2-3- Gall et al., 2019 Flashcards
In seasonal breeders, there are _______, ______, and ______adaptations that promote the sexual receptivity
of females
In seasonal breeders, there are behavioral, endocrine, and neural adaptations that promote the sexual receptivity
of females
who were the study’s subjects?
wild female Cope’s gray
treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis)
what was the hypothesis tested?
we tested the hypothesis that oviposition results in a suite of coordinated changes in
the sexual phenotype
what did they predict would happen?
Specifically, we predicted that sexual receptivity and discrimination behaviors would
decline along with circulating concentrations of steroid hormones (corticosterone, estradiol, testosterone) and
auditory sensitivity to the acoustic frequencies emphasized in male advertisement calls. We conducted these trait
measurements before and after oviposition (ca. 24-h period).
There was a ___% decrease in behavioral responsiveness after oviposition
There was a 100% decrease in behavioral responsiveness after oviposition
There was a 100% decrease in behavioral responsiveness after oviposition, and the concentrations of all three steroids plummeted during this brief window
of time, especially _____.
There was a 100% decrease in behavioral responsiveness after oviposition, and the concentrations of all three steroids plummeted during this brief window
of time, especially testosterone.
Moreover, higher concentrations of _______—an important component of
the endocrine stress response—were associated with longer response latencies
Moreover, higher concentrations of corticosterone—an important component of
the endocrine stress response—were associated with longer response latencies
Moreover, higher concentrations of corticosterone—an important component of
the endocrine stress response—were associated with longer response latencies
what does this suggest?
that adrenal hormones
should be considered in future studies on the hormonal basis of mate choice
Counter to our prediction, auditory
sensitivity _______following oviposition, and the amplitude of the auditory brainstem response was influenced
by concentrations of ______.
Counter to our prediction, auditory
sensitivity increased following oviposition, and the amplitude of the auditory brainstem response was influenced
by concentrations of estradiol.
In pre-oviposition females auditory sensitivity diminished with increasing _____ concentrations, while sensitivity increased with increasing ______ concentrations in post-oviposition
In pre-oviposition females auditory sensitivity diminished with increasing estradiol concentrations, while sensitivity increased with increasing estradiol concentrations in post-oviposition
In __-______ females auditory sensitivity diminished with increasing estradiol concentrations,
In pre-oviposition females auditory sensitivity diminished with increasing estradiol concentrations,
sensitivity increased with increasing estradiol concentrations in ___-_____
sensitivity increased with increasing estradiol concentrations in post-oviposition
In pre-oviposition females auditory sensitivity diminished with increasing estradiol concentrations, while sensitivity increased with increasing estradiol concentrations in post-oviposition
what does this suggest?
non-linear estrogenic modulation of peripheral auditory neural recruitment
For vertebrates that rely on their auditory system during
mate choice, these mechanisms may include the ____ and ______
of the auditory system and the ____ _____ that modulate activity
in those pathways and other sexually relevant brain areas
For vertebrates that rely on their auditory system during
mate choice, these mechanisms may include the tuning and sensitivity
of the auditory system and the endocrine systems that modulate activity
in those pathways and other sexually relevant brain areas
For most ectothermic vertebrates, the act of breeding involves what?
For most ectothermic vertebrates, the act of breeding involves a
quick life history transition from social to non-social
In female anuran
amphibians (frogs and toads), this transition often occurs over how long?
In female anuran
amphibians (frogs and toads), this transition often occurs over the
course of a single day
One major class of mechanisms to examine is the gonadal and adrenal steroid hormones. why?
One major class of mechanisms to examine is the gonadal and adrenal steroid hormones because they are known to modulate vertebrate reproductive behavior
in many songbird species,
_____ implants elevate the frequency of copulation solicitation
displays in females
in many songbird species,
estradiol (E2) implants elevate the frequency of copulation solicitation
displays in females
female túngara
frogs are most receptive to
male advertisement calls when found in _____ (Lynch et al., 2005),
which coincides with females having elevated concentrations of ______ and ____, both of which decline after mating
female túngara
frogs [Physalaemus (=Engystomops) pustulosus] are most receptive to
male advertisement calls when found in amplexus (Lynch et al., 2005),
which coincides with females having elevated concentrations of progesterone (PROG) and E2, both of which decline after mating
. Experimentally elevating E2
in female túngara frogs using E2 injections or human chorionic gonadotropin injections increases what?
