18A Iha uma laran (In the home) Flashcards
iha uma laran
inside a house
lounge room, hall, large room
sala vizita
front living room
table, desk
fan (electric)
almari, armáriu
cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase
uma nain
house owner
earth, land, country, soil, floor
to put, store
empresta, impresta
pick up, lift
be like
for example
kuru bee
fetch water
for (purpose)
in order to
diak liu …
how about … (suggestion)
Senyora Acata baa vizita Senyora Rosel iha uma.
Mrs Acata visits Mrs Rosel at (her) home.
Bondia, senyora. Mai tuur. Presiza buat ruma ka?
Good morning, ma’am. Come and have a seat. Do you need something?
Bondia. Sín, hau hakarak koalia ho ita.
Good morning. Yes, I want to talk with you.
Hakarak koalia kona ba saida?
What do you want to talk about?
Hau hakarak buka uma ida atu sosa.
I want to look for a house to buy.
Iha ema faan uma besik iha nee ka?
Is there anyone selling a house near here?
Iha. Ami nia vizinyu ida hakarak atu faan nia uma.
There is. One of our neighbours wants to sell his house.
Uma nee iha kuartu tolu, sala rua. Iha mos varanda ho dapur.
The house has three bedrooms, and two lounge rooms. There is also a veranda and kitchen.
Uma hanesan nee, hira?
How much does a house like that cost?
Hau la hatene. Diak liu, ita baa koalia ho uma nain.
I don’t know. How about you go and talk with the house owner.
Entaun diak. Hau baa husu nia.
OK, then. I’ll go and ask him.
Obrigada. Até amanyá.
Thanks. See you tomorrow.
Orsida Alda atu tuur halimar iha sala vizita ho bainaka nain rua hosi Inglatera.
Alda will soon sit relaxing in the visitors room with two visitors from England.
Maibee sala vizita nee manas loos.
But the visitors’ room is very hot.
Nia kolega la toman manas hanesan nee.
Her friends are not used to heat like this.
Entaun, nia baa buka lai nia amaa.
So she goes looking for her mother.
Amaa, orsida hau nia kolega atu mai.
Mum, soon my friends will come.
Hau bele empresta ventuinya hosi amaa nia kuartu ka?
Can I borrow the fan from your bedroom?
Orsida hau tau fali iha fatin.
I’ll put it back in its place later.
Ita hakarak empresta osan nee hodi halo saida?
What do you want to borrow this money for?
(i.e. What will you do with it?)
Hau presiza osan hodi selu eskola.
I need money to pay for school.
Bee nee hodi halo saida?
What is this water for?
(i.e. What is it to be used for?)
Bee nee hodi hemu.
This water is for drinking.
Hau baa eskola atu estuda Portugés.
I go to school to study Portuguese.
Alin baa loja atu sosa livru.
She/he (younger person) goes to the shop to buy book/s.
Tiu faan modo atu hetan osan.
Uncle sells vegetables to get money.
Ita baa loja atu halo saida?
What did you go to the shop to do?
Horiseik hau baa loja atu sosa livru, maibee loja taka tiha ona.
Yesterday I went to the shop to buy books, but the shop was already closed.
Ohin hau baa eskola atu buka hau nia alin, maibee la hetan.
Today I went to school to look for my younger sibling, but didn’t find (him/her).
Sira nain rua hanesan deit.
The two of them are the same.
Inglés iha Austrália ho Inglés iha Índia la hanesan.
English in Australia and English in India are not the same.
Lian Inglés iha Inglatera la hanesan lian Inglés iha Índia.
English in England is not the same as English in India.
Iha nebaa malirin hanesan iha Kanadá.
There it’s cold like in Canada.
Nia koalia Portugés hanesan ema Brazíl.
She speaks Portuguese like Brazilian people do.
Hau gosta koalia hamutuk hanesan nee.
I love talking together like this.
Nia dadeer-dadeer haan aifuan, hanesan haas ka hudi.
Every morning he eats fruit, such as mango or banana.
Sira iha animál barak, hanesan karau, fahi ho bibi.
They have many animals, such as buffalo, pigs and goats.
Teki nia modelu atu hanesan lafaek.
A gecko’s shape is similar to that of a crocodile.
Lian Indonézia ho lian Malázia atu hanesan.
Indonesian and Malaysian are similar.
Ita lao ona.
Let’s go.
Hau tenki baa ona eskola.
I have to go to school now.
Hau baa tein ona.
I’ll go and cook now.
Nonook ona!
Shut up!
Baa ona!
Go (away) now!
Mai haan ona!
Come and eat (now)!