What started The First Peloponnesian War? (3)
- In c461 BCE Corinth encroached on the territory of Megara - In retaliation, Megara left the Peloponnesian League and allied with Athens - Athens then helped Megara build long walls between the city and the port, Nisaea
Why did Athens ally with Megara?
Because Athens feared a Spartan attack and Megara provided an obstacle to invasion by land
What did Athens do with Aegina after its loss?
Athens incorporated the defeated Aegina into the Delian League and made it pay annual tribute
What is a summary of the First Peloponnesian War?
It was essentially one long battle that Sparta was reluctantly drawn into due to the actions of Corinth and the tense relationship with Athens
When was the Five Year’s Peace?
451-446 BCE
What was the Five Year Peace Plan?
In 451 BCE Athens and Sparta agreed on a five year peace plan - Both sides immediately contradicted the agreement but the peace somehow held
What occurred in 446 BCE?
- Euboea and Megara revolted against Athens - At the same time, Sparta briefly attacked Attica and then retreated
How did Pericles increase the tempo of Athenian expansion? And why?
- Pericles sailed to Euboea with fifty ships and 5000 hoplites, turning it into an Athenian garrison - Plutarch says this was to show Athenian strength to the remaining allies
When did Athens and Sparta sign a peace treaty? and what were the terms? (2)
446/5 BCE - Athens had to surrender Peloponnesian territories gained (mainly Nisea, Pagae, Troezen and Achaea) - Allies were forbidden from changing sides
Why did Sparta wish for these terms?
- Athens had been expanding and Sparta desired its own sphere of influence to help protect itself from the Athenian expansion
What was the difference in wealth between Athens and Sparta?
- Athens was wealthy and powerful and Pericles wished to continue the expansionist policy - Sparta however did not have the wealth to compete with Athenian expansion
What occurred during the Revolt of Samos and why did it happen? (5)
- Samos was attempting to takeover Miletus - Miletus had lost both its navy and freedom after numerous revolts and asked Athens for help - Pericles took a fleet to Samos and took control - The Samians revolted once the Athenians left - Athens took a year to suppress the rebellions
How did Pericles punish the Samians? (3)
- Pericles demolished the walls of the city - Imposed a heavy fine of 1400 talents - Confiscated its fleet
When was Corcyra founded and by who?
Corcyra was founded by Corinth in 734 BCE
What occurred post-confrontation between Corcyra and Corinth? (3)
- Corcyra began attacking Corinthian interests (trade, ports, etc.) - In retaliation, Corinth strengthened its fleet between 435 BCE and 433 BCE - Corcyra appealed to Athens for support
When was Potidaea in revolt and why?
around 432 BCE because it’s tribute (as a colony of Athens) had been doubled to 15 talents per year