. Experimentally elevating E2
in female túngara frogs using E2 injections or human chorionic gonadotropin injections (hCG; Chakraborty and Burmeister, 2009; Lynch
et al., 2005) increases female receptivity (approach toward mating
calls, phonotaxis) prior to copulation.
In female gray treefrogs, injections with PROG and
prostaglandins also increase ______ compared to vehicle controls and females with higher concentrations of ____ and __
are more receptive
In female gray treefrogs, injections with PROG and
prostaglandins also increase receptivity compared to vehicle controls and females with higher concentrations of PROG and E2
are more receptive
recent evidence has
also shown that adrenal/interrenal hormones such as _______
modulate aspects of female mate choice across a range of vertebrate
taxa, including mammals , birds , reptiles , and
recent evidence has
also shown that adrenal/interrenal hormones such as glucocorticoids
modulate aspects of female mate choice across a range of vertebrate
taxa, including mammals (DeVries et al., 1996), birds (Woodgate et al.,
2010), reptiles (Vitousek, 2009; Vitousek and Romero, 2013), and
amphibians (Davis and Leary, 2015).
In the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea,
experimentally elevated concentrations of ______ reduced the species-typical preference for higher call rates
In the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea,
experimentally elevated concentrations of corticosterone (CORT) reduced the species-typical preference for higher call rates
Such transient behavioral receptivity indicates that the nervous
system is what?
Such transient behavioral receptivity indicates that the nervous
system is rapidly changing as well.
In frogs, fishes and birds, peripheral and
central auditory processing exhibit seasonal or socially induced changes
that are associated with what?
In frogs, fishes and birds, peripheral and
central auditory processing exhibit seasonal or socially induced changes
(Hillery, 1984; Sisneros and Bass, 2003; Velez et al., 2015; Gall and
Wilczynski, 2015) that are associated with changes in reproductive
This seasonal and socially-modulated plasticity is thought to be
influenced by changes in what?
This seasonal and socially-modulated plasticity is thought to be
influenced by changes in steroid hormones
there is growing evidence that steroid hormones modulate
both _____and ____ auditory processing
there is growing evidence that steroid hormones modulate
both peripheral and central auditory processing
In general, estradiol has
been shown to increase ____ _____, although high levels of circulating estradiol appear to inhibit
____ _____ in some cases .
In general, estradiol has
been shown to increase auditory sensitivity , although high levels of circulating estradiol appear to inhibit
auditory function in some cases .
which three features of the sexual phenotype of females did they test?
circulating hormone levels, sensitivity of the peripheral auditory system to the spectral content of advertisement calls, and
behavioral receptivity to male advertisement calls
What were the four predictions?
First, sexual receptivity in females will be markedly transient—females will suddenly enter a behaviorally refractory period
following oviposition.
Second, coincident with a reduction in behavioral responsiveness will be declines in plasma gonadal
and interrenal hormone concentrations
Third, coincident with
reductions in behavior and hormones, peripheral auditory sensitivity to
the acoustic properties of male advertisement calls will decline following oviposition.
Fourth, changes in auditory sensitivity and behavior are correlated with circulating steroid hormones.
Where was the study carried out?
