Where does the word democracy come from?
demos- people
kratos- power
What is a polis
A city state, esp. as a political entity, comprising the city’s buildings and land, as well as the citizens themselves
What is Attica
The region comprising Athens and its surrounding countryside/villages
What is an archon
1 of 9 senior magistrates responsible for key areas of Athenian government annually
Who was elected archon in 594/593
What did Solon do in his year of archonship?
Divided citizens into 4 classes based on wealth
What was the richest class?
What was the second richest class?
What was the third richest class?
What was the poorest class?
What was the assembly
A formal meeting of the people open to any citizen
What was the council of the Areopagus
an aristocratic council of ex-archons
What was a tyrant?
A sole rule of a greek city who had taken power unconstitutionally
When was Cleisthenes in control of Athens?
How many of the Athenian residents were citizens (given citizenship was not provided to women, non-Athenians or slaves)?
15%, between 30,000 and 60,000 out of 300,000
What did Cleisthenes do?
Divided the citizens of Athens into 10 tribes (as opposed to the previous 4)
What was a deme?
a village or district of the town of Athens which formed a single political unit
What council did cleisthenes introduce?
The boule
How many men made up the boule?
500, 50 from each tribe