2D. Reproduction Flashcards
What are the factors that affect breeding quality?
- Age
- Nutrition
- Environmental Temp
- Disease
- Frequency of use
- Structural soundness
Explain how age affects breeding quality
- Increase in number of sperm after puberty
- Decrease in number of sperm after 5 years
Explain how nutrition affects breeding quality (4)
- Undernutrition can delay puberty and decrease spermatozoa output
- Energy and protein balance is important
- Overweight males lack libido and can’t mount as well as has a high fat deposition in scrotum that affects temperature of sperm
- Mineral and vitamin deficiency can affect sperm production and quality
Explain how temperature affects breeding quality (3)
- High temps = loss of fertility
- decreased concentration and motility
- 15 day lag and restoration in 60 days
Explain how disease affects breeding quality (1)
- Fever increases temperature
Explain how frequency of use affects breeding quality (3)
- Temporary loss of fertility because of decrease in sperm concentration and increase abnormalities
- Animal is exhausted
- Loss of libido
Explain how structural soundness affects breeding quality (3)
- Needs to be functional to breed
- normal legs to be able to mount
- Abnormalities of reproductive organs = infertile
What are some common penile problems?
- spiral deviation
- persistent frenulum
- penile hair rings
What is the breeding soundness evaluation?
- Physical exam (penis, scrotum, legs)
- Scrotal circumference (larger scrotum = more sperm)
- Semen evaluation (concentration, abnormalities, motility, morphology)
- Libido
What are the 3 types of breeding methods?
- AI
- Natural service
- Embryo transfer
What are the 2 types of AI?
- Fresh
- Frozen
What is natural service?
- Males and females in a breeding group
- Must have a good ratio to mate in a timely manner
What is embryo transfer?
- Breed donor animal with semen from a desired sire
What is AI and what are the benefits?
- When sperm is placed in the female by artificial means
- It allows for favourable genetics to be passed onto many offspring - important in livestock breeding
What is fixed-time AI?
Breeding a large group of females in a single day
- Improves genetic merit and consistency of offspring crop
How does pregnancy rates relate between AI and natural service?
- It is similar but insemination must be done at the correct time
What are some precautions during AI to maintain semen quality? (4)
- Cold shock - prevented by giving adequate protection for the collection funnel and tube
- The tunnel must be protected from sunlight
- Semen cannot be contaminated by urine, water or lubricating jelly
- Microbial contamination must be minimized by using different sterile artificial vagina for each ejaculate
Why is heat detection important?
To inseminate at the appropriate time for it to result in pregnancy and so nothing is wasted
What are some techniques for estrus detection
- Animal behaviour
- Breeding indicators - pressure from the chest of a mounting animal to activate them
- Mount detectors - tail paint
- Pedometers - counts their steps to see if theres an increase in activity
- Electric mount detectors
What are the limitations of AI (4)
- If you use a sire many times and it has issues, then you’ve just passed it onto many offspring
- Estrus detection is labour intensive
- Inability to get good conception rates with frozen boar, ram and stallion
- Lack of technical service in some areas
What is estrus synchronization
Manipulating the females estrous cycle so they can be bred around the same time