This study was carried out on the St. Paul campus of the University
of Minnesota
where were the treefrogs taken from
In June 2017 we collected mating pairs of the western
genetic lineage of Cope’s gray treefrog (Ptacek et al., 1994) from wetlands located in the Carver Park Reserve (Carver County, MN), the
Crow-Hassan Park Reserve (Hennepin County, MN), and the Hyland
Lake Park Reserve (Hennepin County, MN)
Pairs found in ____
were collected
Pairs found in amplexus
were collected
All pairs except the ‘no chill’ group were
then maintained at approximately __ °C until the following day
All pairs except the ‘no chill’ group were
then maintained at approximately 4 °C until the following day
The ‘no chill’ group was
sampled for ___ _____ immediately upon return from the field
The ‘no chill’ group was
sampled for plasma hormones immediately upon return from the field
post-oviposition females were allowed to oviposit during a 24-hour
period at __°C in individual tanks with water
post-oviposition females were allowed to oviposit during a 24-hour
period at 20 °C in individual tanks with water
Frogs were
randomly assigned to one of ___ states and were further assigned
randomly to one of ____ experimental groups or one of ___ control
Frogs were
randomly assigned to one of these two states and were further assigned
randomly to one of two experimental groups or one of two control
The two experimental groups
included females tested for behavior in __-_____ (N = 21) or
__-______ (N = 20) states; and females tested for AEPs in __-_____ (N = 13) or ___-_____ (N = 13) states
The two experimental groups
included females tested for behavior in pre-oviposition (N = 21) or
post-oviposition (N = 20) states; and females tested for AEPs in preoviposition (N = 13) or post-oviposition (N = 13) states
experimental females were held at __ °C following collection.
experimental females were held at 4 °C following collection.
What were the control groups?
- the ‘no chill’ females were not held at 4 °C and not tested
for behavior or AEPs but were sampled for plasma hormones in the preoviposition state - females were not tested for behavior or AEPs but were held at 4 °C and sampled for plasma hormones in either the pre-oviposition (N = 20) or post-oviposition
(N = 16) state
what did the ‘no chill’ group allow them to evaluate
this ‘no chill’ group allowed us to evaluate the
potential effect that this holding procedure had on plasma hormones in
our study species.
Testing our hypotheses involved an experimental design trade-of
what was it?
because the act of ovipositing inevitably takes time, the pre-oviposition
and post-oviposition females differed not only in whether or not they
had oviposited, but also in the duration of time they were held since
capture in the field before being tested (i.e., a time confound)
If we
were to control for total time held, pre-oviposition females would have
to be held for an additional 24 h at 4 °C to delay oviposition.
Therefore, we chose to do what?
If we
were to control for total time held, pre-oviposition females would have
to be held for an additional 24 h at 4 °C to delay oviposition.
Therefore, we chose to control for time at 4 °C, rather than total time held in the lab, because we have previously observed that females held for more
than about 3 days at 4 °C tend to exhibit reduced behavioral receptivity
post-oviposition females were tested
for the ___ phenotypic attributes following an additional 24-hour post-capture period compared to preoviposition females
post-oviposition females were tested
for the three phenotypic attributes (behavior, hormones, AEP) following an additional 24-hour post-capture period compared to preoviposition females
post-oviposition females were tested
for the three phenotypic attributes (___, ____, ____) following an additional 24-hour post-capture period compared to preoviposition females
post-oviposition females were tested
for the three phenotypic attributes (behavior, hormones, AEP) following an additional 24-hour post-capture period compared to preoviposition females
Approximately 20 to 40 min prior to behavioral or auditory testing
or control group blood sampling, we allowed pre-oviposition pairs to
reach body temperatures of __± _ °C in an incubator
Approximately 20 to 40 min prior to behavioral or auditory testing
or control group blood sampling, we allowed pre-oviposition pairs to
reach body temperatures of 20 ± 2 °C in an incubator
All blood sampling for the
experimental groups took place immediately following the _____
or ____testing procedures.
All blood sampling for the
experimental groups took place immediately following the behavioral
or AEP testing procedures.
All frogs were measured for ___ ____ before and after oviposition
(to the nearest 0.01 g) and were measured for two estimates of body
length (_______ and _______) using calipers
(to the nearest 0.01 mm).
All frogs were measured for body mass before and after oviposition
(to the nearest 0.01 g) and were measured for two estimates of body
length (snout-vent length, SVL; tibia-fibula length, TFL) using calipers
(to the nearest 0.01 mm).
