2C. Reproduction - Males Flashcards
What are the roles of the males in the reproductive system?
- Provide half the genetic material to offspring
- Deliver the genetic material to the right part of the female reproductive tract
What is the primary sex organ in males?
- Divided into lobes
- Produce spermatozoa that are produced in seminiferous tubules (spermatogensis)
- Leydig cells (interstitial) produce testosterone
Why is testicular temperature important?
- To produce viable, fertile sperm
- Must be below body temperature
What is cryptoorchid?
- An animal that has not had his testes descend into the scrotum
- Infertile sperm since it’s at body temp
How is testicular temperature maintained? (3)
- Cremaster and tunica dartos muscles: pull the scrotum up and down to regulate temperature
- Sweat glands: help cool it down by increasing the amount of evaporative heat loss
- Specialized blood supply: allows for heat loss, the blood flowing to the testes is cooled before it arrives by a counter current heat exchange system
What is the paminiform plexus?
A loose network of small veins found within the male spermatic cord
What are the accessory organs in males? (5)
- Epididymus
- Scrotum
- Vas deferens
- Accessory glands
- Penis
What is the function of the epididymis?
- TRANSPORT sperm from seminiferous tubules to vas deferens
- CONCENTRATE sperm during the movement from head to tail of epididymis
- MATURATION of sperm
- STORAGE of sperm for 60 days it stays fertile
What is the function of the vas deferens?
TRANSPORT sperm from epididymis to urethra
What are the accessory glands?
- Vesticular
- Prostate
- Bulbourethral glands (cowpers)
What is the function of vesicular glands?
- In bulls, contribures more than half of the fluid
What is the function of the prostate gland?
- Source of inorganic ions in a small amount of fluid
- In boars it contributes alot of fluid
What is the function of the bulbourethral glands?
AKA cowpers gland
In bulls: flushes any urine residue in the urethra
In boars: portion of semen that coagulates so that semen does not flow back into the vagina from the cervix
What is the function of sigmoid flexure?
- S-shape in the penis that retracts the penis into the sheath for protection