203 Flashcards
203.1 Explain the role of Technical Control:
- The role of tech control is to ensuring fast, reliable, and secure exchange of information for the fleet allowing telecommunications systems control personnel to exercise operational control of communications paths and facilities, make quality analyses of communications and communications channels, monitor operations and maintenance functions, recognize and correct deteriorating conditions, restore disrupted communications, provide requested on-call circuits, and take or direct such actions as may be required and practical to provide effective telecommunications services.
- In short, they maintain and manage RF transport equipment and services.
203.2 Define the purpose of the following: [ref. g]
a. HSGR-High Speed Global Ring: Navy terrestrial connectivity infrastructure connecting multiple shore stations, to include the telecommunications stations, for transport and redundancy.
b. TNX-1100- Is an ATM switch that allows multiple shore stations (NCTS’s, mainly) to communication with one another to share and provide services to the fleet. A switch which is part of the ATM backbone, exclusively passing data. Part of the HSGR, at each site.
c. PSAX- . The PSAX collapses data interworking, switch, router, and voice media interworking onto one edge device. Part of the HSGR, at each site.
203.3 State how many TNX 1100’s make up the HSGR and where they are located:
- There were five TNX-1100’s in the fleet. They were at NCTAMS LANT, NCTS BAHRAIN, NCTS SAN DIEGO, NCTAMS PAC, and NCTS NAPLES. Again, these were for HSGR - a legacy system.
203.4 State what the terrestrial connectivity between HSGR sites is on:
- The terrestrial connectivity between HSGR sites are trunks that connect to different sites throughout the world and if one trunk goes down traffic that was riding across that trunk will automatically reroute to another trunk.
203.5 Define the following: [ref. a, d]
a. EHF FOT - Extremely High Frequency Follow-On Terminal are terminals that can handle satellite communications at low and medium data rates in the EHF spectrum.
b. NMT - Navy Multi-band Terminal provides deployed Naval Commanders with secure, protected, command, control and communications capabilities and will support the exchange of tactical data, imagery, real-time video, battlefield maps and targeting information.
c. LDR - Low Date Rate is an option of the EHF terminal (USC-38) and NMT for circuits using 75-2400 baud rate.
d. MDR - Medium Data Rate is an option of the EHF terminal (USC-38) and NMT used for circuits using 2400 bps-1544 kbs rate.
e. XDR - Extended Data rate is an option of the NMT used for circuits up to 8.192 Mbps
f. NET - A net is a service on EHF that allows multiple users to share IP resources.
g. PTP - Point to Point is a call made on the EHF terminal to connect two users and allows only these two users to communicate and exchange crypto if needed.
203.6 State the satellite and channel for the following FSB packages: [ref. b]
a. LMUL – LANT Multichannel
b. IMUL – IO Multichannel
c. PMUL – PAC Multichannel
All three have been consolidated into the Worldwide Multichannel (WMUL) Broadcast.
Uplink can occur from any station with a NMT, to the MILSTAR satellites for cross-linking, cross-banding, and worldwide broadcast.
203.7 Discuss the MILSTAR constellation and its unique capability:
- MILSTAR is a joint tri-Service SATCOM program that features both voice and data services at multiple data rates from various platforms. It provides a worldwide, secure, jam-resistant, strategic and tactical communications capability.
203.8 Define and discuss the services provided by EHF TIP:
- The Navy’s Extremely High Frequency Time Division Multiple Access Interface Processor (EHF-TIP) provides an Ethernet connection between a ship’s Automated Digital Network System (ADNS) router and EHF Medium Data Rate (MDR) terminal. The EHF-TIP allows EHF MDR resources to be allocated and shared efficiently among participating naval platforms.
203.9 Explain the difference between EC and spot beam and the approximate area covered by each:
a. Earth Coverage is a wide area beam that covers approximately 1700 Nautical Miles and is not a moveable beam.
b. Spot Beam is a more direct beam covering about 400 Nautical Miles and are moveable.
