11B Daily activities (Atividada loro-loron nian) Flashcards
daily activities
atividade loro-loron nian
fasi, fase
dry in the sun
to clean
to iron (clothes);
iron (the noun)
help, assist
ajuda, tulun
be clean
child (to about 15 years)
hariis fatin
only just, very recently
what’s up? why?
again, back
return; again
fila fali
wash hands
fasi liman
hang/spread out clothes to dry
habai ropa
clean the house
hamoos uma
iron clothes
estrika ropa
help mum
ajuda amaa
buy clothes
sosa ropa
sell newspapers
faan jornál
take him to hospital
lori nia ba ospitál
clean the toilet
hamoos sentina
wash the clothes
fasi ropa
I’ve only just returned.
Hau foin fila.
She is cooking.
Nia tein hela.
come back
mai fali
go back
baa fali
work again
servisu fila fali
At five o’clock, Martinha returns home.
Tuku lima, Martinha fila ba uma.
She sees her mother cleaning the bathroom.
Nia haree nia amaa hamoos hela hariis fatin.
Good afternoon, mum!
Can I help?
Botardi, amaa!
Hau bele ajuda ka?
Sure! First you clean the toilet.
Bele. Agora o hamoos sentina lai.
Now we’ll quickly wash the clothes. Then we’ll cook.
Orsida ita nain rua fasi lalais ropa. Depois ita tein.
What’s up?
Didn’t older sister Luci do the washing today?
Mana Luci ohin la fasi ropa ka?
No she didn’t wash.
Today she took the children to the shop, to buy clothes.
La fasi.
Ohin nia lori labarik sira ba loja, atu sosa ropa.
Atina asks for help
Atina husu ajuda
Atina’s baby is sick.
She calls her neighbour.
Atina nia bebee moras.
Nia bolu nia vizinhu.
Older brother. Can you help me?
Maun. Bele ajuda hau ka?
The baby is sick.
Please take us to the hospital.
Bebee moras.
Favór ida lori ami ba ospitál.
I can. But I can’t wait for you there.
Bele. Maibee hau la bele hein imi iha nebaa.
When you come back home, just catch a taxi or minibus.
Fila fali mai, sae deit taksi ka mikrolét.
That’s fine, older brother. Thanks.
Diak, maun. Obrigada.
Marta and Lidia live together in Farol.
Marta ho Lidia hela hamutuk iha Farol.
Lidia, tomorrow morning are you going out or not?
Lidia, aban dadeer o sai ka lae?
No, tomorrow I’m just staying home.
Lae, aban hau iha uma deit.
We’ll wash clothes, shall we?
Ita nain rua fasi ropa, bele ka lae?
I’ll wash, then you take it to hang out to dry.
Hau fasi, depois o mak lori baa habai.
OK. Then in the evening I’ll iron.
Bele deit. Depois kalan hau mak estrika.
I can iron some too.
Hau mos bele estrika balu.
Good. I’ll go and sleep now.
Diak. Agora hau baa toba ona.
Lisensa uma nain.
Anyone at home?
(literally: Excuse me house owner!)
Hello (to kios owner).
They took me to hospital.
Sira lori hau ba ospitál.
They brought me home (here).
Sira lori hau mai uma.
He took the baby there.
Nia lori bebee ba nebaa.
He brought the baby here.
Nia lori bebee mai iha nee.
My child is sick.
Please take (him/her) to hospital.
Hau nia oan moras.
Favór ida lori ba ospitál.
Atita went to school today, but was sick.
Atita ohin baa eskola, maibee moras.
Her teacher brought (her) home (here).
Nia mestri lori mai uma.
Miguel wants to go to the shop.
Miguel hakarak baa loja.
His older brother can take him (there).
Nia maun bele lori nia ba.
Joaquim is currently in Baucau.
His uncle is to bring him (here).
Joaquim agora iha Baucau.
Nia tiu atu lori nia mai.
We’re going to Maliana now.
Tomorrow we’ll come back.
Agora ami baa Maliana.
Aban mai fali.
He came here at three o’clock.
Now he’s about to go back.
Nia ohin mai iha nee tuku tolu.
Agora atu baa fali.
He wants to return (back) home.
Nia hakarak fila fali ba uma.
You said Mr Benjamim is currently in Viqueque.
Ita dehan Senhór Benjamim agora iha Viqueque.
When is he coming back?
Bainhira mak nia fila fali mai?
His niece lives in Australia.
Nia subrinhu hela iha Australia.
She doesn’t want to come back here to Timor.
Nia lakohi fila fali mai iha Timor.
Earlier (today) he studied, then went to eat.
Ohin nia estuda, depois baa haan.
Now he is about to study again.
Agora nia atu estuda fali.
Earlier (today) I cooked, but people ate all (the food).
Ohin hau tein, maibee ema haan hotu.
Now I have to cook again.
Agora hau tenki tein fali.
Please ask again.
Favór ida husu fila fali.
He rested, then worked again.
Nia deskansa, depois servisu fila fali.
She cooked.
Ohin nia tein.
She was cooking.
Ohin nia tein hela.
She lay down.
Ohin nia toba.
She was lying down.
Ohin nia toba hela.
Where is Mum?
Amaa iha nebee?
She is (right now) cooking.
Nia tein hela.
He can’t come now, because he is working.
Nia la bele mai agora, tanba servisu hela.
Yesterday I saw you (older sister) walking.
Horiseik hau haree mana lao hela.
Earlier today I was hoping to speak with John, but he was bathing.
Ohin hau atu koalia ho João, maibee nia hariis hela.
Yesterday I couldn’t walk to the shop, because I was sick.
Horiseik hau la bele lao ba loja, tanba moras hela.
Yesterday I washed my younger sibling’s clothing, but today that clothing is dirty again.
Horiseik hau fasi hau nia alin nia ropa, maibee ohin loron ropa nee foer fali.
He bought a new car.
But having used it for less than three months, it was already out of order.
Nia sosa kareta foun ida.
Maibee uza la too fulan tolu, kareta nee aat ona.
The judge asked the suspect about a shoot-out in Bobonaro, but the suspect replied that he didn’t know about it.
Juis husu suspeitu kona ba tiru malu iha Bobonaro, maibee suspeitu hataan dehan nia la hatene kona ba buat nee.