace in Egypt?
Caesar made Cleopatra marry her younger brother, Ptolemy XIV
When did Caesar leave for Asia Minor and Cleopatra give birth to Caesarion?
July-August 47 BC
Why did Caesar not openly acknowledge Caesarion as his child?
Caesarion could not inherit anything from Caesar, and it would have been of little political advantage for Caesar to recognise the boy
When did Cleopatra visit Rome
Late summer 46 BC
Who did Cleopatra meet with in Rome?
Mark Antony and Cicero (most likely)
How many years after Cleopatra was Cassius Dio writing
Almost 200
When did Caesar leave Rome for Spain?
46 BC
When was Caesar made dictator for life?
Autumn 45 BC