2-Ch 16: Personality Psychopathology Flashcards
Characteristic way of responding to, perceiving, and thinking about one’s environment
Personality Disorders
Extremes of personality types-Rigid & Inflexible
-Resistant to change
Classification of Personality Disorders
- Many not diagnosed-don’t see behaviors as problematic
- Much co-morbidity of other diseases
- Rigidity–>leaves them vulnerable to developing other disorders–>difficulties coping - Listed under “diagnoses” with other categories
- Least Reliable of DSM diagnoses
- trait or disorder?
- symptoms often overlap with other Personality disorders
- co-morbidity & confusion with other disorders
DSM-5 vs proposed future DSM
- movement away from categorical to dimensional
- movement away from social deviance, more emphasis on dysfunction
Cluster A Personality Disorders
Odd/Eccentric Behaviors
Schizophrenigenic-more commonly seen among people who have 1st degree relatives with schizophrenia diagnosis
- paranoid PD
- Schizoid
- Schizotypal
Paranoid Personality Disorder
- undue suspiciousness, hypersensitivity, expect to be exploited
- appear cold & humorless
- seldom seek help *least likely to seek help (untrustworthy)
- prevalence: significantly higher in MALES
Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Social Withdrawal, reclusive, reserved, lack close/warm relationships
- Don’t MIND lack of relationships
- seeming detached from environment, lack humor
- self absorbed/absent-minded
- typically can remain functional
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- Odd behavior, thinking, speech
- Highly Superstitious-bordering on delusions
- Sx’s: similar to schizophrenia, but not as severe
- lack social skills
- shallow emotions
- often suspicious of others
- greater risk of developing schizophrenia
Cluster B personality disorders
Emotional/Erratic Behaviors (lots of overlap)
*commonalities: seeking attention & unpredictability
Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Primary goal: ATTENTION (being in spotlight)
- Very dramatic/emotive: may be vain/immature
- KEY: stormy relationships, self-centered
- superficial processing of information (not focused on what’s going on around them
- May dress seductively
- Prevalence: higher in FEMALES
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Extreme sense of self-importance; deep need to feel superior
- Expect & demand; constant special attention
- Fragile self-esteem, if challenged–>angry & strike out
- lack empathy & compassion
- grandiose fantasies of self
- Do not develop deep relationships b/c no reciprocity (self-absorbed)
- need constant praise
- Prevalence: higher in MALES
Jean Twenge narcissism argument
argues narcissism becoming more prevalent in studies of college students
-if it becomes a norm is it still a disorder?
Sarah Konrath study
decreasing empathy levels in college students
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
- Central feature: unstable, INTENSE relationships, emotional dysregulation
- parasuicide: suicide attempts/self-harm
- 2/3 are female
- abandonment issues: hypervigilant to cues of perceived abandonment
- “splitting”/thinking in extremes: black vs white (the best or the worst)
- clingy dependency
- impulsive behaviors e.g., promiscuity, reckless driving, substance abuse, binging/purging
- frequently a history of abuse
BPD overlap with schizotypal
Bizarre behaviors
BPD overlap with antisocial
impulsive behaviors, acting out
BPD overlap with narcissistic
self-focused & hypersensitivity
BPD overlap with Histrionic
Dramatic, attention seeking, manipulative
Antisocial personality disorder
- Central features: history of continuous/chronic conduct disorder
- ego-centric, grandiose, superficial
- lack remorse/empathy; callous, cold & calculating
- see others as objects
- impulsive, irresponsible
- *more in MALES
- common previous diagnosis of conduct disorder (before 18)
Antisocal PD physiological differences
slower alpha waves–>lower arousal levels
BAS (behavioral activation system)
APPROACH behaviors
-move the person TOWARD REWARDS
BIS (Behavioral Inhibition System)
AVOIDANCE behaviors
-motivates person to AVOID punishment by inhibiting behavior
Antisocial PD BAS vs BIS
Stronger BAS
Weaker BIS
Primary psychopaths
Greater callousness (little-no emotion) e.g. Charles Manson
Secondary psychopaths
Do show some emotions
BUT desire for reward EXCEEDS their anxiety
Cluster C
Anxious/Fearful Behaviors
-similar to social phobia
Avoidant Personality Disorder
AVOIDS social interactions
- low self-esteem; fear negative evaluations
- *KEY: Do desire social relationships BUT fear REJECTION
- appear shy/withdrawn
- scan environment for signs of rejection
- tend to avoid new situations
- prevalence: EQUAL male/female
Social Phobia vs Avoidant PD
Social phobia:
- prevalence: more in females
- show stronger social communication skills (became phobic to do some experience later in life)
Avoidant PD-fear of social interactions from the beginning
Dependent Personality Disorder
persistent, consistent, rigid dependence on other people
- defer to others for making decisions (difficulty making own decisions)
- Attend to the needs of others-to the exclusion of their own needs
- Fear of separation/aloneness
- must always be in a relationship
- Prevalence: clinically-more females, community-equally male/female
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
- rigid in behavior BUT lack obsessive thinking/ritualistic behaviors
- lack warmth/tenderness in relationships
- Morally inflexible: right/wrong, black/white
- Extreme perfectionism; difficulty making decisions
- rules/neatness very important
DSM-5 proposed future edition changes
- Impairment in personality functioning rated 0-4
- self identity & self direction
- interpersonal empathy & intimacy - Personality types vs personality traits (both dimensional)
- Types
- Trait domains