Body mass correlated positively and strongly
with both ___ and ___ in both the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition
but the correlation was nominally higher
using ___.
Body mass correlated positively and strongly
with both SVL and TFL in both the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition
but the correlation was nominally higher
using TFL.
Each female assigned to the behavior group was tested in two behavior trials
what were they?
- recognition test
- discrimination test
what happened in the recognition test?
a single speaker broadcast a synthetic
H. chrysoscelis call
Each pulse in
this “standard call” was created by adding two phase-locked sinusoids
with frequencies (and relative amplitudes) of 1250 Hz (−11 dB) and
2500 Hz (0 dB).
Thirty identical pulses were concatenated to create an
average-length call
The call was broadcast at a rate of 11 calls/min.
what happened in the discrimination test?
one speaker broadcast the standard call and the opposite speaker
broadcast a synthetic “alternative call” designed to simulate the advertisement call of a closely related species, the eastern gray treefrog
(Hyla versicolor).
. The alternative call had the same frequency spectrum
and call rate as the standard call, but a slower pulse rate of 20 pulses/s.
The pulse duty cycle of the slow pulse-rate alternative was maintained
at 50%
values of pulse
rise and fall times were equivalent to those in the standard call in terms
of their proportions of pulse duration
what closely related species call was used in the discrimination test?
eastern gray treefrog
Hyla versicolor
how was the eastern gray treefrog;s call different?
. The alternative call had the same frequency spectrum
and call rate as the standard call, but a slower pulse rate of 20 pulses/s.
The pulse duty cycle of the slow pulse-rate alternative was maintained
at 50%
Females of H. chrysoscelis
strongly discriminate against this ___ ___ ___ ___
Females of H. chrysoscelis
strongly discriminate against this slower pulse repetition rate
For each female we
randomly determined whether the recognition test or discrimination
test would be performed ___ or ____
For each female we
randomly determined whether the recognition test or discrimination
test would be performed first or second,
For each trial, the female was placed in an __________ located at the center of the ____ (origin) and _ m from
each speaker
For each trial, the female was placed in an acoustically transparent
release cage located at the center of the arena (origin) and 1 m from
each speaker
We broadcast the stimuli for _min prior to releasing the
female by remotely lifting the lid of the release cage
We broadcast the stimuli for 1 min prior to releasing the
female by remotely lifting the lid of the release cage
During each trial
we recorded her ______ , ______, and, _______
During each trial
we recorded her latency to exit the origin (“origin latency”), her latency
to enter a response zone (“response latency”), and, in the discrimination
test, which stimulus was chosen, if any (“choice”).
Females were given
up to __min to enter a response zone; typical response latencies in this
species are on the order of __-__s.
Females were given
up to 5 min to enter a response zone; typical response latencies in this
species are on the order of 70–90 s.
We used measures of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) to assess what?
We used measures of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) to assess changes in the peripheral sensitivity of the auditory system
ABR is a form of AEP that reflects what?
ABR is a form of AEP that reflects the synchronous activity of auditory
nerve fibers and can be used as a minimally-invasive physiological
measure of peripheral auditory sensitivity
ivity of the peripheral auditory system to the two spectral components
of the male advertisement call. Each tone burst was constructed by
adding two phase-locked sinusoids (starting phase of 0°) with frequencies (and relative amplitudes) of ____Hz (___dB) and ___Hz
(__ dB).
ivity of the peripheral auditory system to the two spectral components
of the male advertisement call. Each tone burst was constructed by
adding two phase-locked sinusoids (starting phase of 0°) with frequencies (and relative amplitudes) of 1250 Hz (−11 dB) and 2500 Hz
(0 dB).
Females were immobilized with what?
Females were immobilized with an intramuscular injection of succinylcholine chloride in frog ringer’s solution
We applied a 2.5% ___-solution to
the head of the female and then inserted three subdermal needle electrodes
We applied a 2.5% lidocaine solution to
the head of the female and then inserted three subdermal needle electrodes
Immediately following body measurements in the ‘no chill’ and control groups (Fig. 1), or after behavior and AEP testing in the experimental groups, we collected blood by \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_
Immediately following body measurements in the ‘no chill’ and
control groups (Fig. 1), or after behavior and AEP testing in the experimental groups, we collected blood by cardiac puncture, a technique
that has been used successfully in other North American treefrogs
Parallelism was
conducted by what?
