2-Spinal Reflexes Flashcards
alpha motor neurons
largest nerve cell bodies in ventral horn of spinal cord > axons end on skeletal muscle fibers
gamma motor neurons
smaller nerve cell bodies in ventral horn of spinal cord > axons end on polar contractile region of intrafusal fibers enclosed in muscle spindles
simple response to a specific sensory stimulus
-confined to spinal cord so nonconscious
reflex arc components
- receptor @ skin, skeletal muscle, tendon, joint capsule
- afferent/sensory limb - sensory neuron with cell body in DRG
- interneuron @ gray matter but not always with reflexes
- efferent/motor limb- cell body @ ventral horn
- effector - skeletal muscle
extrafusal fibers
have what neurons
alpha motor neurons for motor + pseudouni for sensory
intrafusal fibers
nuclear bag- gamma motor + Ia mainly annulospiral sensory + II for flower spray sensory
nuclear chain- gamma motor + Ia annulospiral sensory + II main flower spray sensory
muscle stretch reflex
includes 2 neurons (sensory + motor)
elicited by tapping on tendon
patellar tendon reflex
aka quadriceps stretch reflex
- tap patellar tendon = patella moves
- stretch extrafusal fibers
- stretch muscle spindles = act receptors in spindles
- stimulate annulospiral Ia endings to fire
- Ia fibers stim alpha motors to quads
- quad contracts = leg extends to compensate muscle stretch
protect from overstretching
reciprocal inhibition
patellar tendon reflex
bc central process of sensory neurons bifurcate
-one stims alpha to contract quads
-other stims inhibitory interneuron to inhib another alpha to hamstrings so not stim flexors and extensors at same time
if both stim then no movement
autogenic inhibition
patellar tendon reflex
golgi tendon organs act when quad contract and tension on tendon so stretches
-Ib fiber of sensory peripheral process is GTO inn tendon gets act the central process stims inhib interneuron to inhib alpha of quad
GTOs fine tune skeletal muscle contractile force during motor activity
flexor reflex
aka withdrawal, nociceptive
receptor cutaneous so either lightly myelinated A delta fibers OR unmye C fibers of pseudouni (cell body in DRG)
- excitatory interneurons stim alpha to flex hamstrings to contract and flex leg away
- inhibitory interneurons inhib alpha of extensors
crossed extension reflex
with flexor reflex
-will occur in other limb/contralateral so weight of body shifted to it
-engages commissural interneurons so axons cross midline to oppo side spinal cord and synapse with other excit/inhib interneurons
excitatory = alpha > contract extensors to support standing leg and balance
inhibitory inhib flexors to relax
muscle tone maintenance
by gamma motor via gamma loop
alpha gamma coactivation
maintains spindle sensitivity to muscle stretch regardless of muscle length at onset of muscle stretch