20A Ita nia isin lolon (The body) Flashcards
our body
Ita nia isin lolon
body, flesh
isin lolon
body (of person)
leg, foot
skin, peel
blood vessel
hold, grasp
hatete, hateten
tell, say
in pain
hasai raan
have a blood test
perhaps, maybe
soul, spirit
Hau baa liur.
I’m going outside.
Ismael toba hela iha sala vizita.
Ismael is lying down in the front room.
Ismael, o moras ka?
Ismael, are you sick?
Sin, avoo, hau moras.
Yes, grandma, I’m sick.
What’s up?
Hori-bainruak hau diak hela.
Two days ago I was still OK.
Horiseik hau nia ulun deit mak moras.
Yesterday it was only my head that ached.
Agora hau nia isin lolon moras hotu.
Now my whole body hurts.
Tanba nee mak ohin hau la baa servisu, i deskansa deit iha uma.
It’s because of this that today I didn’t go to work, and am just resting at home.
Diak liu o baa hasai raan.
It’s best that you go for a blood test.
O iha malária karik.
Perhaps you have malaria.
Nia ema Ermera karik.
Perhaps she’s from Ermera.
Livru nee Joana nian karik.
This book might be Joana’s.
Vivi dukur karik.
Maybe Vivi is asleep.
Karik nia iha merkadu.
Perhaps she is at the market.
Se o la haan, orsida hamlaha.
If you don’t eat, you’ll be hungry later.
Se nia hakarak baa, bele.
If he wants to go, he can.
Se nia la baa, hau mos la baa.
If she doesn’t go, I won’t go either.
O la haan karik, orsida hamlaha.
If you don’t eat, you’ll be hungry later.
Nia hakarak baa karik, bele.
If he wants to go, he can.
Nia la baa, hau mos la baa.
If she doesn’t go, I won’t go either.
Se o la haan karik, orsida hamlaha.
If you don’t eat, you’ll be hungry later.
Se nia hakarak baa karik, bele.
If he wants to go, he can.
Se karik nia la baa, hau mos la baa.
If she doesn’t go, I won’t go either.
Se bele karik, ita nain rua aban baa hasoru administradór.
I suggest (‘if possible’) tomorrow we two go and visit the administrator.
Se bele karik, senyór husu informasaun tan hosi doutór sira.
I suggest (if possible) you ask for more information from the doctors.
Ita lalika lao dook; se lae ita bele moras.
You shouldn’t walk far; otherwise you could get sick.
La bele hirus beibeik; se lae, ferik lailais.
Don’t get angry all the time; otherwise you’ll grow old quickly.
Koalia ho lian makaas; se lae, ema la rona.
Speak loudly
otherwise people won’t hear (you).
Ita sei deskansa, depois servisu fali.
We’ll rest, and then work again.
Nia foin sai ba merkadu. Orsida mai fali.
He’s only just gone out to the market. He’ll come back soon.
Ami sosa rádiu ho folin kiik, depois faan fali.
We buy radios at a low price, then sell them.
Hau moris iha Baucau, i tuir eskola primária iha nebaa.
I was born in Baucau, and did primary school there.
Depois hau mai eskola fali iha Dili.
Then I came (and) instead/further did schooling in Dili.
Horiseik o lao ho apaa. Agora hau fali.
Yesterday you walked with dad. Now it’s my turn.
Nia buka nia amaa, maibee hetan fali nia alin.
He looked for his mother, but instead found his younger sibling.
Labarik nee hanorin fali nia mestri.
This child is teaching his teacher.
(Contrary to the expectation that teachers teach children.)
Hau nia naran Atina. Maibee nia bolu hau Alita fali.
My name is Atina. But he instead calls me Alita.
Nia hatete, “Sai hosi nee!”
She told (him), “Get out of here!”
Nia hatete ba sira, “La kleur, ema sei faan hau.”
He told them, “Soon, someone/people will betray (lit. ‘sell’) me.
Hanesan ohin ami nia kolega hatete ona, ami husu deskulpa barak ba família nee.
As our friend has just said, we ask this family for much forgiveness. (i.e. we sincerely apologise to this family)
Hatete ba nia dehan, “Hein lai!”.
Tell him “Wait a sec!”.
Mestri loro-loron hatete ba labarik sira dehan, “La bele haluha halo servisu uma.”
Every day the teacher tells the children, “Don’t forget to do your homework.”
Sira husu dehan, “Atu baa nebee?”
They asked, “Where are you going?”
Hau hatene tanba hau haree ho matan, rona ho tilun.
I know because I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears.
Hori-kalan naok-teen tama uma laran, ami haree ho matan, kaer ho liman.
Last night a thief came into the house,
and we caught him red-handed
(lit. ‘saw with eyes, caught with hands’)
Ema baku nia too tilun huun mean.
People bashed him until his ears
(lit. ‘ear base’, the area behind the ears) were red.