2nd and 3rd Trimester: Fetal Lie Flashcards
fetal lie describes the relation of the _____ of the fetus to that of the mother
long axis
three different types of fetal lie
cephalic position AKA and which way it points
head to cervix
breech position
butt closest to cervix
what is it called when the fetal shoulder is closest to the cervix
acromial position
frank breech
hips flexed, kees extended/straight legs
feet near face
pike position or toes up the nose
complete breech
hips and knees flexed or bent
feet are level with buttocks
buttocks are presenting
incomplete breech
one leg extended the other is bent
foot is level with buttocks
footling breech
one or both feet are closest to the cervix
feet are lower than the buttock
situs solitus
normal thoracic and abdominal orientation
situs inversus abdominalis
thoracic = good
abdominal = oppisite
situs inversus thoracalis
thoracic = oppsite
abdominal = good
situs inversus abdominalis
throacic/abdominal both opposite
if longitudinal what plane do you scan to get cross section (axial) of fetal abdomen
position refers to the relation of the part of. the fetus to the right or the left side of the ____
birth canal
practice mega baby slide