200-35 Speakers at Department Events Flashcards
Except as noted in this General Order, an individual from outside the department may serve as a speaker at a Houston Police Department event only if ______ is given by the appropriate executive assistant chief or the Chief of Police.
prior written approval
Prior to contacting an individual from outside the department to serve as a speaker at a Houston Police Department event, the employee coordinating the event or assisting the outside event coordinator shall _______ through the chain of command to the appropriate executive assistant chief, depending upon the topic and audience.
forward correspondence
The correspondence shall request approval for the speaker and shall include a description of the following:
The event.
The speaker’s intended role.
c. The speaker’s academic and professional credentials.
d. Any fees that may be required and funding source.
e. Any other pertinent information.
Prior approval from an executive assistant chief for an outside speaker at department events is not required for the following:
Positive Interaction Program (PIP). Speakers at PIP events are approved by the appropriate PIP coordinator.
Training Division, which has its own approval process for speakers and instructors as outlined in General Orders 300-06, Training - Classified and 900-02, Training - Civilian.