200-8 Conduct and Authority Flashcards
Officers shall adhere to this policy, whether they are on or off duty, unless doing so would ________ of an employee or citizen.
compromise the safety
________ and _______ shall dictate the actions of all employees along with the boundaries of authority provided by federal, state, and local law, and the policies and procedures of the Houston Police Department.
Reasonableness, sound judgement
Certain provIsions of this General Order may not be applicable in undercover police assignments specifically authorized by supervisors in accordance with divisional standard operating procedures. However, in determining such applicability, officers shall _____________. Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including indefinite suspension.
strictly accountable for justifying their actions.
Employees shall exhibit professional conduct at all times and shall not engage in any activity, including unlawful activity, that would _____ or ______to the employee or the department.
degrade, disrespect
Employees shall not communicate in any manner, ________ that may delay an arrest or enable persons guilty of criminal acts to escape arrest or punishment, dispose of property or goods obtained illegally, or destroy evidence of unlawful activity
directly or indirectly, any information
Employees shall not join, participate with, or frequent any organization that ______, ______, or _____ criminal acts or criminal conspiracies.
advocates, incites, supports .
Employees shall not ________ or ________ a relationship with or associate with convicted criminals or any person who is under criminal investigation, indictment, arrest, or incarceration by any criminal justice agency, excluding traffic or municipal ordinance violations
knowingly commence or maintain
Employees shall ________ or _______ with any person possessing a notorious reputation in the community. Exceptions to these rules are limited to employees ______ or ________.
avoid regular or continuous association; performing their official duties, unavoidable familial relationships
Employees shall respect the rights of individuals and shall not engage in _______, _____, or ______ whether by language, act, or act of omission
discrimination, oppression, or favoritism
Employees shall maintain a civil and impartial attitude towards both ______ and _______. Employees shall be courteous, civil, and respectful to all department employees and citizens, and shall not use threatening or insulting language
complainants, violators
When neither law nor policy provides clear guidance regarding a particular situation, employees shall exercise _______ in choosing the appropriate action.
Employees shall make decisions based on sound judgment and the principles set forth in _____ and _____ procedures of the department.
policies, procedures
Discretion shall be exercised in such a manner that employees can reasonably assume that upon review their conduct shall be judged _____ and ______ by their supervisors.
sound and reasonable
Employee conduct shall always be consistent with the department’s mission, values, ethics, guiding principles, and any _______ given by the employee’s supervisors.
Employees are expected to exercise _____ at _____.
sound judgment, all times