23: Motor Pathways Flashcards
Stretch reflex
increase sensed by spindle fibers in the belly of the muscle and strech receptors in tn the muscle tendonds cause this contraction of the muscle
Flexor Reflex
stimulation by a painful stimulius can cause reflex uscle flexion
ex-tensor reflex
causue the musles to extend, lenghtn, or straignten, oppsoite of ipsilateral reflex
primary motor cortex
lies along the pre-central gyrus of the cerebral cortex
pre central gyrus
is mapped out moving from medial to lateral, beginning with the muscles of the foot and ending with the face
pre motor cortex
nuerons here stimulate muscle groups involved in paticular tasks such as word formation or hand skills
lateral corticospinal tract
most fibers from the cortex pass down the brain stem and spinal cord through this
vestibular nuclei
one of the centers that recives its primary sensory afferent information from the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear consist of this group located in the medulla oblongata
vestibulospinal tracts
motor nerves are carried to the antigravity muscles through the lateral and medial of these
a portion of the inner ear that entends from the cochela
saccule and utricle
two membraneous chambers that vestibule contains
calcium carbonate particles entangled in gell matrix of vestibule
static equilibrium
the vestibular apparatus is primarly involved with the ability to precieve the position of the head .. this
semicircular canals
three of these extedn from the vestibuliar apparatus positioned at right angles to each other
each semi cicular canal has this enlarged portion at one end