1. Overview of Livestock Production Flashcards
What corresponds to the brown line (increasing) and orange line (decreasing) in terms of food production?
- Population
- Urbanization
- Consumer Preference
- Land
- Costs
- Resources/Environment
- Carbon/Water Constraints
Why was there a decrease in beef production in 2005?
Drought, trade, mad cow disease
When there is an increase in beef production in 2010, what happens to the production of pork?
- When one decreases, another one increases
How much cattle in Canada? Is there more beef or dairy farms?
- Almost 12million
- More beef than dairy
Who has the most/least dairy cattle in Canada? (Region and specific provinces)
Most: Eastern
- Quebec
Least: Atlantics
Why is milk expensive to transport? (4)
- Highly perishable
- Needs refrigeration
- Heavy
- Supply managed
What is supply management?
A quota system that controls the quantity of products produced
- Producers must purchase quota to sell processors
The 3 pillars of supply management?
- Production planning
- Price administration
- Import controls
What is the beef production cycle?
- cow-calf
- backgrounding
- finishing
Who has the most/least beef cattle in Canada? (Region and specific provinces)
Most: Western
- Alberta
Least: Atlantics
What are the factors that contribute to beef distribution?
- Availability of land (for cow-calf operations)
- Access to feed (grown in the western provinces)
- Slaughter capacity (federally inspected)
- Proximity to US markets
Why is proximity to US markets a contribution to beef distribution?
Many large US slaughter facilities and feedlots have close geographic association with western Canada
How many hogs are in Canada?
14 million
Who has the most/least hogs in Canada? (Specific provinces)
- Most: Quebec
- Least: BC and Atlantics
Who has the most/least pigs PER FARM in Canada? (specific provinces)
- Most: Manitoba
- Least: BC
Where was the shift in production for pigs?
East (Quebec) to West (Manitoba)