17A Halo festa (Lets party) Flashcards
halo festa
having a party
receive, get
wear, get dressed
separate, distribute
drunk, overdosed, tipsy, poisoned
tua lanu
kareta lanu
car sick
halo tinan
have a birthday
buffalo, cattle
chicken, bird
motel, hotel
tua manas
distilled palm wine
tua mutin
sweet palm brandy
tua sabu
palm brandy
lalika, lalikan
don’t, don’t bother
like this, in this way
tiha ona
have, had, did, already
foo osan ba avoo
give money to grandmother/grandfather
simu osan hosi apaa
receive money from Dad
hatais ropa foun
wear new clothes
fahe osan
distribute money (handouts)
oho karau
kill buffalo/cattle
Nia halo tinan hitu.
He turns seven.
Nia koalia nunee.
He spoke like this.
Hau haan tiha ona.
I have eaten.
Sira faha malu.
They seperated / broke up.
Iha ami nia rai ami dehan hanesan nee.
In our country we say it like this.
Iha Timor ita dehan hanesan nee ka lae?
In Timor do you say it like this?
Iha situasaun nee, ita tenki hatete buat ruma?
Tenki hatete saida?
In this situation should we say anything?
What should we say?
Marta koalia ho nia avoo, dehan nia atu baa festa.
Marta speaks with her grandma, saying she will go to a party.
Botardi avoo.
Good afternoon grandma.
Hai, botardi Marta. Tuur lai iha nee.
Hey, good afternoon Marta. Sit down here a while.
Lalika husu amaa.
Don’t need to ask Mum.
/ No need to ask Mum.
O nia ropa kapaas loos. O hatais foun atu baa nebee?
Your cloths are very nice. You’re wearing new clothes to go where?
Hau atu baa festa avoo.
I’m going to a party grandma.
Festa saida?
What party?
Hau nia tia Ana ohin halo tinan tolu nulu.
My aunt Ana is turning thirty today.
Nunee ka? Entau o nia main ho pai la baa?
Is that so! Then you your Mum and Dad aren’t going?
Sira seidauk hatais.
They aren’t dressed yet.
Marta atu foo saida?
What are you (Marta) going to give (as a present).
Hau foo osan deit.
Hau la hatene tia gosta saida.
I’ll just give money.
I don’t know what Aunty likes.
Nee diak. Parabens ba tia ana.
Maibee o la bele hemu tua manas, tanba bele lanu.
That’s good. Concratulations to Aunt Ana.
But you shouldn’t drink strong alcohol, because you could get drunk.
Diak avoo. Hau baa ona.
OK Grandma. I’m going now.
Nina ba festa kaben
Nina goes/went to a wedding
Nina hadeer! Agora tuku sanulu ona.
Nina get up. It’s 10 O’clock already.
Hau nia mantan sei dukur, hori kalan hau baa festa.
I’m still sleepy, last night I went to a party.
Iha nebee? Festa saida.
Where, what party?
Festa kaben. Iha Bacau.
A wedding in Bacau.
Festa boot ka.
Was it a big party?
Eee! Festa boot, dansa, hahaan barak, serveja moos barak.
Yeah! A big party, dancing, lots of food, lots of beer too.
Ouu, Nee ka? Nina mos dansa ka?
Oh, is that so? Did you (Nina) dance too?
Hau dansa, múzika kapaas, hau dansa bebeik ho Zito.
I danced, the music was great, and I danced a lot with Zito.
Zito? Zito nee see? O nia kolega eskola ka?
Zito? Who is Zito. Is he a school friend of yours?
Lae, hau konyese nia bainhira ami nain rua dansa. Nia dansa kapaas!
No, I met him when we dansed together. He’s a great dancer!
Nia klosan ka kaben nain?
Is he single or married?
Nia sei klosan.
Orsida lokraik nia atu mai, depois mana sei konyese nia.
He’s still single.
This afternoon he will come, then you will meet him.
Hau bele dansa ho ita nia senyora?
Can I dance with your wife/girlfriend?
Deskulpa, hau nia ain kole ona.
Sorry, my legs are tired.
Nia foo livru mai hau.
He gives me a book.
Sira foo bee mai ami.
They give us water.
Sira foo fahi mai ita.
They gave us a pig.
Hau foo livru ba nia.
I give him a book.
Ami foo bee ba sira.
We give them water.
Sira foo fahi ba imi.
They give you (plural) a pig.
Foo livru mai!
Give me/us a book!
Foo mai!
Give it to me/us!
Foo livru baa!
Give them/him/her a book.
Foo baa!
Give it to them/him/her
Hau lalika baa tan, tanba horiseik hau baa tiha ona.
I don’t need to go again, because I already went (there) yesterday.
Hau haan tiha ona.
I’ve eaten already (and I’m still full).
Nia mate tiha ona.
He has died.
Lalika tauk. Baa deit!
Don’t be afraid, just go.
Lalika koalia barak! Koalia uituan deit.
Don’t talk for long. Just talk a little bit.
SMS deit, lalika telefone.
Just send an SMS, no need to ring.
Mai ita haan ona.
Let’s eat now.
Mai ita komesa ona.
Let’s start now.
Mai ita reza lai.
Let’s pray first (e.g. before we eat).