When was the Conflict of the Orders
494-287 (only -440 in the study)
What was a protest secession
Non-violent protests to demand greater access to the political system.
Eg. refusing to work/live in the city which forced the patricians to listen and act on their concerns.
What was the impact of Lake Regillus
While plebeians were fighting, their own land was being destroyed/families imprisoned
When those reduced to homelessness were instructed to pay a new war tax, the soldiers went into debt
Their land/possessions would be taken, and they would be whipped, if they couldn’t repay their debts
How would a revolt impact Rome?
Income from farming
Who were the consuls at the time of Regillus?
Publius Servillius and Appius Claudius (1)
What is a quorum?
The number of people from a group needed to make a meeting official
What is a secession
Plebeian protests in the public, when plebeians left the city to create a new settlement, usually on the Aventine Hill
What were the Servillius and Claudius’ views on the secession
Appius Claudius (1) wanted to suppress the plebeians, while Servilius sought to aid them through debt relief.
What did Servilius promise when a Volscian threat came to Rome?
He promised to fight debt oppression if the plebeians joined the army.
Why did Servilius’ promise not help the secession
After the campaign, Appius used his power to imprison debtors, blaming Servilius for bypassing the Senate. Plebeians sought Servilius’ help, but he was powerless without Senate support.
What consequences did Appius (1)’s actions against the plebeians have
The consuls, now Verginius and Vetutius, could no longer gather an army; this encouraged Rome’s enemies to attack Rome’s allies
What were the viewpoints in the emergency meeting in the Senate after the consuls could no longer gather an army
Titus Larcius: Believed helping the plebeians would end the unrest, and in this way, the consuls could create an army
Appius (1): Told the Senate they should not be bullied by criminals. If plebeian debt was cancelled, they would realise the Senate would give in, and they wouldn’t stop making demands until they controlled Rome.
Who did Appius (1) suggest should be appointed to save Rome? What problem did this cause for Appius?
A dictator, Manius Valerius, to crush the rebellion
However, to Appius’ (1) dismay, he appealed to the plebeians
What did Dictator Valerius say he would do for the plebeians
Not seek power; put the plebeians’ case to the senate
What effect did Valerius’ promises have on the Roman army?
He managed to amass a force 10 legions strong and defeat the Sabine, Aequi and Vosci threat
What did Valerius request on his return to Rome? How did the plebeians see him?
On his return, Valerius requested consideration of debt relief, but was refused
The Plebeians hailed him as a hero, but they didn’t make any progress in their fight against debt relief.
Who was Sicinius
A soldier who had fought for Valerius in his battles against the Sabines, Aequi and Volsci
What did Sicinius say?
He told the army of Valerius they should have a secession, and occupy the sacred mount. He told the army to encourage plebeians to start an uprising
What did Romans do after Sicinius announced the secession?
Many citizens fled the city to avoid imminent civil war
Some joined the soldiers on the Sacred Mount
What did the plebeians do on the Sacred Mount after Sicinius’ secession
They raided surrounding farms for food
What did the Senate do in response to the FIrst Secession
They sent ambassadors to hear the Plebeians’ demands. The Plebeians repeated their request of debt relief and refused to negotiate until these demands were met
Who was Menenius Agrippa
The new consul, descended from an honourable plebeian family (although patrician himself)
What did Agrippa do?
He managed to convince the plebeians into negotiation
What were the tribunes?
Plebeian magistrates who had the power to fight against injustice and inform the Senate about Plebeians problems
What did Coriolanus do?
He argued that the plebeians should starve, for they had caused the famine by not farming
What happened to Coriolanus
The tribunes had Coriolanus indicted, and ordered him to be put on trial. Coriolanus ignored this, for he believed tribunes only had the power to help the oppressed and not punish senators.
What did Coriolanus eventually do?
Fled to Volsci and encouraged them to wage war upon Rome
What did Spurius Cassius do?
Spurius Cassius attempted to use the agrarian laws, created by the tribunes after the plebeians requested land redistribution, as a ploy to establish a tyranny
What did Cassius do after acquiring the Hernici’s land in 486?
He attempted to split this between the plebeians and the Latins
What happened to Cassius?
He was accused by the Senate of wanting to become a dictator by bribing the poor and Latins. The plebeians also became suspicious
Cassius was executed (apparently in 485) after attempting to use surplus grain to buy plebeian support
Who was Volero Publilius?
A former commander of the army who, in 473 BC, refused to join the army as an ordinary soldier