1.Kafli Flashcards
Sýnileg hegðun
Fyrirbæri og hugferlar sem ekki sjást með berum augum
Félasleg hugsmíðahyggja
Að félagsleg hugtök séu hugsmíðar (constructs) - Barnæska, félagslyndi, kynímynd
Hugtak sem sést ekki með berum augum en er skilgreint með mæliaðferðum - Þunglyndi, afl, hiti, námsgeta
Þunglyndi skilgreint sem skor á kvarða: hiti skilgreindur í celcius gráðum
Grunnrannsóknir (Basic research)
- Hrein þekkingarleit, þekkingarleitinnar vegna
- Grunnur að hagnýtingu, en hagnýtingin ekki markmiðið
- Minni, sjónskynjun, nám, taugavirkni
Hagnýtar rannsóknir (Applied research)
- Hannaðar til beinnar notkunar
- Samanburður á kennsluaðferðum, hönnun umferðaskilta, fortölur (auglýsingasálfræði)
Skýringarþrep (level of analysis)
Þrepið sem viðfangsefnið er rannsakað á. Skýringarnar afmarkast af þrepinu.
Dæmi um skýringarþrep
- Lífeðlislegt: heilaferli og áhrif erfða
- Sálrænt/geðrænt: hugsanir, tilfinningar
- Félagslegt: áhrif umhvefis (fjölskyldu, menningarkima, fjölmiðla, menning stærri hópa)
Dæmi um blandað skýringarþrep
Hlutverk erfða og aðbúðar í mótun persónuleika
Which early behaviourist proposed that responses followed by satisfying consequences become more likely to recur?
Edward Thorndike
What term refers to action and responses that can be measured directly?
What term refers to thoughts and feelings who must be inferred from directly observable responses?
Mental processes
What is a good way of questioning a construct?
Deconstructing it and applying different perspectives
True of false? Gender is a social construct and therefore the way it is understood may vary between cultures
What is the broad definition of psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and the mind
The classic Robber´s Cave study is an example of basic research because?
It´s goal was to discover the general principles of intergroup prejudice and not to solve a problem
Identify one way in which fake news spreads that would not have been so readily available 50 years ago?
The ease and speed of circulation via social networking
The Robber´s Cave study showed how hostility between groups could be bred by competition. This seminal work inspired applied research called the “jigsaw program”. This is an example of how..?
Basic research can provide a foundation to inform applied research into intervention.
Social construtivism often involves?
examining language and concepts
One of the central goals of psychology is to predict?
Human and animal behaviour
What is an example of a social construct?
The levels of analysis approach takes into account a person´s..?
Biological, environmental and psychological factors
Applied research in psycological is often..?
The use of scientifical knowledge for the development of invention programmes
In Walter Cannon´s (142) levels of analysis, a cause of death is attributed to a victim´s stress hormones. What level of analysis is this an example of?
The jigsaw program is an example of what kind of research?
Applied research
What are the five central goals of psychology?
Describe - Observe and describe Explain - Their observations Predict - Future behviours Control - What happens Improve - Human welfare
The chemicals and neural circuits that control hunger and eating
The moods, attitudes and motives that affect eating
The apperence and aroma of foods that affect eating
The notion that the mind is a spiritual entity not subject to physical laws that govern the body is referred to as..?
Mind-body dualism
What part of the brain did Descartes believe contributed to the interaction between the mind and body?
Pineal gland
Nurture refers to our..?
Nature refers to our..?
True or false: many early philosophers held a position of mind-body dualism, the belief that the mind is a spiritual entity not subject to the physical laws that govern the body.
True, many early philosophers advocated dualism.
The belief that the mind and body act as “one” was advocated by..?
Thomas Hobbes
Why does 1879 mark an important year for psychology
Wundt established the first experimental laboratory
Which method of studying was used to understand sensations, believed to be the basic element of consciousness
Psychodynamic theorists focus on what determinants of behaviour?