1.7 General Introduction To Shad Darshana Flashcards
Define Shad Darshana
The Six Astika Schools of Philosophy. Also known as Shat Shastras.
What is the meaning of the word darsana?
Seeing or experiencing
What are the two schools of Hindu philosophy?
Astika- The Orthodox school
Nastika- the heterodox school
Briefly explain the Astika School of Philosophy
Astika is derived from the word Asti which means “knowing that which exists”. The Astika schools consider the Vedas as authoritative and reliable source of knowledge. There are six schools collectively known as the Shad Darshan
Name the Six Schools of the Shad Darshan and give the philosopher of each.
Nyaya - Maharishi Gautama
Vaisheshika - Maharishi Kanad
Samkya - Maharishi Kapila
Yoga - Maharishi Patanjali
Purva Mimamsa - Maharishi Jaimni
Uttar Mimamsa - Maharishi Veda Vyasa (Badarayana)
Briefly explain the Nastika School of Hindu philosophy
These are the heterodox schools, which reject the Vedas as authoritative texts or sources of knowledge.
Name five of the most popular Nastika schools of Hindu philosophy.
Buddhism - Gautama Budha
Jainism - Rishabhmath was the first Tirthankara, Mahavir Swami was the 24th
Charvak - Maharishi Brihaspati
Ajnani - Sanjaya Belatthiputta
Ajivika - Goshala Maskaiputra or Godala Makkhaliputta
What is the theory of cause and effect? What are the two ways of answering this question (group names and how they answer)
“Does the effect pre-exist in its material cause?”
Yes- Satkaryavadins
No- Asatkaryavadins.
Explain an example of Asatkaryavadin thought
If the pot already exists within the clay, they why should the potter exert himself? Production is a new beginning.
Which schools follow Asatkaryavadin thought?
Explain Satkaryavadin thought and give an example.
The effect is not a new creation, but an explicit manifestation of that which was implicitly contained in its material cause.
Ex: The oil preexists in the sesame seed.
What is the question within Satkaryavadin thought regarding transformation? What are the two opposing beliefs within Satkaryavadin thought?
“Is the effect a real transformation or an unreal appearance if its cause?
Parinamavadins: the effect is a real transformation
Vivartavadins: the effect is an unreal appearance
Which schools ascribe to the Parinamavada line of thought?
Dankhya, Yoga, and Ramanuja
Who is credited for the Nyaya Darshana
Maharishi Gautama
What does Nyaya mean?
Rule, method, or judgement
Nyaya Darshana logically debates that human suffering results from mistskes produced by activity…
Under wrong knowledge
What is Parmatma?
The supreme being or ultimate reality
What is Moksha?
Nyaya seeks to prove Parmatma’s existence based on…(four points)
- The world is an effect requiring a cause (by knowlege and power) Parmatma
- There is a physical and moral order, dispensing justice. Parmatma exists.
- There is orderliness and intelligent design in the world. Parmatma exists.
- There is no proof that Parmatma does not exist
- Parmatma is disguised from Jivatma.
What is Jivatma?
An individual soul
What are the 16 Padarathas ( by which the aspirant ascertains truth). Nyaya Darshan
- Pramana - means of valid knowledge
- Prameya -object of right knowledge
- Samsaya -doubt
- Prayojana -motive
- Drstanta -illustrations
- Siddhanta -demonstrated truth
- Avayavah -factors of reasoning and syllogism
- Tarka -reasoning and confutation
- Nirnaya -discernment
- Vada -discussion
- Jalpa -disputation
- Vitanda -objection
- Hetvabhasa -fallacious reasoning
- Chhala -unfair reasoning
- Jati -futile rejoinder
- Nigraha-sthanam -clinchers
In Nyaya Darshan, what are the FOUR accepted means of valid knowledge? (Pramana)
- Pratyakha (direct perception)
- Anumana (inference)
- Upamana (comparison)
- Sabdic (verbal testimony)
Jainism is one of the world’s oldest religions, originating in India at least ___________ years ago
Who was the first Theethankar of Jainism?
Swami Rishabhdeva
Who was the 24th Theetthankar of Jainism?
Vardhmana Mahaveer
Jainism is a theistic religion? T or F Explain
Nontheistic. Jaimism does not advocate belief in a creator god, but in higher beings, devas, which are mortal and in the concept of Karma directing one’s present and future incarnations.
What is the spiritual goal of Jainism?
