21 Interventions - Individual and Public Health Flashcards
What are the individual approaches to behaviour change?
Informing people of their risks for certain disease may lead to them engaging in long term risk protective behaviour
What are the three individual ways to promote change?
- Motivational interviewing
- Problem-solving approaches and implementation planning
- Modelling and behaviour practice
What is the traditional method?
Prescription and advice -> people don’t change because they are told to change, they change when they find their own reasons to change
Describe the motivational interviewing approach to individual behaviour change
Person-centred method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence
Considered to be effective for people who are reluctant to engage in change
MI is collaborative, non-confrontantional, non-authoritative
What are the key elements and strategies of motivational interviewing?
- Expressing empathy through the use of reflective listening
- Supporting self-efficacy and optimism for change
- ‘Rolling with resistance’ rather than confronting or opposing it
- Developing an awareness of the discrepancies between the client’s current behaviours and their values/goals
What is the goal of Motivational interviewing?
To motivate people to consider a change
Is motivational interviewing effective? Explain the effects of the meta analysis
Successful, but not significantly different to other treatments -> more acceptable and less stressful for clients and counsellors
MI in drug use more successful than no intervention, limited difference with other treatments (Smedslund et al., 2011)
Comparing Mi with confrontational interviewing in substance users. MI was more acceptable and less stressful for both counsellors and clients than the confrontational approach (Schneider et al., 2000)
Describe the problem solving and implementation planning approaches to individual behaviour change
Problem-Oriented -> role of counsellor not to act as an expert but rather to mobilize the individual’s own resources to identify problems and facilitate goals
What is the focus of problem-solving approaches?
It focuses on issues at hand, in the here and now
Name the three distinct phases in problem-solving approaches?
- Problem exploration and clarification
- Goal-setting
- Facilitating action
What is the role of the counsellor in problem-solving approaches?
Not to act as an expert solving person’s problems -> rather mobilize the individual’s own resources to identify problems and arrive at solutions
It is important to deal with stages sequentially and thoroughly
Explain the problem exploration and clarification phase in problem-solving approaches?
Detailed exploration of problems the individual is facing: breaking ‘global insolvable problems into carefully defined solvable elements
Explain the goal-setting phase in problem-solving approaches?
Identifying how individual would like things to be different; setting clear, behaviourally defined, achievable goals
Explain the facilitating action phase in problem-solving approaches?
Developing plans and strategies through which these goals can be achieved
Are problem-solving approaches and implementation planning effective methods for individual behaviour change?
- Despite generally acknowledged effectiveness of problem-focused counselling styles-> surprisingly little examination of the effectiveness
Gomel et al. (1993) risk factors for heart disease study:
- Problem-solving intervention had greatest effect»_space; greater reductions in blood pressure, BMI, smoking than in education only or no intervention groups
Why is the implementing plans and intentions (facilitating action) stage of problem-solving approaches to behaviour change considered to be a key element?
Facilitating action; developing plans and strategies through which these goals can be achieved.
Like HAPA and implementation intentions, planning is an important determinant of behavioural change.
Positive results in interventions for; increased fruit intake, cervical cancer, quitting smoking and weight loss
Describe the modelling and behavioural practice approaches to individual behaviour change
Potentially overcome by learning skills or appropriate attitudes from observation of others performing them -> known as vicarious learning
What is the optimal learning condition in modelling change?
Optimal learning and increases in self-efficacy can generally be achieved through observation of people similar to the learner succeeding in relevant tasks
What does the practice of a new behaviour provide in modelling change?
Actual practice of a new behaviour provide solutions to problems and skills needed to achieve change taught through the educational program -> increase skills and self-efficacy
Explain the research relevant to modelling change inn reducing certain behaviours
Sanderson and Yopuk (2007) - intervention video
- stronger intentions to engage in protected sex, higher self-efficacy and higher levels of condom use
Kelly et al (1994) -> reducing risky sexual behaviours
- Included risk education, training in condom use
- More effective than standard education-based intervention in improving rates of condom use
Why is problem-focused and planning strategies to behavioural change sometimes not effective?
Problem-focused and planning strategies can help- BUT achieving change can still be difficult
- Particularly where an individual lacks skills and confidence in their ability to cope with demands of change
- Potentially overcome by learning skills or appropriate attitudes from observation of others performing them- vicarious learning
Why are mass media campaigns commonly used as a population approach to behaviour change?
They are used to raise awareness of health issues rather than change behaviour
What are the population approaches to behaviour change?
Print advertising, TV ads, etc potential to reach thousands of people; however do not have a significant impact on health behaviour
It is appropriate to use of fear messages, information framing and specific targeting of interventions
What type of exposure is mass media campaigns?
Exposure generally passive - resulting from incidental, routine use of media