203.10 Define and state the purpose of the following:
a. CWSP – Commercial Wideband Satellite Program. An older system of commercial satellite services and terminals installed onboard large deck ships. Replaced by CBSP
b. CBSP - Commercial broadband Satellite Program. A newer system of commercial sattelites, earth stations, and shipboard terminals installed onboard many Navy ships to supplement their commercial satellite communications capability.
c. DSCS - Defense Satellite Communication System DSCS is an older military satellite constellation placed in geosynchronous orbit to provide high-volume, secure data deliver (IP services). This has been replaced by the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) System, but some satellites remain.
203.11 Define and state the purpose of WGS:
- The Wideband Global Satellite Communication system provides near-term continuation and augmentation of the services previously provided by the Defense Satellite (DSCS) and the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Ka services currently provided by GBS payloads on UFO satellites. WGS is a high-capacity satellite communications system designed to support the war fighter with newer and far greater capabilities than those provided by current systems, yet it is compatible with existing control systems and terminals.
203.12 State the four six CES for CWSP/CBSP:
- NCTAMS PAC: Brewster, WA; Adelaide, AU; Aukland, NZ
- NCTAMS LANT: Santander, SP; Fucino, IT; Holmdel, NJ
NOTE: CWSP has been replaced by CBSP
203.13 State the ten DSCS teleport/STEP sites:
- Wahiawa, HI
- Camp Roberts, CA
- Ft. Buckner, Japan
- Northwest, VA
- Landstuhl, Germany
- Ft. Belvoir, VA
- Ft. Detrick, MD
- NCTS Bahrain
- Lago Patria, Italy
203.14 State the three INMARSAT earth stations:
- Laurentides, Canada; Goonhilly, UK; Auckland, NZ
- NOTE: INMARSAT used to be specific to the commercial service provided to small ships, vice CWSP for large decks. It is now the name of the commercial entity that governs CBSP, which services all commercial terminal equipped USN units.
203.15 Define and state the Purpose of ADMS:
- ADMS – Automated Digital Multiplexing System. Consists of a Timeplex and ST-1000 or FCC-100 Multiplexer. Legacy equipment for INC-II and prior uinits, as well as shore stations. Provides networking and multiplexing capabilities through a global network. The system supports voice, data and video transmission capabilities.
203.16 State the bandwidth of the following: [ref. e]
a. DS-0 - 64k
b. DS-1 - 2048k
c. T-1 - 1.544k
d. E-1 - 2048k
e. DS-3 - 44.6mbps
f. OC-3 - 155mbps
g. OC-192 - 9.2gigs
h. OC-768 - 40 gigs
203.17 List and explain the six INMARSAT configurations:
a. Alpha - voice and data 64k
b. Bravo - voice and data 64k
c. Charlie - data only 64k
d. Delta - voice and data 128k
e. Echo - voice and data 128k
f. Foxtrot - data only 128k
NOTE: Again, the INMARSAT system as described here no longer exists. Replaced by CBSP.
203.18 Define and state the purpose of the following VTC mediums:
a. ISDN- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of communications standards for simultaneous digital transmission of voice, video, data, and other network services over the traditional circuits of the public switched telephone network.
b. VIXS – Video Information Exchange System provides video teleconferencing capabilities between CINCs using a data-rate greater than 256 kbps. Video conferencing with major Fleet units uses a data rate less than 128 kbps. Computer graphics, documents and other images can be transmitted over the system. VIXS uses commercial components that provide secret-high video teleconferencing capabilities.
c. DVSG- DISN Video Services Global provides DISN video conferencing services on a worldwide basis. The primary function of DVS-G is to provide an inter-operable, full-service Video Teleconferencing (VTC) utility to all DISN users. This VTC utility is a real-time, near-full motion video service that allows simultaneous video and audio communications between two or more VTC sites
203.19 Define and state the purpose of ANCC:
- The ANCC is a digital patching system at NCTL and other shore stations that allows equipment to be connected digitally vice using physical patch cords.
203.20 State the purpose of iridium phones:
- Provide satellite phone services to mobile units down on all other means of connectivity.