Liberation from the endless cycle of rebirth, moksha
What are the main religious premises of Jainism? 4
Ahimsa (non-violence)
Anektavad / Syadavad (many-sidedness)
Aparigraha (nonpossessiveness)
Asceticism (abstinence from sensual pleasure
What does Pancha Mahavratas mean?
Ahimsa - nonviolence
Satya -speaking the truth
Asteya - nonstealing
Brahmacharya - chastity or faithfulness
Aparigraha - nonattachment to material possessions
Who was the original teacher of Buddhism?
Gautama Buddha, or Prince Siddhartha
Northern India 6th - 4 th centuries BCE
The central teachings of Buddhism emphasize…
The aim of attaining liberation from attachment or clinging to life
What does Buddha suggest as the means of achieving liberation?
The Asta Magga, or the noble eightfold path
What are the three basic tenets of Buddhist teaching?
- Nothing is fixed or permanent
- Actions have consequences
- Change is possible
Give the names of the four noble truths, list and explain each one.
Arya Satyas / Ariya Sacca
1. Dukkha The truth of suffering. The consequence of being unable to satisfy our desires
2. Samudaya The truth of the cause of suffering. Desire (trishna/tanha) and ignorance are the prime reasons for suffering
3. Nirodha The truth of the end of suffering. Freedom from the attachment of desire
4. Magga/marga The true path to end all suffering. The Asta Magga is the path to cessation of desires and then suffering.
The Eightfold Path
Samyak/ Samma… Right …
- Drishti/Ditti - understanding
- Sankalpa/Sankappa - resolution
- Vacha/vaca - Speech
- Karmanta/Kamanta - action
- Ajiva / Ajiva - livelihood
- Vyayama / Vayama - Effort
- Smriti/Sati - Mindfulness
- Samadhi/Samadhi - concentration
Charvaka, Lokayata (Brishaspati-fire)
Give the three sources of proper knowledge
Direct perception
Conditional inference
What is Pramana
“Proof” and “means of knowlege”
Give the philosphy of Charvaka in a nutshell.
Hedonists, pleasure seekers, no afterlife, YOLO
Explain Ajivika Darshan
Makkhali Gosara - philosopher
Sramana movement, rival of Buddism and Jainism
Niyati - Fate Doctrine
Ajnanai Darshan
Sanjaya Belatthiputta - philosopher
Sramana movement, rival of buddhism and jainism
Nishphalam “useless”
Knowledge is useless
“Who knows?”
Who is the Father of Yoga?
Sage Patanjali
Who was the first to compile yogic knowledge into 195 sutras? What is the name of this writing?
Sage Patanjali compiled the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutra is divided into (how many) chapters? Name the chapters and give the number of sutras in each.
4 chapters
Samadhi Pada - 51 sutras
Sadnha - Pada - 55 sutras
Vibhuti Pada - 55 sutras
Kaivalya Pada - 34 sutras
What is the definition of Yoga, according to Patanjali?
-In Sanskrit
-In English
Give scripture reference
Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah llPYS 1.2ll
Yoga is the stoppage of fluctuations of the mind, (mental modification)
Patanjali expounds on ___________Yoga,
What are the eight limbs given by Patanjali to achieve supreme potential and the ultimate experience of Raja Yoga?
- Yama
- Niyama
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratahyara
- Dharana
- Dhyaan
- Samadhi
What are the five yamas of Patanjali?(interactions with others)
Ahimsa - nonviolene
Satya - non-lying
Asteya - non-stealing
Brahmacharya - purity, chastity, or fidelity
Aparigraha - non-possession
What are the five observances and restraints of Pantanjali’s Niyama?
Shaucha - cleanliness
Santosh - contentment
Tapa - self-discipline
Swadhyaya - self-reflection
Ishwar Pranidhan - surrender to a higher power
What is Patanjali’s definition of the third limb, asana?
Sthira sukham asanam llPYS 2.46ll
Asana is any state which is stable and comfortable.
What is the fourth limb of Patanjali? What are the four types?
-Modification of inhalation
-Modification of exhalation
- Stoppage of the breath
- The fourth transcends the subject of inhalation and exhalation.
What is the fifth limb? (Patanjali) Describe it, and explain the role of the fifth yama in regards to the rest of the yama.
Pratyhara refers to the withdrawal of the sense organs from their respective objects.
Pratayhara forms the bridge between the first four limbs (Bahiranga Yoga), and the last three (Antaranga Yoga)
What are the first four limbs (Patanjali)called collectively?
Bahiranga Yoga “external”
What is the 6th Yama of Patanjali?