Parallelism was
conducted by serially diluting plasma pools.
what statistics did they use?
We used paired t-tests to analyze the within-subject results from
behavioral tests and Pearson’s correlations for the hormone-behavior
We used separate general
linear models to evaluate the effects of two between-subjects factors,
group (control, behavior, AEP) and reproductive state (pre-oviposition
and post-oviposition), on hormone concentrations, which were log10
transformed to improve normality.
what was the purpose of the behavioural experiments?
The purpose of our behavioral experiments was to determine the
extent to which females suddenly become behaviorally unresponsive to
male advertisement calls following oviposition.
We found strong support for our prediction that the act of ____ would be associated
with reduction in female sexual receptivity.
We found strong support for our prediction that the act of ovipositing would be associated
with reduction in female sexual receptivity.
__% pre-oviposition females (N = 21) exhibited robust positive phonotaxis
in both the recognition and discrimination trials, and in ____% of trials females entered the response zone for the standard call.
100% pre-oviposition females (N = 21) exhibited robust positive phonotaxis
in both the recognition and discrimination trials, and in every trial females entered the response zone for the standard call.
l. Pre-oviposition
females did not exhibit differences in mean ( ± SE) latencies between
the ______and ______tests
l. Pre-oviposition
females did not exhibit differences in mean ( ± SE) latencies between
the recognition and discrimination tests
females did not exhibit differences in mean ( ± SE) latencies between
the recognition and discrimination tests
Latencies were somewhat longer, however, on
the ____ compared to the ____ trial
Latencies were somewhat longer, however, on
the first compared to the second trial
In contrast to the pre-oviposition females, none of the
post-oviposition females exhibited ______ (i.e. N = 0 of 20); in fact
post-oviposition females exited the origin in only ___% of trials (8/40),
and were motionless in the remaining ___% of trials.
In contrast to the pre-oviposition females, none of the
post-oviposition females exhibited phonotaxis (i.e. N = 0 of 20); in fact
post-oviposition females exited the origin in only 20% of trials (8/40),
and were motionless in the remaining 80% of trials.
found that females unanimously exhibited robust____ ____
toward the standard call when tested immediately (< __ min) following
cardiac puncture
found that females unanimously exhibited robust positive phonotaxis
toward the standard call when tested immediately (< 2 min) following
cardiac puncture
A major purpose of our plasma hormone measures was to determine
A major purpose of our plasma hormone measures was to determine
the extent to which concentrations were lower following oviposition
We found strong support for our prediction that plasma hormone concentrations would be ___after ____in concert with abolished
behavioral receptivity.
We found strong support for our prediction that plasma hormone concentrations would be lower after oviposition in concert with abolished
behavioral receptivity.
Moreover, we found that the largest and most
consistent differences between the reproductive states were in the
concentrations of the two ____ ____, especially _____.
Moreover, we found that the largest and most
consistent differences between the reproductive states were in the
concentrations of the two gonadal steroids, especially testosterone.
However, we also identified a negative correlation between circulating
levels of _____ and behavioral response latencies in ___-____ females.
However, we also identified a negative correlation between circulating
levels of corticosterone and behavioral response latencies in pre-oviposition females.
