18 - Journal Articles Flashcards
A major aim of research is ____________
Name 3 marketable skills that this course includes:
- Critical-thinking skills
- Analytical skills
- Communication skills
T or F: Scientific writing is very different from literary writing
Formal writing style that is highly technical (ie: not causal as you would in conversation or email):
scientific writing
T or F: Scientific writing is not overly descriptive or flowery; sentences not complicated; paragraphs are relatively short
What is the goal of scientific writing?
Clearly convey information
T or F: Reading and understanding articles is time-consuming and challenging
Presenting and using another’s published or unpublished work, including theories, concepts, data, source material, methodologies or findings, including graphs and images, as one’s own, without appropriate referencing and, if required, without permission:
What are the 9 manuscript componentrs?
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Literature cited
- Acknowledgments
- Tables/Figures
What are the 6 steps of the scientific method:
- observe
- hypothesize
- test
- analyze
- interpret
- theorize/apply
Capture the message, main thrust of paper:
less than 300 words, concisely summarize paper, stand-alone; indexed and searched:
What did you study and why? General - narrow - hypothesis; what are the knowledge gaps or contentions in field?
An introduction should go from _______ to __________
How you did it, can the reader repeat your study now?; OK to cite previous approaches, but new ones give full details; stats!
What you found but no interpretation; Tables; Figures, text How decide? Captions standalone
What does your work mean? Compare/contrast with others; implications? Strengths/weaknesses? Future work? Conclusions?
The followings things are included in which section of a paper?: key findings, internal validity, interpretation, external validity (generalizability) and limitations
Thanks to helpers, collaborators, funders…
T or F: Published research is systematically not representative of all studies done
What is the difference between a journal article vs a review article?
- A journal article describes the original research conducted by authors, it utilizes a structured framework
- A review article integrates, summarizes and provides ideas for extending upon prior research on a particular topics, the authors study the existing literature
Can you explain the spoof study?
- Molecule X from lichen species Y inhibits the growth of cancel cell Z
- Fictitious authors are affiliated with fictitious African institutions
- cancer cells grow more slowly in a test tube when treated with increasing concentrations of a molecule (results show opposite trend)
- cells treated with increasing doses of radiation to stimulate cancer radiotherapy (not done)
- Firm conclusion given
T or F: Most reviews focused on paper’s layout, formatting, and language
Name some characteristics of predatory publishing:
- text is often full of errors or questionable grammatical choices and may lack content
- some elements on the site seem to have a random or indeterminate purpose
- unrealistic turn-time
- false metrics or identifiers
- amateurish page design
- little contact information is given and what is given is suspect
- to list of articles is hard to find
Name some characteristics of legit publishing:
- web design is good and looks professional
- text for navigation is clear, accurate and helpful
- all links work
- contact information is thorough and accurate
- industry standard metrics are clearly displayed
ICMJE stands for:
International council of medical journal editors
What are some criteria for authorship?
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content
- final approval of the version to be published
- agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved