1857-1890: Imperial and colonial policy Flashcards
What caused the Indian Mutiny?
Sepoys unhappy with the lack of understanding for religion, Sepoys unfair pay, land annexation.
What offices were in charge of foreign policy?
Colonial Office
Foreign Office
Indian Office
What happened in the Government of India Act 1858?
Br East India Company ceased and was passed to the Queen
Secretary of State for India created
Council of 15 (India Council) appointed to assist Secretary of State for India and act as an advisory body in India affairs
Crown appointed a Viceroy replacing Company Governor-General
Indian Civil Service (ICS) under control of Secretary of State
How did India’s army change?
BEIC army brought under Crown and proportion of Br to Indian troops raised to a ratio of 1:2. Therefore by 1880 70,000 Britons and 125,000 Indian troops
Regiments of Indian troops were trained and stations in own districts. To prevent any unity. Also purposely mixed, by caste and religion.
Army enlisted larger numbers of Gurkhas And Sikhs (They were loyal)
62 of 74 Bengali regiments disbanded
Reduce risk of rebellion, Br officers increased and field artillery placed in Br hands
Indians under Br commanders and denied officer rankings. Though Br told to show greater respect to sepoy beliefs and traditions
Who did the Viceroy rely on to rule India
Indian rulers who were in charge of the 565 Princely States
Define “Doctrine of Lapse”
Till 1858, when a Princely state rulers’ line of heritage ended the land fell under British rule. Removal helped ensure princes’ loyalty.
How many provinces did India have during 1857-1890
13 provinces. 8 large and 5 smaller
How did the legal system change
Legal system was developed with English law prevailing. Attention was paid to traditional Indian practices and customs.
Why was the Indian National Congress setup
In 1885 INC was setup because Indians wanted to have a larger say in how to rule India (At this point didn’t want to kick Br out of India)
What were Germany doing
Germany united as a single country and was a powerhouse with its large supply of natural resources and advantageous position within Europe
What was France doing during this time period
France defeated by Gr in 1871, rapidly recovered to assert its ‘rightful place’ in the world. Fr were grabbing land in Africa and Asia like (Indo-China)
What was Russia doing
Russia were less industrially advances, were expanding empire into central Asia to the borders of Afghanistan (near India). Plus were also building Trans-Siberian railway (1891)
How did Britain respond to the international affairs of countries
Seeing Fr activity in Indo-China they annexed territory in Malaya. Singapore, Brunei and Upper Burma. With Thailand as a buffer with rival European powers.
What impact did the Long depression have
Encouraged new interest in expansion in Africa for manufactured goods and new sources of raw materials. Fr becoming active in 1880s. While Gr active from 1884 in south-west and western regions
Explain Brussels Conference
In 1876, King Leopold II of Belgium hosted a conference with explorers and leaders across Europe. He concluded:
1. Africa were incapable of developing the natural resources so Eu intervention was necessary.
2. Routes to Africa’s lakes needed developing with roads or railways
3. International African Association needs to be established to coordinate Eu affairs
This heightened competition as Eu countries suspicious of Leopold’s intentions. Many different countries hired explorers and found Leopold was building his own Congo empire.
So Fr extended control from Senegal into Western Sudan in 1879
Portugal asserted claims to mouth of Congo River 1884
Explain Berlin Conference
1884, scramble for territory. 80% Africa under local control, Eu powers largely on coastal areas. The need for regulation had become apparent.
Hosted by Ott von Bismarck 1884-85. Attended by foreign ministers of 14 European sates as well as USA.
Conference initial task agreed that basins and mouths of Congo and Niger rivers were to remain neutral and open to trade. Leading to negotiation for claims of territory across Africa. Concluded that:
1. Nations permitted in basin of Congo and its outlets
2. Free trade in these regions
3. Powers with influence should help protect indigenous people and suppress slave trade
4. Powers should support and protect religious, scientific or charitable undertakings, Christian missionaries, scientists and explorers.
5. If power took possession of further land on coast of Africa should notify signatories of the Act, in order to enable them to assert any claims of their own.
Principle established effective occupation
By 1900 90% of Africa had been colonised
Define Effective Occupation
European power demonstrate 3 things:
1. Had a local treaty agreement
2. An active administration
3. Able to police the territory it claimed
Once all 3 were demonstrated that the land was recognised as the rightful ruler of that territory by other Eu powers.
How was the conferences for the African people
Not very good as Africa was now a safety valve for Eu (historian A.J.P Taylor calls Africa an “safe arena”). Plus no African representation at Berlin Conference. Eu ministers mapped spheres of influence with little concern for natural borders or ethnic, linguistic or religious divide.
Furthermore, no concerted effort to combat African or Arab slave trade, nor any attention to African concerns. Well-being and religious customs of locals overlooked and endangered.
Define informal empire
Areas influences, not ruled, by the Br via deals with local rulers,
Countries in Br informal empire
Argentina, Chile, China, Afghanistan
Pros and cons of informal empire
Pros: Reaped strategic and commercial advantages at little cost to Br
Cons: Relied and Br military and use of force. As did not have total legal control