Overall, concentrations of CORT were highly variable among all frogs, spanning more than ___ ____ of magnitude and varied significantly across ____ ___ and ____
Overall, concentrations of CORT were highly variable among all
frogs, spanning more than two orders of magnitude and varied significantly across reproductive states and groups
Concentrations of
CORT were substantially lower following _____
Concentrations of
CORT were substantially lower following oviposition
Concentrations of
CORT were substantially lower following oviposition
effect was observed in each of the three groups (behavior, AEP, control)
and was of similar magnitude, as indicated by a significant main effect
of ____ ____ and no significant interaction between ___ ___ and ___
effect was observed in each of the three groups (behavior, AEP, control)
and was of similar magnitude, as indicated by a significant main effect
of reproductive state and no significant interaction between reproductive state and group
There was, however, a
main effect of group , with
AEP tested females experiencing elevated ___ compared to the ____group
There was, however, a
main effect of group (F2,101 = 4.2, p = 0.02, eta-squared = 0.08), with
AEP tested females experiencing elevated CORT compared to the behavior group
. There were no significant correlations between CORT and any of the biometric variables (___, ____, ___) or
___ and ___ of testing in either the pre-oviposition or post-oviposition
. There were no significant correlations between CORT and any of the biometric variables (TFL, mass, RBM) or
date and time of testing in either the pre-oviposition or post-oviposition
Holding females at 4 °C prior to testing did/did not
affect concentrations of plasma CORT
Holding females at 4 °C prior to testing did not
affect concentrations of plasma CORT
Overall, concentrations of E2 were ____ variable among frogs than
CORT, spanning one order of magnitude
Overall, concentrations of E2 were less variable among frogs than
CORT, spanning one order of magnitude
Like CORT, concentrations of E2 were
substantially _____following ______
Like CORT, concentrations of E2 were
substantially lower following oviposition
Like CORT, concentrations of E2 were
substantially lower following oviposition
This effect was observed in each of the three groups (behavior, AEP, control) and was of
similar magnitude, which is reflected by a significant main effect of
_____ ____
but no main effect of ____
no interaction between ____ ____and ___
This effect was observed in each of the three groups (behavior, AEP, control) and was of
similar magnitude, which is reflected by a significant main effect of
reproductive state (F1,101 = 21.0, p = 0.00001, eta-squared = 0.17)
but no main effect of group
no interaction between reproductive state and
There were no significant correlations between E2 and any of the _____ ______
(TFL, mass, RBM) or ___and ____ of testing in either of the reproductive states
There were no significant correlations between E2 and any of the biometric variables
(TFL, mass, RBM) or date and time of testing in either of the reproductive states
why did they chose not to measuer T
The plasma sample for one female (pre-oviposition behavior) was
insufficient in volume to measure all three steroids and thus we chose
not to measure T,
Overall, concentrations of T were highly ____ among frogs,
spanning more than ___ ____ of magnitude and varied significantly in the omnibus test of the model
Overall, concentrations of T were highly variable among frogs,
spanning more than two orders of magnitude (mean ± SE:
3.6 ± 0.4 ng mL−1
; range: 0.09–26.1 ng mL−1
) and varied significantly in the omnibus test of the model
Concentrations of T were substantially lower following ____
Concentrations of T were substantially lower following oviposition
Concentrations of T were substantially lower following oviposition (Fig. 2c). This effect was observed in each of the three groups (___, ___, ____) and was of similar magnitude,
which is consistent with a significant main effect of _____ ____
but no main effect of
____ and no interaction between____ ____ & ____
Concentrations of T were substantially lower following oviposition
This effect was observed in each of the
three groups (behavior, AEP, control) and was of similar magnitude,
which is consistent with a significant main effect of reproductive state
(F1,100 = 168.4, p < 0.0001, eta-squared = 0.41) but no main effect of
group (F2,100 = 0.20, p = 0.82, eta-squared = 0.004) and no interaction between reproductive state and group
Compared to the other two steroids, the difference in T levels between the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition
states was the most _____
Compared to the other two steroids, the difference in T levels between the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition
states was the most dramatic
There were no significant correlations between T and any
of the ____ ____or date and time
There were no significant correlations between T and any
of the biometric variables (TFL, mass, RBM) or date and time
There was a strong positive correlation between __ and __ in both the
pre-oviposition and post-oviposition states
There was a strong positive correlation between E2 and T in both the
pre-oviposition and post-oviposition states
positive correlations between ____ and the other two steroids in the ___ group but only positive trends in the behavior and
positive correlations between CORT and the other two steroids in the control group but only positive trends in the behavior and
AEP groups
what was a second purpose of the hormone and behaviour measures
A second purpose of our hormone and behavior measures was to
determine the relationship between these two levels of the phenotype.
