18. Flashcards
smiať sa na niečom
laugh about something
on time
Nie je dochvíľny. Nikdy neprichádza načas.
He is not a punctual person. He never comes on time.
in time
Vrah sa chystal ženu zabiť. Polícia prišla práve včas.
The murderer was about to kill the woman. The police came just in time.
na konci (niečoho)
at the end
na konci filmu
at the end of the movie
na konci ulice
at the end of the street
in the end
nakoniec, konečne
Nakoniec mi zavolal.
In the end he called me.
Nakoniec som sa rozhodla nevziať tú prácu.
In the end I decided not to take the job.
Stretávaš sa s Kate, keď odchádza z bazéna.
You meet Kate as she is leaving the swimming pool.
Mal si auto, keď si žil v Paríži?
Did you have a car when you were living in Paris?
Mark sa sprchuje.
Mark is having a shower.
Kde Chris zvyčajne obeduje?
Where does Chris usually have lunch?
Nie je potrebné sa ponáhľať.
There’s no need to hurry.
Včera sme v daždi zmokli.
We got wet in the rain yesterday.
Kde je diaľkový ovládač?
Where’s the remote control?
Môj sveter sa scvrkol.
My sweater has shrunk.
Dan predtým nemal bradu.
Dan didn’t have a beard before.
Dan si nechal narásť bradu.
Dan has grown a beard.
mali sme mať párty/oslavu
we were supposed to have party / celebration
Mala som tušenie/predtuchu.
I had a hunch.
Zamrazím to.
I will freeze it.
Neviem pre koho.
I don’t know for whom.
Obávala som sa o jeho zabalnie (o jeho balenie).
I was worried about its packaging.