201 Flashcards
201.1 Define and state the purpose of FSM. [ref. d]
- Fleet SIPRNET Messaging (FSM) was developed to provide an alternate method of delivering General Service (GENSER) organizational messages classified up tp Secret to fleet units via the SIPRNET.
- FSM was replaced by C2OIX in 2015
◦ Command and Control Official Information Exchange - It provides a reliable means of message drafting, processing, and delivery for Navy forces afloat and ashore.
201.2 Explain why all units commshifting to FSM need a legacy route. [ref. d, para 2.3.3]
- FSM has been replaced by C2OIX
- Units that lose primary delivery paths will have their message traffic provided via an alternate data path, such as CUDIXS or FLEET BROADCAST.
201.3 State the purpose of MMS. [ref. g]
- The Multi-level Mail Server (MMS) provides a store-and-forward system for electronic exchange of organizational messages through unattended dial-up communications links from the GateGuard system using the RIXT protocol.
- The MMS allows the electronic exchange of both unclassified and classified messages, with security provided through the Secure Telephone Unit III Generation (STU-III) on the user side and the Secure Data Device (SDD) on the MMS side. MMS has been decommissioned and is currently not in use.
- MMS has been decommissioned and is currently not in use
201.4 State the purpose of the MUA. [ref. b]
- Master Update Authority (MUA) processes all COMMSHIFTS that affect routing changes for afloat units, as well as perform collective (AIGS and CADS) changes.
201.5 State the purpose and components/systems that comprise FMX/DUSC. [ref. d, g]
- FMX - Fleet Message Exchange provides keying and connectivity between NOVA and CUDIXS; and NOVA and Fleet Satellite Broadcast (IMUL/PMUL).
- DUSC - The Directory Update and Service Center updates the Defense Message System (DMS) Update Authority Component (UAC), to allow operators to service fleet messages found to have been in error by the Message Conversion System (MCS) and to complete communications guard list request messages.
- FSM and DUSC have been replaced by C2OIX
201.6 State the sites that have a FMX/DUSC C2OIX system. [ref. d]
- FSM and DUSC have been replaced by C2OIX
201.7 State the master and alternate DUSC stations. [ref. d]
- NCTAMS PAC is the primary (MDUSC) and NCTAMS LANT is the alternate (ADUSC).
- FSM has been replaced by C2OIX
201.8 Define and state the purpose of MCS. [ref. d, g]
- The primary purpose of the Regional MCS is to provide PLA-to-Routing Indicator (RI) look up and assignment. After receiving a message from the host NOVA System, the Regional MCS will validate the message, assign the appropriate RI(s) and return the message to the NOVA for delivery. If invalid PLAs are found by MCS, the MCS will automatically generate a service message to the originator.
201.9 State the world-wide MCS RI. [ref. d]
201.10 Define and state the purpose of the following: [ref. d]
a. RI - Routing Indicator, 7-digit code identifying a station.
b. OSRI – Originating Station Routing Indicator, station originating a message
c. DSRI – Destination Station Routing Indicator, station a message is being sent to
d. NARC – Navy Automated Relay Controller, First 4 digits of routing indicator
e. FRI – Fleet Routing Indicator, last 3 digits
201.11 State the RI that MCS will assign to an invalid PLA within a transmitted message.
201.12 State the purpose of the following common modified ACP 126 message F/L: [ref. d]
a. 1 - preamble (VZCZC), circuit identification, channel sequence number
b. 2 - Message header, Same as ACP 128 except use RHMCSUU for the DSRI
c. 4 - Security Warning
d. 5 – Precedence, DTG
e. 6 - Message Originator (FM)
f. 7 - Action addressees (TO)
g. 8 - Information Addressee (INFO)
h. 9 - Exempt addressees (XMT)
i. 11 - Prosign BT
j. 12 - Message test
k. 13 - Prosign BT
l. 14 - Confirmation
m. 15 - End of Message (EOM)
n. 16 - NNNN
201.13 Define the following common OPSIGs: [ref. i]
- ZBZ – What in the printing acceptability of my signals
- ZUJ – stand by
- ZEV – Request you acknowledge msg
- ZUG – Negative
- ZUE – Affirmative
- ZES – Your message has been received: (1) incomplete or (2) Garbled
201.14 Define and state the purpose of CUDIXS. [ref. d]
- Common User Digital Information Exchange Subsystem
- 2400 Baud full duplex service, over a satellite link with mobile platforms for the receipt and transmission of narrative message traffic between C2OIX and mobile platforms equipped with afloat automated systems (NAVMACS).
201.15 List the sites that have CUDIXS suites and their capabilities. [ref. d]
- Each site is able to hold one or both functions of a CUDIXS service (NECOS, RF).