We found positive correlations between the mean (per female) ____ ____ (_____ and _____ ____) and ___ ______.
We found positive correlations between the mean (per female) phonotaxis latencies (recognition and discrimination trials) and CORT concentrations.
Females with higher CORT concentrations were slower to ___ the origin and slower to ____a
response zone in the recognition test
Females with higher CORT concentrations were slower to
exit the origin (⍴ = 0.57, p = 0.007, N = 21) and slower to enter a
response zone in the recognition test
There were no significant relationships between latencies and
__or __
There were no significant relationships between latencies and
E2 or T
what were the objective measures of AEPs
(1) evaluate the
extent to which reduced behavioral receptivity to advertisement calls
after oviposition was correlated with reduced sensitivity of the peripheral auditory system to frequencies emphasized in calls,
determine whether changes in auditory sensitivity (if found) were
correlated with changes in circulating hormone profiles that occur in
conjunction with oviposition.
In contrast to our predictions, however,
we found strong evidence that auditory sensitivity was greater following ____, and we found little evidence that these changes
were strongly correlated with changes in ____ ____ ____
In contrast to our predictions, however,
we found strong evidence that auditory sensitivity was greater following oviposition, and we found little evidence that these changes
were strongly correlated with changes in circulating hormone levels
Thresholds for post-oviposition females were > __ dB lower than the thresholds of pre-oviposition females
and this difference was significant
Thresholds for post-oviposition females were > 6 dB lower than the thresholds of pre-oviposition females
and this difference was significant
One pre-oviposition animal had a
threshold of ___dB SPL, which was approximately ___ dB above the
average threshold. When this individual was removed from our analysis, what happened?
One pre-oviposition animal had a
threshold of 85 dB SPL, which was approximately 25 dB above the
average threshold. When this individual was removed from our analysis
the results were qualitatively similar; thresholds remained significantly
influenced by reproductive state
the amplitude of the ABR was significantly related to
______ ____
the amplitude of the ABR was significantly related to
reproductive state
post-oviposition animals having greater _____responses than pre-oviposition animals.
post-oviposition animals having greater amplitude responses than pre-oviposition animals.
there was a
significant interaction of __ and ______ ____ on ABR amplitude
there was a
significant interaction of E2 and reproductive state on ABR amplitude
We found a set of ____, ____, and ____traits that
rapidly shift during a single day as females of Cope’s gray treefrog
transition from a breeding to a non-breeding status.
We found a set of behavioral, endocrine, and auditory traits that
rapidly shift during a single day as females of Cope’s gray treefrog
transition from a breeding to a non-breeding status.
female sexual receptivity would ____after
female sexual receptivity would decline after
A novel finding in the present study was that _____ _____ ____ increased following oviposition
A novel finding in the present study was that peripheral auditory
sensitivity increased following oviposition
We found that post-oviposition females had lower ___ thresholds and greater ________
___ amplitudes than those that had not yet oviposited.
We found that post-oviposition females had lower ABR thresholds and greater suprathreshold
ABR amplitudes than those that had not yet oviposited.
t appears clear that the marked decrease in behavioral responsiveness
to a male’s advertisement call that occurs after oviposition is not driven
by what?
t appears clear that the marked decrease in behavioral responsiveness
to a male’s advertisement call that occurs after oviposition is not driven
by parallel decreases in peripheral auditory sensitivity to the frequencies emphasized in this vocalization
Unlike much of the previous
work on reproductive status and peripheral auditory sensitivity, we did
not find any relationship between _____ ____ and ____ ____
Unlike much of the previous
work on reproductive status and peripheral auditory sensitivity, we did
not find any relationship between hormone levels and auditory
estradiol levels were negatively
correlated with ABR amplitude at suprathreshold stimulus levels in the
__-______ state and positively correlated in the ___-_____ state.
estradiol levels were negatively
correlated with ABR amplitude at suprathreshold stimulus levels in the
pre-oviposition state and positively correlated in the post-oviposition
estradiol levels were negatively
correlated with ABR amplitude at suprathreshold stimulus levels in the
pre-oviposition state and positively correlated in the post-oviposition
what functional hypothesis could explain this
One functional hypothesis
that could explain this relatively diminished auditory sensitivity during
the height of reproductive readiness is that the frog’s auditory system is
protecting itself from the intense ambient sound pressure levels present
in a breeding chorus.
