104 Flashcards
104.1 Discuss the responsibilities of the following: Commander in Chief; Secretary of Defense; Secretary of the Navy; Chief of Naval Operations; Fleet Commander in Charge; Type Commander
a. Commander in Chief – President of the United States. Head of the Armed Forces as mandated by the Constitution. Responsible for initiating military action in support of our national interests. Can submit to Congress the intent to declare war which Congress must approve in order to actually wage war.
b. Secretary of Defense – Senior advisor on military affairs.
c. Secretary of the Navy – Responsible to the SECDEF/POTUS for all matters pertaining to the operations and readiness of Navy Forces.
d. Chief of Naval Operations – Responsible to the Secretary of the Navy and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for operational commitments and readiness of the Navy. Issues Navy-wide order relating to Navy Operations and Administrative functions of the Navy.
e. Fleet Commander in Charge – Overall responsible for assets within their respective AOR.
f. Type Commander – Overall responsible for the operations of their specific platform.
104.2 Discuss the role of the following: MCPON; Fleet Master Chief; Force Master Chief; Command Master Chief
a. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy - Senior Enlisted Adviser (SEA) reports to the CNO in all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel and their families.
b. Fleet Master Chief - Principal enlisted advisor to the Fleet CINC
c. Force Master Chief Principal enlisted advisers to commanding officers of the Force have the responsibility of keeping the CO and subordinate commands up to date on situations, procedures, and practices that affect the welfare, morale, and well-being of the enlisted crew.
d. Command Master Chief Senior Enlisted Adviser to the CO of that unit. Keeps the CO up to date on situations, procedures, and practices that affect the welfare, morale, and well-being of the enlisted crew and their families.
104.3 Define CCRI:
- Command Cyber Readiness Inspection.
104.4 State NAVCYBERFOR’s role in an CCRI:
- Measures command’s security posture by reviewing technology areas, vulnerability scan results, compliance with Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO)-issued directives, and non-technical aspects of an information assurance (IA) program (culture, conduct, and capability)
104.5 State the purpose and contents of the following documents: EDVR; ODCR; AMD; BBD
a. EDVR - Enlisted Distribution Verification Report. Listing of all enlisted personnel in the command and their NECs. Helps commanders determine shortfalls with their manning.
b. ODCR - Officer Distribution Control Report. Listing of all officers and their assigned billets within the command.
c. AMD - Activity Manpower Document. Lists what billets and how many should be in your specific command. Any changes to this document must be requested from the CO to the Navy Manpower Facility (EPMAC)
d. BBD [ref. d] Billet Based Distribution. It will enable the Navy to more efficiently assign personnel in support of warfighting readiness by matching sailors to specific billets based on rate, rating, and NEC’s held.
104.6 State the purpose of the following: Evaluation Report; Fitness Report; Concurrent Report
a. Evaluation report - Evaluate the performance of Enlisted Personnel and determine advancement or special program eligibility.
b. Fitness report - Evaluate the performance of officer Personnel.
c. Concurrent report - Used for deployed personnel to ensure continuity in their eval/fitrep cycle.
104.7 State what is found in the following portions of a service record: Page 2; Page 4; SGLI; Page 13
a. Page 2 – Dependency Data Information.
b. Page 4 – Awards, Quals, Advancement, College Courses, navy Courses
c. SGLI – Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance. Beneficiaries.
d. Page 13 – Administrative Remarks.
104.8 Describe the purpose and categories of a SITREP:
- A SITREP is a message transmitted by any unit CO, officer in charge, or other commander to notify appropriate operational commanders and seniors in the chain of command of a significant event or incident. OPREP-3, Navy Blue, Unit SITREP, Pinnacle
104.9 Discuss the importance of the IG:
- Conduct, supervise, monitor, and initiate audits, evaluations, and investigations relating to programs and operations of the DoD. The IG will also investigate any complaints of wrong from individual Sailors as well as any possible misappropriation of funds.
104.10 State the purpose of the Navy Correspondence Manual:
- Standardize documents created within the Department of the Navy and give guidelines on the creation of such documents.
104.11 Explain the C-Way program.
- Career-Waypoints is the Navy’s latest program to selectively match personnel to Navy personnel needs using Information Technology (IT) systems and programming that selects personnel for reenlistment quotas based upon performance mark traits and NECs /training /proficiencies, while also engaging the sailor early on to allow them to make decisions that will shape their career. Its function balances manning rates across all rates, ratings, active, reserve & full time support. If a person is unable to acquire a re-enlistment quota within their current rating they are given the option to re-enlist after cross-rating if they meet the requirements for such. It also supports conversion from active to reserve component
104.12 List the officer accession programs that are available to enlisted personnel:
- CWO Chief Warrant Officer – does not require college education for technical manager.
- ECP Enlisted Commissioning Program – complete bachelors to earn commission.
- LDO Limited Duty Officer – does not require college education for technical manager.
- STA-21 Seaman to Admiral – initial and bachelor’s degree training at Naval Postgraduate School to earn commission.
- Navy Medicine Commissioning Program - HM’s whom qualify can become officers Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences - for service members with a bachelor’s degree already, offers a 4-year medical school to earn commission.
- Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program - for service members to complete a 2, 3 or 4-year program to become physician, dentist or optometrist to earn a commission.
- Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program - for all service members to become an officer in the Nurse Corps by earning a bachelor’s degree in nursing.
104.13 Explain what the DLPT is:
- Defense Language Proficiency Test is a test designed to test the proficiency of foreign language.
104.14 State the duties and responsibilities of the Command ESO:
- Responsible to the CO for all educational programs. Ensures advancement exams are administered and is a direct representative with the Navy College Program.
104.15 Explain the purpose of the U. S. Navy’s Drug Screening Program:
- To help enforce the Navy’s “Zero Tolerance” program on drug abuse. To identify those individuals who have been abusing drugs.
104.16 Describe the six programs of Brilliant on the Basics:
- Sponsorship
- Assign a Mentor
- Indoctrination
- Leadership / Career Development Boards
- Ombudsmen Program Support
- Recognizing Sailors and Navy team members
104.17 Explain the purpose of the PAO:
- The Public Affairs Office is a direct liaison with the public and any news collecting agencies. They will clear any information to be released for public discrimination.
104.18 Explain the CNO’s four core attributes.
- Integrity Having personal integrity in-line with navy Honor/ Courage/ Commitment, as well as holding an institutional integrity consistent with the values it professes.
- Accountability Holding one’s self accountable to achieving goals, such that we can regularly measure progress towards a goal. Be a strong critic and adjust as required.
- Initiative Recognize opportunities and expound on them without need to be ‘told to do it’. Recognize as leaders that great ideas are not always leader-driven, and as such respect when initiative is presented, preventing junior member’s good ideas from being squashed.
- Toughness A fundamental attribute synonymous with fortitude, perseverance and resolve which allows a person or team to fail and yet recover gracefully. It is what allows them to maintain the fighting spirit and ultimately continue successfully despite pitfalls