21: Hearing, Taste, and Smell Flashcards
External ear
conducts sound vibrations using air as the medium
middle ear
the chamber on the inside of the tympanic membrane
three small bones in each ear, conduct sound waves through the middle ear
the opposite end of the malleus is conneded to this second ossicle
the handle of the first ossicle is this, seated agiains the inner side of the tympanic membrane
the last ossicle
the inner ear structure containing the receptors for hearing is this
Scala Vestibuil
the oval window opens into this upper chamber
Reissner’s membrane
a thin membrane, that seperates the scala vestibuli from the middle chamber
scala medi
cochlear duct, or middle chamber
Basilar membrane
thick membrane, seperates the scala media from the lower chamber
Scala tympani,
the lower chamber
fluid that fills the scala tympani and scala vestibuli, derived from cerebral spinal fluid
procuded in the scala media, contains hoigh levels of potassim ions, thought to help increase the sensitivity of hearing
organ of Corti
reciptors for hearing found on the basilar membrane in the scala media
hair cells
comprise the mechanoreceptors
tectorial membrane
below receptors
nerve deafness
neither vibrations transsmitted through the external and middle ear, nor conducted directly through the bones of the skull are precieved directly
conduction deafness
transmission of soulnd vibrations from the external ear to the inner ear are impeded, by damaged tympanic membrane, fusion of the osicles, accumulatio of ear wax, plugged eustchain tubes, or other blockages, amplfiers may help
taste buds
40 groups of cells each emeded in the epithelial tissue of the tongue
chemical receptors, tastebuds as an example
four types of taste
salty, sweet,sour,bitter, umami