our work was focused on the rapid transition from
____ to ______ status, while most previous work has focused
on the transition from ____ to _____ status
our work was focused on the rapid transition from
breeding to non-breeding status, while most previous work has focused
on the transition from non-breeding to breeding status
Our auditory processing results were especially surprising, as we
also found what?
Our auditory processing results were especially surprising, as we
also found that steroid hormones track the shifting behavior phenotype
of females in different reproductive states.
Concentrations of plasma
___, __ and _ declined after oviposition
Concentrations of plasma
CORT, E2 and T declined after oviposition
The decline in E2 was predicted because of what?
The decline in E2 was predicted because of the
role of this hormone in reproduction, including mating behavior and
oviposition in female frogs, and because the eggs themselves likely
serve as a major source of gonadal steroids
____ and __ underwent similar absolute decreases in concentration in conjunction with oviposition (ca. 5–7 ng mL−1
), but __
experienced a much larger relative change
CORT and T underwent similar absolute decreases in concentration in conjunction with oviposition (ca. 5–7 ng mL−1
), but T
experienced a much larger relative change
___is known to play an important role in vertebrate audition.
E2 is known to play an important role in vertebrate audition.
lower CORT
levels in the pre-oviposition state predict higher ____ _____ yet
post-oviposition females (which exhibit substantially lower CORT levels) are behaviorally __-____
lower CORT
levels in the pre-oviposition state predict higher sexual receptivity yet
post-oviposition females (which exhibit substantially lower CORT levels) are behaviorally non-receptive;
given the substantial decline in CORT following oviposition in all groups, it might be
that __-_____ concentrations represent a non-baseline (i.e. stressinduced) status.
given the substantial decline in CORT following oviposition in all groups, it might be
that pre-oviposition concentrations represent a non-baseline (i.e. stressinduced) status.
However, it appears that if pre-oviposition frogs were
undergoing a stress-induced elevation in CORT, they were not at
maximum levels because we found even more elevated CORT in the
____group in both the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition states
However, it appears that if pre-oviposition frogs were
undergoing a stress-induced elevation in CORT, they were not at
maximum levels because we found even more elevated CORT in the
AEP group in both the pre-oviposition and post-oviposition states
Further, the fact that pre-oviposition females with elevated
CORT exhibited increased phonotaxis latencies suggests what?
Further, the fact that pre-oviposition females with elevated
CORT exhibited increased phonotaxis latencies suggests that these
naturally varying levels of CORT are behaviorally relevant at the individual level and that the glucose mobilizing effects of elevated
CORT does not merely stimulate higher locomotor activity during
phonotaxis trials
Females become behaviorally
unresponsive to ___ ____ ____; exhibit substantial declines
in circulating ____and ___ steroids, especially ____;
and, surprisingly, their peripheral auditory system becomes more ____ to frequencies in the male advertisement call.
Females become behaviorally
unresponsive to male advertisement calls; exhibit substantial declines
in circulating gonadal and adrenal steroids, especially testosterone;
and, surprisingly, their peripheral auditory system becomes more sensitive to frequencies in the male advertisement call.
circulating _____appears to moderately suppress ___ ____, further supporting the idea that non-gonadal steroid hormones such as _____should be considered when examining
hormone-behavior relationships in vertebrate sexual behavior
circulating corticosterone appears to moderately suppress sexual receptivity, further supporting the idea that non-gonadal steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids should be considered when examining
hormone-behavior relationships in vertebrate sexual behavior