Dharana - the confinement of chitta to one objecct, “concentration”
What is Yama? (Patanjali)
The first limb, refers to the observances and restraints that regulate interaction with others.
What is Niyana? (Patanjali)
The second limb - refers to observances and restraints that govern an individual’s personal life.
What is Dhyan? (Patanjali)
The seventh limb, meditation, the method to achieve dhyana (the mind is unaffected by distractions)
What is Samadhi? (Patanjali)
The eighth limb, the state of ultimate spiritual absorption or raja yoga.
The meditator becomes one with the object.
What are the three types of Samadhi? (Patanjali)
Nirbeeja samadhi - spiritual bliss, self realization
Sabija samadhi - the mind is tranquil
Dharma megha samadhi - continuous insight, “cloud of Virtue”
Antaranga Yoga includes which three limbs of Ashtanga Yoga per Sage Patanjali?
Dharana - concentration
Dhyan - meditation
Samadhi - Ultimate spiritual absorption or raja yoga
Why are Samkhya and Yoga considered twin philosphies?
Samkhya is refered to as theoretical yoga, and Yoga is refered to as practical samkhya
Define Pratyakha
Direct perception
Define Anumana
Inference - drawn from reasoning or evidence
Define Upamana
Define Sabdic
Verbal testimony
Samkhya Darshan
The most ancient school of philosophy. In the Mahabharata it is said that there is no knowledge such as Samkhya, and no power like thet of Yoga (Shantiparva 316-2)
Samkhya s popularly referred to as…
Uncompromising dualism, atheistic realism, and pluralistic spiritualism.
What are the two eternal and distinct realities according to Samkhya dualism?
Prakriti or non-self material existence
Purusha or Consciousness /self
Samkhya is “realistic” necause ot views that both __________ and __________ are equally real, and radically different from each other.
Matter (non-self)
Spirit (self)
Describe pluralism according to Samkhya Darshan
Samkhya states that Purushas (souls) are infinite in number, because if all were one, all would become free if one attained moksha. Each of these souls is fundamentally identical.
According to Samkhya, what is the reason for unhappiness?
Identification of the Prakriti with the Purusha
Explain what Tattva is.
Basic concepts to understand the nature of the absolute, the souls, and the universe. There are 25 in Samkhya philosophy
Explain the 25 Tattras of Samkhya philosophy
- Purusha (transcendental self)
- Prakriti (primordial nature/ unmanifest)
- Mahat (Buddhi /intellect)
- Ahamkara (ego/consciousness of self)
- Manas (mind)
- Jnanendriya (5 senses)
- Karmendriyan (5 motor organs)
- Tanmatra (5 subtle elements)
- Mahabhutas (5 gross elements)
What are the accepted means of valid knowledge in Samkhya philosophy?
- Pratayaksh (perception)
- Anumana (inference)
- Sabda (verbal testimony)
Explain the core philosophy of Samkhya philosophy.
Realizing the divinity within oneself, or the supreme consciousness, is the only permanent solution to all miseries of human life. Samkhya says that only when Jiva attains knowledge, does Purusha get separated from Prakriti and becomes entirely pure. (Obtains mukti from Prakriti)
Who is called the Father of Yoga
How many sutras are in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras?
195 (196 is also correct)
How many chapters are in the PYS? Name and give the number of sutras each contains.
Samadhi Pada - 51 sutras
Sadhna Pada - 55 sutras
Vibhuti - Pada - 55 sutras
Kaivalya Pada - 34 sutras
Give Patanjali’s definition of yoga in English and Sanskrit
Yogas-chitta-vritti-nirodhah ll1.2ll
Yoga is the stoppage of mental modification
Patanjali expounds on _________ Yoga
Name the eight limbs of Yoga recognized in Ashtanga Yoga
Explain Yama
Observances and restraints that regulate interaction with others.
Ahimsa -Non-violence
Satya -non-lying
Asteya - non-stealing
Brachmacharya - purity and fidelity
Aparigraha - non-attachment to material things
Explain Niyama
Observances and restraints which govern personal life
Shaucha - cleanliness
Santosh - contentment
Tapa -self-discipline
Swadhyaya - self-reflection
Ishwar Pranidhan - attunement to the supreme consciousness
What is Asana according to Patanjali? Give sanskrit and english
Sthira sukham asanam llPYS 2.46ll
Asana is any state which is stable and comfortable.
What are the four types of Pranayama suggested in PYS?
Modification of inhalation
Modification of exhalation
Stoppage of breath
The fourth transcends inhalation and exhalation
Which are the four limbs of yoga that are referred to a Bahiranga Yoga? Why?
Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama.
These are the external practices/
The withdrawal of the sense organs from their respective objects is called __________. The forms the bridge between ________ and ________.
Bahiranga Yoga
Antaranga Yoga
Explain Dharana
Dharana means concentration, it is the confinement of the chitta to one object
Explain Dhyan
Dhyan means meditation. If Dharana is successful, then Dhyana becomes the state of mind
Explain Samadhi
This is the state of spiritual absorption, or Raja Yoga. There are three types.
Dharma Megha
Whate are the three limbs referred to as Antiranga Yoga?
_________ and Yoga are twin philosophies.
Samkhya is referred to as ___________yoga
Yoga is referred to as _________Samkhya
Purva Mimamsa, name the primary philosopher
Maharishi Jaimini
What does “mimamsa” mean?
Define “purva”
early or first
Purva Mimamsa is and inquiry into the first part or the ______________section of the Veda, which includes ____________ and ____________
Karma Kanda
Sage Jaimini (dating back to the 2nd century BC), wrote this text intending to teach the correct performance and understanding of Vedic _______ and ________ as the means to liberation.
mantras, rituals
Purva Mimamsa is an enquiry into the nature of —————
Duty or dharma
According to Purva Mimamsa, what are the five broad categories of Karma?
Nitya Karma - daily obligitory duties
Naimittika Karma - occasional obligatory duties
Kamya Karma - Rites does to attain desired results
Prayaschitta Karma - rites for the expiation of sins
Nishiddha Karma - forbidden acts (killing, drinking, etc)
What are the accepted means of valid knowlege according to Purva Mimamsa? (6)
Pratyakha (Direct Perception)
Anumāna (Inference)
Upamāna (Comparison / Analogy)
Śabdic (Verbal Testimony)
Arthapatti (Hypothesis)
Abhava (Negation)
Who is the primary philosopher of Uttara Mimamsa?
Maharishi Veda Vyasa of Badarayana
Uttara Mimamsa is an inquiry on the __________section of the Veda, which includes ________ and ________. This is also referred to as __________ or ___________
Jnana Kanda
Vedanta Sutra
Brahma Sutra
Uttara Mimamsa expounds on …
knowledge of self
The main teaching of Uttara Mimamsa is that there is one reality which is ________.
Man is one with _________ and the object of life is to realize that truth through ______, ______, and ______.
Personal Experience
Of the six darshans, which are considered twin philosophies?
Nyaya and Vaisheshika
Samkhya and Yoga
_______________ means naturalism of atomism. It asserts that all objects in the phyical universe are reducible to the smallest unit called ____________ (atoms)
According to Vaisheshika, there are nine __________________ or (substances).
What are the Panch Mahabhutas?
Panch Mahabhutas: Vaisheshika believes that everything in the universe is created out of these 5 elements.
The remaining substances are-
Self or Soul
All objects of experience can be classified into six categories- Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Visehsa, and Samanvaya.
Dravya, substance
Guna, quality
Karma, action
Samanya, generality
Visehsa, particularity
Samanvaya, inherence
Sankhya is popularly referred to as uncompromising ____________, Atheistic _______________, and Pluralistic ____________.
Dualism, Realism, Spiritualism
Dualism is the idea that the universe consists of two eternal and distinct realities. __________ and _________
Realism in Samkhya refers to the view that ____________ and __________ are eaqually real.
matter (non-self)
spirit (self)
Pluralism in Samkhya refers to the belief that the ______________ are infinite in number, and fundamentally __________.
Purushas (souls)
Samhkya stats that the reason for unhappiness in our lives is …
the identification of the Prakriti with the Purusha
What is Nirguna?
What is Viveka?
Viveka means to discriminate between Purusha and Prakriti through knowledge of the 25 tattvas.
What is Mahat?
What is Ahamkara?
ego/consciousness of self
What is manas?
What is Jnanendriya
Sense Organs
Nose (Ghrana)
Eyes (Chaksu)
Tongue (Rasana)
Skin (Tvak)
Ears (Srotra)
What is Karmendriyan?
Motor Organs
Mouth (Vak)
Hands (Pani)
Legs (Padam)
Payu (Anus)
Upastha (Genitals)
What is Tanmatra?
Subtle Elements
Sound (Shabda)
Touch (Sparsha)
Vision (Roopa)
Taste (Rasa)
Smell (Gandha)
What is Mahabhutas?
Gross Elements
Ether (Akasha)
Air (Vayu)
Fire (Agni)
Water (Jala)
Earth (Prithvi)